Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Well, certainly 2 adults can share a 2-bedroom.

And a friend of mine owns a 3-bedroom townhouse, renting out each of the other 2 bedrooms at $700 each. She says it pays the mortgage.

So, there are still ways.
My nephew lived in Brooklyn some years ago in a small one-bedroom apartment, and the rent was killing him. He converted a large closet (yep, a closet) into a 'sleeping pod' and rented it to another fellow for a tidy sum (don't recall how much). The guy was happy as hell to have it.

It was rather ingenious too. He fastened cleats onto the walls and mounted a plywood deck for a queen mattress, and another overhead to provide storage space, that in addition to the storage space under the bed.
Look at the idiot diminishing our inflation woe. My rent went from $600/mo 3 years ago, to $1350 now. Gas is up100%.
Liberals will say anything. :rolleyes:
tax the rich and invest in America again, incredibly overdue. In your case the problem is the GOP won't spend money on infrastructure or housing or anything else, the only important thing is saving the ridiculous giveaway to the rich and big oil etcetera tax rates..... Gas is about the same as it was before the pandemic, you;re probably comparing it to the gas prices during the pandemic depression, thanks to GOP worst pandemic reaction anywhere and spreading that bs about the dangers of fine vaccines, costing millions of lives and trillions of dollars, brainwashed functional moron.....
My nephew lived in Brooklyn some years ago in a small one-bedroom apartment, and the rent was killing him. He converted a large closet (yep, a closet) into a 'sleeping pod' and rented it to another fellow for a tidy sum (don't recall how much). The guy was happy as hell to have it.

It was rather ingenious too. He fastened cleats onto the walls and mounted a plywood deck for a queen mattress, and another overhead to provide storage space, that in addition to the storage space under the bed.
That's what you get after 40 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and screw job for everyone else... Life in the Banana Republic the GOP wants, Super Duper.... The worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere since the Gilded Age, and the worst poverty and homelessness to go with it. Fools are obsessing about where the homelessness is the worst, i'll tell you right now it's in places where they are allowed some dignity, democratic places.....
This post could have been 1,000 times longer than it is, and it still would be self-destroyed by putting the election, Fauci, and especially Biden in the same sentence as the word "honesty". Wow. This is how far in la la land, these people are. :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
99% of the world thinks you're absolutely nuts, including half your ridiculous scumbag lying party....Try a news channel instead of ADMITTED garbage lies....
That's what you get after 40 years of giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and screw job for everyone else... Life in the Banana Republic the GOP wants, Super Duper.... The worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere since the Gilded Age, and the worst poverty and homelessness to go with it. Fools are obsessing about where the homelessness is the worst, i'll tell you right now it's in places where they are allowed some dignity, democratic places.....
I don't see much dignity in those homeless camps. Anyway, there are jobs to be had that would help them.

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I don't see much dignity in those homeless camps. Anyway, there are jobs to be had that would help them.

And they get help doing that kind of thing in Democratic places, whereas in Republican places they have to hide and are totally out of luck....
And they get help doing that kind of thing in Democratic places, whereas in Republican places they have to hide and are totally out of luck....
You go where the jobs are. America has a very mobile work force.
The rich DO create jobs. In big companies, with thousands of employees, at the top of it, is some rich person(s) who made it happen.
Mythical Lords of Creation

Their employees create the wealth and the jobs of the plutocrats. Excessive wage-gouging is as bad as excessive taxes.

Allowing them to pass on their wealth as an incentive to accumulate it is as excessive as giving them the privilege of sex-on-demand from their employees as an incentive. The submissive worship of the bosses as infallible father-figures and their sons as the way a preppy-lover wished he had been treated by his own father is the road to serfdom.

Americans have been brainwashed into becoming flocks of sheep fantasizing about Good Shepherds, who will in reality eventually fleece them and butcher them. This system is as bad for America as Communism was for Russia.
So you support the #1 racism in America, discriminating against, by far, the largest number of victims (whites & Asians). You are a racist, amd need to be held accountable for that.
The Most Successful Muggers Are Ambidextrous

Republican businessmen are also big on White Replacement. American Whites had too much self-respect to grovel before GreedHeads. The Democrats are the sons of these Republican snobs.
Mythical Lords of Creation

Their employees create the wealth and the jobs of the plutocrats. Excessive wage-gouging is as bad as excessive taxes.

Allowing them to pass on their wealth as an incentive to accumulate it is as excessive as giving them the privilege of sex-on-demand from their employees as an incentive. The submissive worship of the bosses as infallible father-figures and their sons as the way a preppy-lover wished he had been treated by his own father is the road to serfdom.

Americans have been brainwashed into becoming flocks of sheep fantasizing about Good Shepherds, who will in reality eventually fleece them and butcher them. This system is as bad for America as Communism was for Russia.
There's a lot to be said for punching out at 5:00, going home, opening a beer and putting yer feet up.
We know, by virtue of your color, you are a natural victim of the white man and you claim to not be bigoted.
We know by virtue of documented history that non whites have been the victims of a racist system predicated on white preference. The victimization continues today by whites like you gaslighting people of color by making comments like the one you made to Newsvine.
They think if they tell the same lie over and over again, people will believe them.

Sorry about the rent. My niece, age 28, just had to move back in with her mother after sharing a 2-bedroom apartment with a friend for four years. She couldn’t even afford HALF the rent on the place.

And the daughter a friend, also in her 20s, just saw her rent hiked to $2200 for a modest 1-bedroom apartment. Her father is helping her pay it.
I wonder about the people who don't have mothers & fathers. Dos Joe Biden have an answer for THEM ?

Since the rents started skyrocketing, a lot of people have gone homeless - and living wth a parent is a form of homelessness too.
If it's not YOUR home you're in, you don't have a home.
In building wealth, do you believe in saving money or making more than you’re capable of spending? I would contend the latter is a very poor strategy. There are many examples of black sports stars that earned millions and ended up poor. If you want to build wealth learn how to live within your means and save money.
In building wealth, do you believe in saving money or making more than you’re capable of spending? I would contend the latter is a very poor strategy. There are many examples of black sports stars that earned millions and ended up poor. If you want to build wealth learn how to live within your means and save money.
There are just as many examples of white athletes doing the same thing. So let's stop pretending that white racism is not a factor in the lack of black wealth.
There are just as many examples of white athletes doing the same thing. So let's stop pretending that white racism is not a factor in the lack of black wealth.
"Payday millionaires" come from all races and religions. It's not a matter of race, it's a matter of socio-economic class. People with money tend to teach their children how to handle money. The rest of us need to learn the hard way. People who go from very poor to very rich in a short time never learn how to handle their money, so they squander it. I was raised poor and never learned how to manage money because there was never money to manage, most months there was barely enough money to survive. My first wife and I squandered our income, often being flat broke a week before payday. It took the pressure of living on a pittance after a divorce to teach me to handle money, to create a reserve and always maintain one regardless of what I had to sacrifice to do so. The pain and sacrifice paid off and I managed to push myself into the middle class and enjoy a comfortable retirement now. I still deny myself things that I want, the habit is just too ingrained not to.
There are just as many examples of white athletes doing the same thing. So let's stop pretending that white racism is not a factor in the lack of black wealth.
I never said there wasn’t, but the point I was making is about changing the situation.. You don’t do it by doing stupid stuff like buying $300 tennis shoes. If you’re more concerned about what people think of you than your bank balance, you stand a good chance of always being poor.

There will always be racists and bigots, and there’s nothing you can do about it; if you let them affect your life, that’s on you.

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