Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

If a Black person owns property how can it be swindled from him against his will?

I own property and no one ever took it from me once it was mine.

Now if you want to talk about red lining and denying the opportunity of Blacks to own property I agree that has happened and is still happening.
You really haven't studied how land was taken from blacks. You might want to do so.
Well, the term "East" Indian is meant to distinguish people from India/Pakistan from the American native indian (as well as "West Indian", being the Caribbean), thanks to Columbus's ignorance. And although you are correct in saying that people of India are Asians - true, true - (anything east of the Bospherous actually), people outside of the UK (for example) think of Asians as being Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.
I know what it means and American Indians aren't Indian. Indian is what the white man called them. Nobody cares about the incorrect designations whites have given to others.
It doesn't negate it and your sad attempt to build an argument on the one poorest white as compared to the one poorest black shows the extremes to which some whites will go to deny.
The main difference between the two of us is that you are a racist .... I'm not. And that makes any discussion on social matters completely pointless. :cool:
I know what it means and American Indians aren't Indian. Indian is what the white man called them. Nobody cares about the incorrect designations whites have given to others.
So, the bottom line is that you resist knowledge. How nice. :rolleyes:
What time frame are referring to?

I'm not living in the past
That's a bullshit excuse whites use when they have no defense. You talk about the past when it suits you. And blacks still face that problem now. Stop pretending the past has no impact on the present in select situations.
The main difference between the two of us is that you are a racist .... I'm not. And that makes any discussion on social matters completely pointless. :cool:
You are the racist. I get called a racist only by whites who are racists.
tax the rich and invest in America again, incredibly overdue. In your case the problem is the GOP won't spend money on infrastructure or housing or anything else, the only important thing is saving the ridiculous giveaway to the rich and big oil etcetera tax rates..... Gas is about the same as it was before the pandemic, you;re probably comparing it to the gas prices during the pandemic depression, thanks to GOP worst pandemic reaction anywhere and spreading that bs about the dangers of fine vaccines, costing millions of lives and trillions of dollars, brainwashed functional moron.....

Another racist comment by you.
Saying that something is said by whites who are racists means there are whites who aren't racist thereby eliminating any claim of this being a racist statement.
I know what it means and American Indians aren't Indian. Indian is what the white man called them. Nobody cares about the incorrect designations whites have given to others.
No one calls them Indians - except a misinformed person like you
They are either called Injuins, Red Indians, indigenous people or if known via their tribal association e.g. Cheyenne.

I guess that according to your racial mindset - Negros wanting to be called Blacks - then you might want to call them Reds?
Or in reference to the even more idiotic African-American you might want to call them American-Americans?

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