Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Or, they twist it around to make it appear as though the questioner is racist: “So you’re saying that blacks can never be qualified?” It‘s done to put the questioner on the defensive. They know fully well that’s not what was said.

The point is that people should be selected according to ability. When you prioritize race over ability, the odds are that you will not get the best qualified since blacks are such a minority. The odds are about 13% that the best qualified person for any job will be black.

Except for basketball and football.
Where merit is obvious. At any rate we need to tax the rich again and invest in cheap college and training and infrastructure so we can compete in the modern world instead of selling each other hamburgers and insurance....and minorities and everyone else can move up.
1. Those VA jobs don't pay shit. Whites won't do them.
2. I seem to have plenty of opportunities despite affirmative action. Not enough blacks to affect me. Plus it's the right thing to do. What about women? Forget blacks. AA has helped the women you know. But they don't appreciate it. They resent it. I get why you don't like it but it's necessary if you believe in what's right. Doesn't matter if it hurts me. That may be the only reason I'm against it.
3. No Trump didn't MAGA like you think. You just swallowed the coolaid.
4. The system is out of wack because of the rich. You and Trump call them the deep state globalists.
1. WRONG. They pay quite well, and carry excellent benefit packages too. There are almost no whites in the VA hospitals, because of Affirmative Action discrimination, AND YOU KNOW IT.
2. Affirmative Action is NOT RIGHT, and you saying that it is, is just more proof of how NUTS the left is, in America.
3. Trump made America great. You've been DUPED.
4. No, the system is out of wack because of Joe Biden. Before he came in, criminals, terroists, nutjobs, and diseased people were not freely flowing across our border. When Trump left, inflation was 1.4%. For a year just before that, it was zero. Crime was under control (except in blue cities), and America was energy independent, and the # 1 energy producer in the world. There was peace in the world. Now there is war.
Foreign leaders feared and respected us. They are laughing at weakling Joe Biden.
You spout all this stupid silly ass Leftest hate and you say somebody else doesn;t have a clue? LOL!
I don't hate anybody at all, but the GOP base is totally misinformed. I hate Murdoch the scumbag has been thrown out of Australia and the UK as much as they can anyway and is screwing up the United States with pure baloney, inspiring Internet conspiracy nuts. Poor America. Where I live is 72% Trump great people but they are clueless. Politically of course. Don't argue politics with them in person at least LOL. Don't talk politics or religion young feller
According to the systemicly-racist liberals curating the Smithsonian, it’s because things like “hard work” is white peoples culture.

“The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture recently unveiled guidelines for talking about race. A graphic displayed in the guidelines, entitled "Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness in the United States," declares that rational thinking and hard work, among others, are white values.”
1. WRONG. They pay quite well, and carry excellent benefit packages too. There are almost no whites in the VA hospitals, because of Affirmative Action discrimination, AND YOU KNOW IT.
2. Affirmative Action is NOT RIGHT, and you saying that it is, is just more proof of how NUTS the left is, in America.
3. Trump made America great. You've been DUPED.
4. No, the system is out of wack because of Joe Biden. Before he came in, criminals, terroists, nutjobs, and diseased people were not freely flowing across our border. When Trump left, inflation was 1.4%. For a year just before that, it was zero. Crime was under control (except in blue cities), and America was energy independent, and the # 1 energy producer in the world. There was peace in the world. Now there is war.
Foreign leaders feared and respected us. They are laughing at weakling Joe Biden.
BS. We have the lowest inflation and best economy of any major country and everyone except you people know it is Putin's fault. Trump wanted to get out of nato and let Putin have Ukraine, is what his Sec. of Defense is saying now. Everything you know is crap.
1. WRONG. They pay quite well, and carry excellent benefit packages too. There are almost no whites in the VA hospitals, because of Affirmative Action discrimination, AND YOU KNOW IT.
2. Affirmative Action is NOT RIGHT, and you saying that it is, is just more proof of how NUTS the left is, in America.
3. Trump made America great. You've been DUPED.
4. No, the system is out of wack because of Joe Biden. Before he came in, criminals, terroists, nutjobs, and diseased people were not freely flowing across our border. When Trump left, inflation was 1.4%. For a year just before that, it was zero. Crime was under control (except in blue cities), and America was energy independent, and the # 1 energy producer in the world. There was peace in the world. Now there is war.
Foreign leaders feared and respected us. They are laughing at weakling Joe Biden.
You’re so far gone. Trump made America great. Lol
Back to the thread topic.

