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Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race

We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
And you have the right to be shown that what you believe is a load of racist dog shit. If you don't like it too bad for you.
Having an opinion is not a dog shit that's what you think. but I don't care, I think what I like
When your opinion has been proven wrong long before you were born and you still express that opinion and argue about how it's so, then it's dog shit.

I am 2 still thinks blacks are treated the same way they were in America when his brethren in Africa captured them and sold them into slavery.
Shouldnt you be in chains until cotton picking time?
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
And you have the right to be shown that what you believe is a load of racist dog shit. If you don't like it too bad for you.
Thanks for proving just how much of a racist you are.
All I see is a bunch of triggered fragile white males that can't handle the topic, as he predicted.
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
And you have the right to be shown that what you believe is a load of racist dog shit. If you don't like it too bad for you.
Having an opinion is not a dog shit that's what you think. but I don't care, I think what I like
When your opinion has been proven wrong long before you were born and you still express that opinion and argue about how it's so, then it's dog shit.

I am 2 still thinks blacks are treated the same way they were in America when his brethren in Africa captured them and sold them into slavery.
Shouldnt you be in chains until cotton picking time?
It would appear your supporting his contention.
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.

I am 2 would never speak to you in person like he does here.
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
And you have the right to be shown that what you believe is a load of racist dog shit. If you don't like it too bad for you.
Having an opinion is not a dog shit that's what you think. but I don't care, I think what I like
When your opinion has been proven wrong long before you were born and you still express that opinion and argue about how it's so, then it's dog shit.

I am 2 still thinks blacks are treated the same way they were in America when his brethren in Africa captured them and sold them into slavery.
Shouldnt you be in chains until cotton picking time?
It would appear your supporting his contention.

How so,dont know diddly squat?
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
And you have the right to be shown that what you believe is a load of racist dog shit. If you don't like it too bad for you.
Thanks for proving just how much of a racist you are.
All I see is a bunch of triggered fragile white males that can't handle the topic, as he predicted.
no what I see is you defending a racist who can't handle the racism of his own race when it's pointed out.
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.

I am 2 would never speak to you in person like he does here.
He'd get throat punched if he did.
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.
You don't want to discuss so piss off. Your opinion is shit.

I'm not going to discuss Dr. King with a punk pink thong wearing white maggot that misquotes the meaning of Kings words to defend his racism.

As for doggiestyles comment, I have to laugh. He has posted reams of racism and these references to blacks have not been made lightheartedly or in fun. How many references to race wars and civil wars have been posted here? How many of your fellow white supremacists have talked about replacement and white genocide? And how many posts have been created about this fiction of anti white racism. Doggiestyle is a liar. And understand this, I have plenty of white friends. Only racists make the comments dogass made. The only feral creatures living on pure racial hatred are the white racists in this forum. Your responses prove it.

Because instead of intelligently explaining why whites might feel some discomfort, we get rants about black on black crime, academics , black men leaving women and all the usual bitch made cracker ass crackerisms.
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.

I am 2 would never speak to you in person like he does here.
He'd get throat punched if he did.

I was thinking the drag races in Jasper tx. ala James Byrd....
I'd rather talk about CHARACTER...like MLK said. Always have. (Why do Blacks kill other Blacks at such a high rate??)

If you want to talk about character why do you not pay attention to everything King talked about?
You do understand that white kill each other at the same rate? So if you are concerned about character why don't you discuss that.
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?

It is the same scenario if you take pot use alone somn
If you want to talk about character why do you not pay attention to everything King talked about?
You do understand that white kill each other at the same rate? So if you are concerned about character why don't you discuss that.
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?
....please post your evidence blacks are unfairly going to jail because of illegal substances [ hahahah ] or else you post is crap
My post is crap because you're uninformed? You have some strange notions.

