Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

the GOP won't spend money on infrastructure or housing or anything else, the only important thing is saving the ridiculous giveaway to the rich and big oil etcetera tax rates......
Trump's tax cuts on "the rich" were less than his tax cuts on the lower tax brackets.
... Gas is about the same as it was before the pandemic, you;re probably comparing it to the gas prices during the pandemic depression
Before the pandemic and right up until Trump left office (Jan. 2021) gas was $1.60 - $1.80/gal. It's now double that, and has been through most all of the Biden administration. That's 100% inflation. 😐
GOP worst pandemic reaction anywhere and spreading that bs about the dangers of fine vaccines, costing millions of lives and trillions of dollars, brainwashed functional moron.....
Trump not only did not bs about danger of fine vaccines, he got the vaccines happening with Operation Warp Speed, nd has supported his program of it ever since.
Also his reaction to the pandemic was a HUGE SUCCESS.>>>
  • Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
    opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
    fast, continual development of a vaccine, and
  • rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.


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Trump not only did not bs about danger of fine vaccines, he got the vaccines happening with Operation Warp Speed, nd has supported his program of it ever since.
Also his reaction to the pandemic was a HUGE SUCCESS.>>>
  • Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
    opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
    fast, continual development of a vaccine, and
  • rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
Any president would have done all those things, but they wouldn't have spread false dangers of the vaccines so half his political party would not get vaccinated and worldwide measures were not approved et cetera et cetera. The leader of the free world was a moron and a catastrophe for hundreds of thousands who died here and millions around the world.....
Before the pandemic and right up until Trump left office (Jan. 2021) gas was $1.60 - $1.80/gal. It's now double that, and has been through most all of the Biden administration. That's 100% inflation. 😐
Of course $1 60 cents was in the middle of the pandemic depression that Trump made infinitely worse. And any price hike is due to Putin's wrecking the grain and oil markets by attacking Ukraine,,,,
Of course $1 60 cents was in the middle of the pandemic depression that Trump made infinitely worse. And any price hike is due to Putin's wrecking the grain and oil markets by attacking Ukraine,,,,
It was the democratic governors that shut the economy down and created the economic mess in the first place and then constantly made it worse. Most of the things they insisted upon were insane. Remember the Sheriff's deputies and lifeguards arresting a windsurfer on Malibu beach when he was the only person on the beach and no danger to anyone?
It was the democratic governors that shut the economy down and created the economic mess in the first place and then constantly made it worse. Most of the things they insisted upon were insane. Remember the Sheriff's deputies and lifeguards arresting a windsurfer on Malibu beach when he was the only person on the beach and no danger to anyone?
And it was the lying scumbag orange clown who went on and on about imaginary dangers of the vaccine and caused half the GOP to not get vaccinated and spread that crap around the world, adding to the death rolls and the length of the DEPRESSION and you name it problems. Great Job!
Any president would have done all those things, but they wouldn't have spread false dangers of the vaccines so half his political party would not get vaccinated and worldwide measures were not approved et cetera et cetera. The leader of the free world was a moron and a catastrophe for hundreds of thousands who died here and millions around the world.....
Can you read ? I said Trump has always stood behind his vaccines.

Trump was an immense hero, and huge success as president. Democrats know it, which is why they trying to railroad him out of running in 2024. They know they have nobody who can beat him.
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Of course $1 60 cents was in the middle of the pandemic depression that Trump made infinitely worse. And any price hike is due to Putin's wrecking the grain and oil markets by attacking Ukraine,,,,
NO HE DIDN'T, STUPID. He FIXED the pandemic's economic decline (caused by Democrats) with the highest GDP growth % in US history (35.3% in Q3 of 2020) Q4 was good too. Then Biden came along, and it all fell apart.