Possibly the biggest reason blacks are behind whites in wealth is that blacks with the same income as whites spend differently. Whites save and invest while blacks spend on things that raise their status among their peers but have no long-term value.
This is true.
Thing is that the graph only shows an increase to 200 deaths per 100,000 from a previous 100 deaths over a period of 15 years. Not earth shaking. And causes of death are not delineated. I'm guessing fentanyl is a major factor. "Death from despair" is a shaky conclusion at best.
Whatever. It turns out without economic opportunities, white people start acting a lot like criminals in ghettos.

This isn't happening to educated whites, or even uneducated blacks. But it is happening to uneducated white men and women. These poor white trash before Reagan and Bush had a lot of economic opportunities. Back then uneducated white men told blacks "look at me, if I can do it why can't you", not realizing their privilege.

Well now they don't have that privilege. It's gone. No more does your buddy get you into Ford where you will make a lot and get a pension. Those jobs are gone. Now you poor white trash get jobs at Walmart and it's killing you. Literally.
Here is how lots of white folks gained their generational wealth and lots of black folks never had a chance to pass down their generational wealth....

"Luke McElroy, a Black farmer who owned 155 acres of land in Cherokee County, Alabama, was shot to death in 1949 by a neighboring white farmer over a property dispute. In Amite County, Mississippi, Reverend Isaac Simmons, also a Black farmer, was lynched by six white men in 1944 when he refused to give up his farmland to the men, who thought it might have valuable oil deposits. The men then brutally beat Reverend Simmons’s son and ran him out of the county. The stories of these men and many others in the Burnham-Nobles Archive of racially motivated killings of Black people in the Jim Crow South highlight the violent theft of Black farmland, often to the benefit of white farmers."

Multiply those stories by 100,000 and you will see how that can definitely put a dent in what generational wealth black and native american families could pass down to their offspring -- and it definitely boosts the generational wealth others are able to pass down thru land theft via outright murder that was blessed by the state.....This doesn't mean those who inherited this are wrong, but to pretend they didn't benefit from that racist system is would be like running a 100 yd dash and bragging about winning because you started at the 70 yd line.
I don’t believe the majority of white people inherited any wealth.
You know, I didn't think bullshit could be piled higher but Nutz are obviously skilled.

There is some truth to what he's saying. When I was growing up in Detroit my dad got a job at Ford in Metro Detroit. So he moved out of Detroit. Houses were much more expensive in Metro Detroit. Blacks who worked at Ford stayed in Detroit and instead of buying a new home, they purchased a Lincoln, Cadillac, Escillade, whatever pimp ride they could afford. With spinner hubcaps. Their car cost as much as my dad's home. That was in the 1980's. How much is my dad's home worth? At least 4 times what he paid for it. How much is that 1989 Lincoln worth today?

Here is another example and I learned this from a black girlfriend. No black man would be caught dead wearing the clothing I wore. No name brands, off name brands. Blacks have to buy nothing but the best. I have never paid for an Air Jordan pair of tennis shoes. Too expensive. How many Jordan's does a black person own?

A lot of people spend everything they make on clothing. Black people have a strong urge to keep up with the Jones'
And you know this how? Are women not supposed to work?

I'm just saying women wanted to work and in theory is sounds great. Even if she only makes half of what a man does, if she works, instead of making $60K the family now makes $90K.

But the corporations fucked us. They said, "ok if you ladies want to work, we're just going to have to make it so it takes 2 people working to provide the same amount as what 1 person used to afford.

You know what I mean?

No, I'm not dogging women. I don't blame them. Before women's lib they were stuck in horrible marriages because they didn't have other options. Today they don't get married because they make their own money.

Then the conversation is, were we better before with 2 parents in the home or now with so many single parent homes?