Marijuana legalization doesn't fix racial disparities in pot ...
After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people
Jan 29, 2018Both groups saw big drops in marijuana arrests, but large racial disparities remain. In the state, white and black arrest rates fell by nearly 99 percent and more than 93 percent, respectively, between 2012 and 2016. But black people were arrested for marijuana at a rate of 17.7 per 100,000 in 2016, while white people were arrested at a rate of 1.8 per 100,000 — about 10 times less.

Black men sentenced to more time for ... - Washington Post
Nov 16, 2017Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds. Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prison sentences that are, on average, nearly 20 percent longer, according to a new report on sentencing disparities from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).

The War on Marijuana in Black and White | American Civil ...
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana. Staggering Racial Bias. Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the ...
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
Nov 17, 2017Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study. According to the non-profit organization, The Sentencing Project, the U.S. is the world's leader in incarceration, with 2.2 million people in prison as of 2015, a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years. The Sentencing Project also found...

Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks ...

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks, whites is mostly accurate. Blacks, for example, are far less likely to have used marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens in their lifetime than whites, but — at least in the case of marijuana — whites are more likely to give it up over time.

Why Blacks Serve Longer Prison Sentences Than Whites ...

Mar 9, 2017Blacks are sentenced to longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crimes. Whites make up 69.7% of the arrest but only represent 39% of the prison population.

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well ...

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well Beyond Profiling | HuffPost
Aug 23, 2011They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black And Poor People

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People | HuffPost
In New York City, for example, Blacks are jailed at nearly 12 times the rate of whites and Latinos more than five times the rate of whites. Twenty-Seven . Almost one of 12 Black men ages 25 to 54 are in jail or prison, compared to one in 60 nonblack men.

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More ...

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More African American Males Incarcerated?
At the state level, however, the department said that black male prisoners represent 38 percent of the population while whites males account for 35 percent and 21 percent are Hispanic males. Overall, blacks are 5.1 more times likely to be incarcerated than whites, and blacks represent more than half of the prison population in 11 states.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - The ...

Jun 4, 2013Black people are no more likely to smoke marijuana than white people. They're 3.73 times more likely to get arrested for it.
More Results

  • X

I know a black male who was a felon caught with a stolen firearm in his possession found not guilty
USMB is a fine example of this.

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
March 26, 2015 by Barnabas Piper

Most white people want no part of the conversation about race. We don’t want it with our baristas, our neighbors, our spouses, or anyone really. We don’t quite know what do each February during Black History Month. For most white people that’s Martin Luther King Jr. awareness month with a nod to Harriet Tubman and not much sense of any other aspect of black history or culture. The ongoing tensions surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and so many other incidents are more than most of us know what to do with (if we want anything to do with them at all).

Most of us grew up unaffected by the racial divide, or at least unaware of how it affected us. Now, though, the divide has been brought to us and we’re at a loss. We don’t want that conversation. We’re uncomfortable with it. Our responses tend to fall into two main groups.

Group 1: Don’t want to talk about race

This first group contains the bigots and racists. They don’t want to talk about race (or maybe they do for all the wrong reasons) because they want to be the only race. This bunch deserves a whole lot of ink, most of it not very pleasant, and none of it here. They are despicable products of unfortunate upbringings.

The majority of this group, though, is not outright bigoted. Instead they are outright ignorant and therefore subtly prejudiced. They are unexposed to minority cultures (not just black, but all non-white cultures) and unaware of the complexities, difficulties, and hurts there. Really most of white America is part of, or has been part of, this group. They are the comfortable majority, and thus they determine the status quo. Life is good, so why rock the boat? It’s not that they don’t “care” about the needs of others — you won’t find a more cause-oriented bunch of advocates than young, privileged white people — but those needs never really intersect with their lives at a personal and relational level. And they’re happy to keep it that way because any other way is uncomfortable and intimidating. It’s a passive aggressive approach to racial separation, and one most don’t even realize they’re participating in. Their ignorance is blindness they mistake for bliss.

Group 2: Don’t know how to talk about race

Why White People Don't Like to Talk About Race

Most here are not the blissfully ignorant. You are racists. Blacks here have been called all kinds of racist names and all kinds of overtly racist opinion has been spoken. Blissful ignorance is not why a thread about black names has been created at least 2 times sine I've actively started participating here. The same goes for other things.