You're also wrong (what a surprise!) about gas price hikes. They came after Biden cancelled oil leases/drilling. Supply went down, price went up. 8th grade economics. :doubt:
And it was the lying scumbag orange clown who went on and on about imaginary dangers of the vaccine and caused half the GOP to not get vaccinated and spread that crap around the world, adding to the death rolls and the length of the DEPRESSION and you name it problems. Great Job!
Are you insane ? Everything you just sad is exactly the OPPOSITE of the truth. Trump created the vaccines (Operation Warp Speed), and has never opposed them. You are a left media DUPE.
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Are you insane ? Everything you just sad is exactly the OPPOSITE of the truth. Thump created the vaccines (Operation Warp Speed), and has never opposed them. You are a left media DUPE.
Funny how GOP the usual suspect dupes didn't get vaccinated and believe Fauci is a liar, should go to prison LOL
Can you read ? I said Trump has always stood behind his vaccines.

Trump was an immense hero, and huge success as president. Democrats know it, which is why they trying to railroad him out of running in 2024. They know they have nobody who can beat him.
So the election was another conspiracy against you and the mobbed up orange clown? His greatest achievement was not ruining the Obama recovery, until he did, By persuading his stupidest followers into not getting vaccinated and the vaccine was what any president would have done under the circumstances not a genius move. He scared the hell out of our allies and loved dictators and his defense secretary says he was going to get out of nato and let Putin have Ukraine. Seditionist and a complete disgrace.
Funny how GOP the usual suspect dupes didn't get vaccinated and believe Fauci is a liar, should go to prison LOL
I've had 4 vaccinations.
Fauci was part of the early 2020 Democrat ruse to shutdown the economy, thereby taking away Trump's top campaign issue in an election year. It's also why Pelsosi refused to allow the stimulus checks to be sent.
Ho hum. yawn****
So the election was another conspiracy against you and the mobbed up orange clown? His greatest achievement was not ruining the Obama recovery, until he did, By persuading his stupidest followers into not getting vaccinated and the vaccine was what any president would have done under the circumstances not a genius move. He scared the hell out of our allies and loved dictators and his defense secretary says he was going to get out of nato and let Putin have Ukraine. Seditionist and a complete disgrace.
What you call Obama recovery was a sinking ship of GDP's aka recession (2 consecutive)



Again he DID NOT persuade people to not get vaccinated. You refuse to believe the truth, as you are so DUPED with leftwing LIES.

Regarding NATO, he got the Europeans to start paying their fair share, and nobody was tougher on the Russians than Trump.

I've got paintings to paint, and much better things to do than to sit here deprogramming a lost cause brainwashed liberal
Well, the term "East" Indian is meant to distinguish people from India/Pakistan from the American native indian (as well as "West Indian", being the Caribbean), thanks to Columbus's ignorance. And although you are correct in saying that people of India are Asians - true, true - (anything east of the Bospherous actually), people outside of the UK (for example) think of Asians as being Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.
That is the way our government classifies them, as Asian Indian, and how they classify themselves.
Your whining about how much the White Man is keeping you down is getting more old.
You've admitted on this board that you're one of those white men who intentionally and with aforethought discriminated against people with "Black sounding" names and knew you were violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting racial discrimination yet did it anyway.

Your acts make a lie of your protestations.
You've admitted on this board that you're one of those white men who intentionally and with aforethought discriminated against people with "Black sounding" names and knew you were violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting racial discrimination yet did it anyway.

Your acts make a lie of your protestations.
That was the right thing to do because had I hire worthless dumbass affrimative action Blacks my division would have failed at its mission of cleaning up nuclear waste in the nuclear weapons complex.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act is for pussies. Piss on it.
True, and it's even better when the land is not swindled from the Black owners by corrupt & racists whites who blatantly violate the law in order to keep and maintain the white societal status quo.
If a Black person owns property how can it be swindled from him against his will?

I own property and no one ever took it from me once it was mine.

Now if you want to talk about red lining and denying the opportunity of Blacks to own property I agree that has happened and is still happening.
Not in the tiniest, slightest and you'd better think twice before you even think to debate the point.
It doesn't negate it and your sad attempt to build an argument on the one poorest white as compared to the one poorest black shows the extremes to which some whites will go to deny.

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