This is how I know

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It?​

There is some truth to what he's saying. When I was growing up in Detroit my dad got a job at Ford in Metro Detroit. So he moved out of Detroit. Houses were much more expensive in Metro Detroit. Blacks who worked at Ford stayed in Detroit and instead of buying a new home, they purchased a Lincoln, Cadillac, Escillade, whatever pimp ride they could afford. With spinner hubcaps. Their car cost as much as my dad's home. That was in the 1980's. How much is my dad's home worth? At least 4 times what he paid for it. How much is that 1989 Lincoln worth today?

Here is another example and I learned this from a black girlfriend. No black man would be caught dead wearing the clothing I wore. No name brands, off name brands. Blacks have to buy nothing but the best. I have never paid for an Air Jordan pair of tennis shoes. Too expensive. How many Jordan's does a black person own?

A lot of people spend everything they make on clothing. Black people have a strong urge to keep up with the Jones'
And, no black woman would appear in public looking like most white women, especially when it comes to their hair.
And, no black woman would appear in public looking like most white women, especially when it comes to their hair.

Here is another reason we have more wealth. Besides only buying designer high end clothes, there's this

Black women, in particular, spend an estimated $7.5 billion annually on beauty products, shelling out 80% more on cosmetics and twice as much on skin care as their non-Black counterparts.
I don’t believe the majority of white people inherited any wealth.
I didn't say they did....

But I GUARANTEE YOU THAT A COMPLETE MAJORITY didn't have wealth taken from them by being murdered (with the blessing of the state) nor did they have their labor INSTITUTIONALLY DEVALUED by laws implemented by the state....its funny to me how passive you folks are about things like that and how its cumulative effect has stripped away wealth from people....

Especially when you folks had complete freakouts over something like a mask-mandate and called that GOVERNMENT TYRANNY and was willing to kidnap sitting governors over it...imagne if you had to go thru an ounce of what those people did...

Which is why when we bring up real GOVERNMENT TYRANNY, yall are like...meh, big deal....because you know you are full of shit
I didn't say they did....

But I GUARANTEE YOU THAT A COMPLETE MAJORITY didn't have wealth taken from them by being murdered (with the blessing of the state) nor did they have their labor INSTITUTIONALLY DEVALUED by laws implemented by the state....its funny to me how passive you folks are about things like that and how its cumulative effect has stripped away wealth from people....

Especially when you folks had complete freakouts over something like a mask-mandate and called that GOVERNMENT TYRANNY and was willing to kidnap sitting governors over it...imagne if you had to go thru an ounce of what those people did...

Which is why when we bring up real GOVERNMENT TYRANNY, yall are like...meh, big deal....because you know you are full of shit
You folks? You need address the actual folks responsible.
Whatever. It turns out without economic opportunities, white people start acting a lot like criminals in ghettos.

This isn't happening to educated whites, or even uneducated blacks. But it is happening to uneducated white men and women. These poor white trash before Reagan and Bush had a lot of economic opportunities. Back then uneducated white men told blacks "look at me, if I can do it why can't you", not realizing their privilege.

Well now they don't have that privilege. It's gone. No more does your buddy get you into Ford where you will make a lot and get a pension. Those jobs are gone. Now you poor white trash get jobs at Walmart and it's killing you. Literally.
Ford was always heavily integrated. Hell, Ford was the first large company to hire large numbers of Blacks. By 1918 Ford had almost seventeen hundred Black employees who made identical salaries as the White workers at their sides.
I'm just saying women wanted to work and in theory is sounds great. Even if she only makes half of what a man does, if she works, instead of making $60K the family now makes $90K.

But the corporations fucked us. They said, "ok if you ladies want to work, we're just going to have to make it so it takes 2 people working to provide the same amount as what 1 person used to afford.

You know what I mean?

No, I'm not dogging women. I don't blame them. Before women's lib they were stuck in horrible marriages because they didn't have other options. Today they don't get married because they make their own money.

Then the conversation is, were we better before with 2 parents in the home or now with so many single parent homes?

This is how I know

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It?​

That wasn't the corporations, that was your liberal politician buddies continually hiking taxes. More than half of the average family's incomes goes to paying taxes of one kind or another.

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