Now watch the racism you will see from people who are going to complain. They never complain when a thread by a white person denigrating blacks is posted. Only when a thread about whites is made do they suddenly become colorblind.
Hmmm. Let's ask a black person why white people don't want to talk about race. Then let's ask a white person why black people don't want to talk about academic achievement. That's a stupid thing.
Blacks will gladly talk about academic achievement. Because we aren't the ones paying other whites to cheat for us on SAT tests.
Who took the bar exam for Obama?
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.

I am 2 would never speak to you in person like he does here.
He'd get throat punched if he did.

I was thinking the drag races in Jasper tx. ala James Byrd....
A throat punch works wonders for changing a racist attitude
I'd rather talk about CHARACTER...like MLK said. Always have. (Why do Blacks kill other Blacks at such a high rate??)

If you want to talk about character why do you not pay attention to everything King talked about?
You do understand that white kill each other at the same rate? So if you are concerned about character why don't you discuss that.
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?

It is the same scenario if you take pot use alone somn
If you want to talk about character why do you not pay attention to everything King talked about?
You do understand that white kill each other at the same rate? So if you are concerned about character why don't you discuss that.
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?
....please post your evidence blacks are unfairly going to jail because of illegal substances [ hahahah ] or else you post is crap
My post is crap because you're uninformed? You have some strange notions.

Marijuana legalization doesn't fix racial disparities in pot ...
After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people
Jan 29, 2018Both groups saw big drops in marijuana arrests, but large racial disparities remain. In the state, white and black arrest rates fell by nearly 99 percent and more than 93 percent, respectively, between 2012 and 2016. But black people were arrested for marijuana at a rate of 17.7 per 100,000 in 2016, while white people were arrested at a rate of 1.8 per 100,000 — about 10 times less.

Black men sentenced to more time for ... - Washington Post
Nov 16, 2017Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds. Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prison sentences that are, on average, nearly 20 percent longer, according to a new report on sentencing disparities from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).

The War on Marijuana in Black and White | American Civil ...
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana. Staggering Racial Bias. Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the ...
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
Nov 17, 2017Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study. According to the non-profit organization, The Sentencing Project, the U.S. is the world's leader in incarceration, with 2.2 million people in prison as of 2015, a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years. The Sentencing Project also found...

Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks ...

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks, whites is mostly accurate. Blacks, for example, are far less likely to have used marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens in their lifetime than whites, but — at least in the case of marijuana — whites are more likely to give it up over time.

Why Blacks Serve Longer Prison Sentences Than Whites ...

Mar 9, 2017Blacks are sentenced to longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crimes. Whites make up 69.7% of the arrest but only represent 39% of the prison population.

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well ...

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well Beyond Profiling | HuffPost
Aug 23, 2011They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black And Poor People

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People | HuffPost
In New York City, for example, Blacks are jailed at nearly 12 times the rate of whites and Latinos more than five times the rate of whites. Twenty-Seven . Almost one of 12 Black men ages 25 to 54 are in jail or prison, compared to one in 60 nonblack men.

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More ...

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More African American Males Incarcerated?
At the state level, however, the department said that black male prisoners represent 38 percent of the population while whites males account for 35 percent and 21 percent are Hispanic males. Overall, blacks are 5.1 more times likely to be incarcerated than whites, and blacks represent more than half of the prison population in 11 states.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - The ...

Jun 4, 2013Black people are no more likely to smoke marijuana than white people. They're 3.73 times more likely to get arrested for it.
More Results

  • X

1. Vox news???!!! hahahahahah--very credible hahahhahahahah
AND the Wash Post???!!! hahahhahahahah = bullshit
2. black men get longer sentences because they have other issues/commit other crimes more than whites
3. again why do you people LOVE criminals so much???!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.
You don't want to discuss so piss off. Your opinion is shit.

