Why White people are self elevated.

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Silver Member
May 19, 2016
1. Because they are conquers. They beat up on everyone except themselves; they pat their own backs from birth to death.
2. Because they are self motivated; they are innate selfish beings.
3. Because they draw on weird accomplishments to laud their race.
4. Because they hate being criticized.
5.Because they fear extinction.
6. Because they reward themselves for being themselves.
7.Because they view themselves as being larger in the brain.
8. Because they can't see what's in the mirror.
9. Because they have had so much room in history to dominate lower case people.
10. Because they are lovers of themselves.
11. Because they can be a cold people.

They have stepped on other races to elevate themselves. And their good at it. They know how to criticize others with expertise. They see no farther than their noses.

They wrote the book on " Were number One!" And they both fear and hate it when minorities out do them in any area. I remember a Thread I once started that expressed what I think its like to be White. It was closed so quick, I was shocked. I think it grew too fast in too short of a time. And I have seen black insulting threads here last years. But they control so much on the web, that we Blacks have simply grown accostumed to it. You go against White people, they think something is wrong with you. Like your a monster for not worshipping them.

They are so much of a curious race, that they make their own accomplishments seem vain because of their view of themselves. They are expert complainers, which is why I enjoy complaining about them; just to see them whine and cry about it; and they will gang up on you for doing it. Oh they love to talk about Blacks, and hate it when Blacks talk about them.

We are witnessing the degrading of human beings in many areas, and Islam sees this clearly, which is why they call America the " Great satan." The evil this country creates and tolerates is astounding!

Sorry if I lost you, this subject can be quite deep and hated. But it ignited many a people to stand up against Whites and their selfish crusades in history.

Can you hear it?

You know, the chimes ringing. They ring for equality and freedom of culture.
1. Because they are conquers. They beat up on everyone except themselves; they pat their own backs from birth to death.
2. Because they are self motivated; they are innate selfish beings. SELF MOTIVATION IS A GOOD THING HELLO!
3. Because they draw on weird accomplishments to laud their race.
4. Because they hate being criticized.
5.Because they fear extinction.
6. Because they reward themselves for being themselves.
7.Because they view themselves as being larger in the brain.
8. Because they can't see what's in the mirror.
9. Because they have had so much room in history to dominate lower case people. Lower case people?
10. Because they are lovers of themselves.
11. Because they can be a cold people.

They have stepped on other races to elevate themselves. And their good at it. They know how to criticize others with expertise. They see no farther than their noses.

They wrote the book on " Were number One!" And they both fear and hate it when minorities out do them in any area. I remember a Thread I once started that expressed what I think its like to be White. It was closed so quick, I was shocked. I think it grew too fast in too short of a time. And I have seen black insulting threads here last years. But they control so much on the web, that we Blacks have simply grown accostumed to it. You go against White people, they think something is wrong with you. Like your a monster for not worshipping them.

They are so much of a curious race, that they make their own accomplishments seem vain because of their view of themselves. They are expert complainers, which is why I enjoy complaining about them; just to see them whine and cry about it; and they will gang up on you for doing it. Oh they love to talk about Blacks, and hate it when Blacks talk about them.

We are witnessing the degrading of human beings in many areas, and Islam sees this clearly, which is why they call America the " Great satan." The evil this country creates and tolerates is astounding!
There is no such thing as white people there are only people and they are all related. Have a DNA test and get back to us.
1. Because they are conquers. They beat up on everyone except themselves; they pat their own backs from birth to death.
2. Because they are self motivated; they are innate selfish beings.
3. Because they draw on weird accomplishments to laud their race.
4. Because they hate being criticized.
5.Because they fear extinction.
6. Because they reward themselves for being themselves.
7.Because they view themselves as being larger in the brain.
8. Because they can't see what's in the mirror.
9. Because they have had so much room in history to dominate lower case people.
10. Because they are lovers of themselves.
11. Because they can be a cold people.

They have stepped on other races to elevate themselves. And their good at it. They know how to criticize others with expertise. They see no farther than their noses.

They wrote the book on " Were number One!" And they both fear and hate it when minorities out do them in any area. I remember a Thread I once started that expressed what I think its like to be White. It was closed so quick, I was shocked. I think it grew too fast in too short of a time. And I have seen black insulting threads here last years. But they control so much on the web, that we Blacks have simply grown accostumed to it. You go against White people, they think something is wrong with you. Like your a monster for not worshipping them.

They are so much of a curious race, that they make their own accomplishments seem vain because of their view of themselves. They are expert complainers, which is why I enjoy complaining about them; just to see them whine and cry about it; and they will gang up on you for doing it. Oh they love to talk about Blacks, and hate it when Blacks talk about them.

We are witnessing the degrading of human beings in many areas, and Islam sees this clearly, which is why they call America the " Great satan." The evil this country creates and tolerates is astounding!

1. Because they are conquers. They beat up on everyone except themselves; they pat their own backs from birth to death.
2. Because they are self motivated; they are innate selfish beings.
3. Because they draw on weird accomplishments to laud their race.
4. Because they hate being criticized.
5.Because they fear extinction.
6. Because they reward themselves for being themselves.
7.Because they view themselves as being larger in the brain.
8. Because they can't see what's in the mirror.
9. Because they have had so much room in history to dominate lower case people.
10. Because they are lovers of themselves.
11. Because they can be a cold people.

They have stepped on other races to elevate themselves. And their good at it. They know how to criticize others with expertise. They see no farther than their noses.

They wrote the book on " Were number One!" And they both fear and hate it when minorities out do them in any area. I remember a Thread I once started that expressed what I think its like to be White. It was closed so quick, I was shocked. I think it grew too fast in too short of a time. And I have seen black insulting threads here last years. But they control so much on the web, that we Blacks have simply grown accostumed to it. You go against White people, they think something is wrong with you. Like your a monster for not worshipping them.

They are so much of a curious race, that they make their own accomplishments seem vain because of their view of themselves. They are expert complainers, which is why I enjoy complaining about them; just to see them whine and cry about it; and they will gang up on you for doing it. Oh they love to talk about Blacks, and hate it when Blacks talk about them.

We are witnessing the degrading of human beings in many areas, and Islam sees this clearly, which is why they call America the " Great satan." The evil this country creates and tolerates is astounding!

If Blacks cared about Blacks they'd realize why Blacks have been suffering in Democratic Party ghettos for the past 3 generations without proper education, living conditions and employment opportunities but they don't care ...they make excuses and push out their race baiting racists to distract from the pathetic results of Democratic Party governance.

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Just read the White responses, read and learn their nature. They are a people who write their own vocabulary and define selfishness to a great degree. They will fight any truth about themselves, as they elevate themselves. Their skin fuels their pride.
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