I'm not going to discuss Dr. King with a punk pink thong wearing white maggot that misquotes the meaning of Kings words to defend his racism.

As for doggiestyles comment, I have to laugh. He has posted reams of racism and these references to blacks have not been made lightheartedly or in fun. How many references to race wars and civil wars have been posted here? How many of your fellow white supremacists have talked about replacement and white genocide? And how many posts have been created about this fiction of anti white racism. Doggiestyle is a liar. And understand this, I have plenty of white friends. Only racists make the comments dogass made. The only feral creatures living on pure racial hatred are the white racists in this forum. Your responses prove it.

Because instead of intelligently explaining why whites might feel some discomfort, we get rants about black on black crime, academics , black men leaving women and all the usual bitch made cracker ass crackerisms.

"white maggot". You haven't discussed anything you racist nazi. Go to hell.

If you want to talk about character why do you not pay attention to everything King talked about?
You do understand that white kill each other at the same rate? So if you are concerned about character why don't you discuss that.
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?

It is the same scenario if you take pot use alone somn
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?
....please post your evidence blacks are unfairly going to jail because of illegal substances [ hahahah ] or else you post is crap
My post is crap because you're uninformed? You have some strange notions.

Marijuana legalization doesn't fix racial disparities in pot ...
After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people
Jan 29, 2018Both groups saw big drops in marijuana arrests, but large racial disparities remain. In the state, white and black arrest rates fell by nearly 99 percent and more than 93 percent, respectively, between 2012 and 2016. But black people were arrested for marijuana at a rate of 17.7 per 100,000 in 2016, while white people were arrested at a rate of 1.8 per 100,000 — about 10 times less.

Black men sentenced to more time for ... - Washington Post
Nov 16, 2017Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds. Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prison sentences that are, on average, nearly 20 percent longer, according to a new report on sentencing disparities from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).

The War on Marijuana in Black and White | American Civil ...
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana. Staggering Racial Bias. Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the ...
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
Nov 17, 2017Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study. According to the non-profit organization, The Sentencing Project, the U.S. is the world's leader in incarceration, with 2.2 million people in prison as of 2015, a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years. The Sentencing Project also found...

Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks ...

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks, whites is mostly accurate. Blacks, for example, are far less likely to have used marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens in their lifetime than whites, but — at least in the case of marijuana — whites are more likely to give it up over time.

Why Blacks Serve Longer Prison Sentences Than Whites ...

Mar 9, 2017Blacks are sentenced to longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crimes. Whites make up 69.7% of the arrest but only represent 39% of the prison population.

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well ...

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well Beyond Profiling | HuffPost
Aug 23, 2011They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black And Poor People

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People | HuffPost
In New York City, for example, Blacks are jailed at nearly 12 times the rate of whites and Latinos more than five times the rate of whites. Twenty-Seven . Almost one of 12 Black men ages 25 to 54 are in jail or prison, compared to one in 60 nonblack men.

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More ...

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More African American Males Incarcerated?
At the state level, however, the department said that black male prisoners represent 38 percent of the population while whites males account for 35 percent and 21 percent are Hispanic males. Overall, blacks are 5.1 more times likely to be incarcerated than whites, and blacks represent more than half of the prison population in 11 states.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - The ...

Jun 4, 2013Black people are no more likely to smoke marijuana than white people. They're 3.73 times more likely to get arrested for it.
More Results

  • X

I know a black male who was a felon caught with a stolen firearm in his possession found not guilty

Thank you for your anecdote.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?

It is the same scenario if you take pot use alone somn
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?
....please post your evidence blacks are unfairly going to jail because of illegal substances [ hahahah ] or else you post is crap
My post is crap because you're uninformed? You have some strange notions.

Marijuana legalization doesn't fix racial disparities in pot ...
After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people
Jan 29, 2018Both groups saw big drops in marijuana arrests, but large racial disparities remain. In the state, white and black arrest rates fell by nearly 99 percent and more than 93 percent, respectively, between 2012 and 2016. But black people were arrested for marijuana at a rate of 17.7 per 100,000 in 2016, while white people were arrested at a rate of 1.8 per 100,000 — about 10 times less.

Black men sentenced to more time for ... - Washington Post
Nov 16, 2017Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds. Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prison sentences that are, on average, nearly 20 percent longer, according to a new report on sentencing disparities from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).

The War on Marijuana in Black and White | American Civil ...
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana. Staggering Racial Bias. Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the ...
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
Nov 17, 2017Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study. According to the non-profit organization, The Sentencing Project, the U.S. is the world's leader in incarceration, with 2.2 million people in prison as of 2015, a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years. The Sentencing Project also found...

Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks ...

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks, whites is mostly accurate. Blacks, for example, are far less likely to have used marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens in their lifetime than whites, but — at least in the case of marijuana — whites are more likely to give it up over time.

Why Blacks Serve Longer Prison Sentences Than Whites ...

Mar 9, 2017Blacks are sentenced to longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crimes. Whites make up 69.7% of the arrest but only represent 39% of the prison population.

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well ...

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well Beyond Profiling | HuffPost
Aug 23, 2011They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black And Poor People

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People | HuffPost
In New York City, for example, Blacks are jailed at nearly 12 times the rate of whites and Latinos more than five times the rate of whites. Twenty-Seven . Almost one of 12 Black men ages 25 to 54 are in jail or prison, compared to one in 60 nonblack men.

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More ...

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More African American Males Incarcerated?
At the state level, however, the department said that black male prisoners represent 38 percent of the population while whites males account for 35 percent and 21 percent are Hispanic males. Overall, blacks are 5.1 more times likely to be incarcerated than whites, and blacks represent more than half of the prison population in 11 states.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - The ...

Jun 4, 2013Black people are no more likely to smoke marijuana than white people. They're 3.73 times more likely to get arrested for it.
More Results

  • X

I know a black male who was a felon caught with a stolen firearm in his possession found not guilty

Thank you for your anecdote.

1. are you going to answer the ? why do you blacks/etc love criminals so much?
2. so what--the blacks STILL commit crime at much higher rates--prison terms mean nothing
If you want to talk about character why do you not pay attention to everything King talked about?
You do understand that white kill each other at the same rate? So if you are concerned about character why don't you discuss that.
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?

It is the same scenario if you take pot use alone somn
Nah, and we also do not want to discuss how whites and blacks use illegal substances at the same rates, but blacks go to prison over it much more overwhelmingly. Many whites will equate that with calling them racist; makes 'em very uncomfortable.
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?
....please post your evidence blacks are unfairly going to jail because of illegal substances [ hahahah ] or else you post is crap
My post is crap because you're uninformed? You have some strange notions.

Marijuana legalization doesn't fix racial disparities in pot ...
After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people
Jan 29, 2018Both groups saw big drops in marijuana arrests, but large racial disparities remain. In the state, white and black arrest rates fell by nearly 99 percent and more than 93 percent, respectively, between 2012 and 2016. But black people were arrested for marijuana at a rate of 17.7 per 100,000 in 2016, while white people were arrested at a rate of 1.8 per 100,000 — about 10 times less.

Black men sentenced to more time for ... - Washington Post
Nov 16, 2017Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds. Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prison sentences that are, on average, nearly 20 percent longer, according to a new report on sentencing disparities from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).

The War on Marijuana in Black and White | American Civil ...
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana. Staggering Racial Bias. Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the ...
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
Nov 17, 2017Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study. According to the non-profit organization, The Sentencing Project, the U.S. is the world's leader in incarceration, with 2.2 million people in prison as of 2015, a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years. The Sentencing Project also found...

Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks ...

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks, whites is mostly accurate. Blacks, for example, are far less likely to have used marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens in their lifetime than whites, but — at least in the case of marijuana — whites are more likely to give it up over time.

Why Blacks Serve Longer Prison Sentences Than Whites ...

Mar 9, 2017Blacks are sentenced to longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crimes. Whites make up 69.7% of the arrest but only represent 39% of the prison population.

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well ...

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well Beyond Profiling | HuffPost
Aug 23, 2011They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black And Poor People

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People | HuffPost
In New York City, for example, Blacks are jailed at nearly 12 times the rate of whites and Latinos more than five times the rate of whites. Twenty-Seven . Almost one of 12 Black men ages 25 to 54 are in jail or prison, compared to one in 60 nonblack men.

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More ...

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More African American Males Incarcerated?
At the state level, however, the department said that black male prisoners represent 38 percent of the population while whites males account for 35 percent and 21 percent are Hispanic males. Overall, blacks are 5.1 more times likely to be incarcerated than whites, and blacks represent more than half of the prison population in 11 states.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - The ...

Jun 4, 2013Black people are no more likely to smoke marijuana than white people. They're 3.73 times more likely to get arrested for it.
More Results

  • X

1. Vox news???!!! hahahahahah--very credible hahahhahahahah
AND the Wash Post???!!! hahahhahahahah = bullshit
2. black men get longer sentences because they have other issues/commit other crimes more than whites
3. again why do you people LOVE criminals so much???!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????

There's a whole list of stuff and if you weren't making racist excuses for the system, you'd know. You've been pegged as what you are, but it's never had anything to do with your skin tone, it's your head space. And you're supporting the OP, unable to stop yourself.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
so what if criminals go to prison???!!!!!!
AND do you have evidence for this??
---just because they do crack instead of heroin doesn't mean it's unfair!!! THAT'S DUMBSHIT
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?

It is the same scenario if you take pot use alone somn
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?
....please post your evidence blacks are unfairly going to jail because of illegal substances [ hahahah ] or else you post is crap
My post is crap because you're uninformed? You have some strange notions.

Marijuana legalization doesn't fix racial disparities in pot ...
After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people
Jan 29, 2018Both groups saw big drops in marijuana arrests, but large racial disparities remain. In the state, white and black arrest rates fell by nearly 99 percent and more than 93 percent, respectively, between 2012 and 2016. But black people were arrested for marijuana at a rate of 17.7 per 100,000 in 2016, while white people were arrested at a rate of 1.8 per 100,000 — about 10 times less.

Black men sentenced to more time for ... - Washington Post
Nov 16, 2017Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds. Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prison sentences that are, on average, nearly 20 percent longer, according to a new report on sentencing disparities from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).

The War on Marijuana in Black and White | American Civil ...
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana. Staggering Racial Bias. Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the ...
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
Nov 17, 2017Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study. According to the non-profit organization, The Sentencing Project, the U.S. is the world's leader in incarceration, with 2.2 million people in prison as of 2015, a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years. The Sentencing Project also found...

Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks ...

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks, whites is mostly accurate. Blacks, for example, are far less likely to have used marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens in their lifetime than whites, but — at least in the case of marijuana — whites are more likely to give it up over time.

Why Blacks Serve Longer Prison Sentences Than Whites ...

Mar 9, 2017Blacks are sentenced to longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crimes. Whites make up 69.7% of the arrest but only represent 39% of the prison population.

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well ...

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well Beyond Profiling | HuffPost
Aug 23, 2011They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black And Poor People

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People | HuffPost
In New York City, for example, Blacks are jailed at nearly 12 times the rate of whites and Latinos more than five times the rate of whites. Twenty-Seven . Almost one of 12 Black men ages 25 to 54 are in jail or prison, compared to one in 60 nonblack men.

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More ...

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More African American Males Incarcerated?
At the state level, however, the department said that black male prisoners represent 38 percent of the population while whites males account for 35 percent and 21 percent are Hispanic males. Overall, blacks are 5.1 more times likely to be incarcerated than whites, and blacks represent more than half of the prison population in 11 states.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - The ...

Jun 4, 2013Black people are no more likely to smoke marijuana than white people. They're 3.73 times more likely to get arrested for it.
More Results

  • X

I know a black male who was a felon caught with a stolen firearm in his possession found not guilty

Thank you for your anecdote.

1. are you going to answer the ? why do you blacks/etc love criminals so much?
2. so what--the blacks STILL commit crime at much higher rates--prison terms mean nothing

I'm white hon, jeebus you people cannot help yourselves can ya.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
And you can't figure out why someone might take you as racist?

It is the same scenario if you take pot use alone somn
....please post your evidence blacks are unfairly going to jail because of illegal substances [ hahahah ] or else you post is crap
My post is crap because you're uninformed? You have some strange notions.

Marijuana legalization doesn't fix racial disparities in pot ...
After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people
Jan 29, 2018Both groups saw big drops in marijuana arrests, but large racial disparities remain. In the state, white and black arrest rates fell by nearly 99 percent and more than 93 percent, respectively, between 2012 and 2016. But black people were arrested for marijuana at a rate of 17.7 per 100,000 in 2016, while white people were arrested at a rate of 1.8 per 100,000 — about 10 times less.

Black men sentenced to more time for ... - Washington Post
Nov 16, 2017Black men sentenced to more time for committing the exact same crime as a white person, study finds. Black men who commit the same crimes as white men receive federal prison sentences that are, on average, nearly 20 percent longer, according to a new report on sentencing disparities from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).

The War on Marijuana in Black and White | American Civil ...
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Enforcing marijuana laws costs us about $3.6 billion a year, yet the War on Marijuana has failed to diminish the use or availability of marijuana. Staggering Racial Bias. Marijuana use is roughly equal among Blacks and whites, yet Blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the ...
Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study
Nov 17, 2017Black men get longer prison sentences than white men for the same crime: Study. According to the non-profit organization, The Sentencing Project, the U.S. is the world's leader in incarceration, with 2.2 million people in prison as of 2015, a 500 percent increase over the last 40 years. The Sentencing Project also found...

Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks ...

Van Jones correct on black imprisonment for drug offenses
Van Jones claim on drug use, imprisonment rates for blacks, whites is mostly accurate. Blacks, for example, are far less likely to have used marijuana, cocaine and hallucinogens in their lifetime than whites, but — at least in the case of marijuana — whites are more likely to give it up over time.

Why Blacks Serve Longer Prison Sentences Than Whites ...

Mar 9, 2017Blacks are sentenced to longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crimes. Whites make up 69.7% of the arrest but only represent 39% of the prison population.

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well ...

The Reasons Why So Many Black People Are in Prison Go Well Beyond Profiling | HuffPost
Aug 23, 2011They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black And Poor People

40 Reasons Why Our Jails Are Full of Black and Poor People | HuffPost
In New York City, for example, Blacks are jailed at nearly 12 times the rate of whites and Latinos more than five times the rate of whites. Twenty-Seven . Almost one of 12 Black men ages 25 to 54 are in jail or prison, compared to one in 60 nonblack men.

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More ...

White Men Vs. Black Men Prison Statistics 2016: Why Are More African American Males Incarcerated?
At the state level, however, the department said that black male prisoners represent 38 percent of the population while whites males account for 35 percent and 21 percent are Hispanic males. Overall, blacks are 5.1 more times likely to be incarcerated than whites, and blacks represent more than half of the prison population in 11 states.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - The ...

Jun 4, 2013Black people are no more likely to smoke marijuana than white people. They're 3.73 times more likely to get arrested for it.
More Results

  • X

I know a black male who was a felon caught with a stolen firearm in his possession found not guilty

Thank you for your anecdote.

1. are you going to answer the ? why do you blacks/etc love criminals so much?
2. so what--the blacks STILL commit crime at much higher rates--prison terms mean nothing

I'm white hon, jeebus you people cannot help yourselves can ya.

hahahah you -ALSO--fked up
you did not read/understand the '''/etc'' I inserted = you are not that smart
..one of the reasons the black culture fails [ fact-not hate ] is that they seem to LOVE criminals and criminality

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