Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%].
How does that happen? How was the black family better off during segregation? Are white people more racist now than before Civil Rights? No, Democrats passed government-assistance bills that incentivized single parent homes. Those bills do not discriminate on race but the black community was disproportionately effected.
Marie Stopes International, one of the world’s largest abortion providers, is changing its name due to unwanted attention that its founder was a eugenicist and a racist.

I had informed you and IM2 already multiple times - I do not care about what was or happened hundreds of years ago.
Already during WW2 - e.g. those serving in the US Forces were referred to as either American Indians or Native Americans and not simply as Indians.
It really doesn’t matter what you care about.
FYI. We are not Native Americans or American Indians. We are older than both concepts. We were here long before there was an America and this is not India.
The word Indian, wrong as it is, has been inserted into the American language.
Indian summer, Indian giver, Indian taco, Indian sunburn, sitting Indian style to name a few.
The fact is that even though the terms Native American, Indian and American Indian are not accurate, they have become accepted in our culture.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
It really doesn’t matter what you care about.
FYI. We are not Native Americans or American Indians. We are older than both concepts. We were here long before there was an America and this is not India.
The word Indian, wrong as it is, has been inserted into the American language.
Indian summer, Indian giver, Indian taco, Indian sunburn, sitting Indian style to name a few.
The fact is that even though the terms Native American, Indian and American Indian are not accurate, they have become accepted in our culture.
This is what IM2 stated:

IM2 said:
I know what it means and American Indians aren't Indian. Indian is what the white man called them. Nobody cares about the incorrect designations whites have given to others.

As such I had answered to IM2:
No one calls them Indians - but either Injuins or indigenous people, American Indians or Red Indians.
And no one gives a shit about what they were called 300 or 600 years ago - aside from racist morons like you or IM2.

Since the "locals" before the Europeans came, didn't even know about the American continents - neither as to where they start nor end - it was the Europeans who had the "privilege" to name these continents. - and the guy who discovered it, aka North-America was a Spaghetti called Americo Vespucio. As such Columbus's claim as to having discovered India was already rectified in 1499-1501. And they called the Caribbean part the East-Indies and NOT East-India.

And everyone (aside from you) knows that e.g. the Indian Summer, refers to a season in NORTH-AMERICA.

As such the term e.g. North-American Red-Skins is absolutely correct - and has been politically sanitized, to indigenous population of e.g. North-America. Then some Eskimos came up - oh no, we are not related to Red-Skins (we knew that, that's why we called them Eskimos and not Red-Skins) but they feel better being called Inuit, whilst those in Alaska prefer Eskimo - well whatever.

So how do YOU want to be called? aside from moron?
How far do you want to go back? e.g. 30,000 B.C.? - then the "indigenous" wouldn't even be indigenous, but invaders from Siberia/Asia also known as Clovis people from 15,000 B.C. onward - oh shit man another name made by Europeans.

Or would you prefer to be called an East-Asian in view of 30,000 B.C. ? Chinese-Mongol American with Feathers, is also okay with me, oh shoot - again European designations.

The e.g. Algonquins didn't know shit about the Incas nor about the Apache. All these civilizations were discovered by Europeans - and hence we named them.
Just like Zulu's didn't know shit about the Ashanti and vice versa - hence we Europeans named them collectively NEGROES and the Arabs named them KAFIRS.
This is what IM2 stated:

IM2 said:
I know what it means and American Indians aren't Indian. Indian is what the white man called them. Nobody cares about the incorrect designations whites have given to others.

As such I had answered to IM2:
No one calls them Indians - but either Injuins or indigenous people, American Indians or Red Indians.
And no one gives a shit about what they were called 300 or 600 years ago - aside from racist morons like you or IM2.

Since the "locals" before the Europeans came, didn't even know about the American continents - neither as to where they start nor end - it was the Europeans who had the "privilege" to name these continents. - and the guy who discovered it, aka North-America was a Spaghetti called Americo Vespucio. As such Columbus's claim as to having discovered India was already rectified in 1499-1501. And they called the Caribbean part the East-Indies and NOT East-India.

And everyone (aside from you) knows that e.g. the Indian Summer, refers to a season in NORTH-AMERICA.

As such the term e.g. North-American Red-Skins is absolutely correct - and has been politically sanitized, to indigenous population of e.g. North-America. Then some Eskimos came up - oh no, we are not related to Red-Skins (we knew that, that's why we called them Eskimos and not Red-Skins) but they feel better being called Inuit, whilst those in Alaska prefer Eskimo - well whatever.

So how do YOU want to be called? aside from moron?
How far do you want to go back? e.g. 30,000 B.C.? - then the "indigenous" wouldn't even be indigenous, but invaders from Siberia/Asia also known as Clovis people from 15,000 B.C. onward - oh shit man another name made by Europeans.

Or would you prefer to be called an East-Asian in view of 30,000 B.C. ? Chinese-Mongol American with Feathers, is also okay with me, oh shoot - again European designations.

The e.g. Algonquins didn't know shit about the Incas nor about the Apache. All these civilizations were discovered by Europeans - and hence we named them.
Just like Zulu's didn't know shit about the Ashanti and vice versa - hence we Europeans named them collectively NEGROES and the Arabs named them KAFIRS.
That’s the same crap they taught us in school. When I got out of school I learned the true history of my people.
That’s the same crap they taught us in school. When I got out of school I learned the true history of my people.
It's rather obvious that you never went to school - or just slept in class.

Anyway - so how do YOU or YOUR people want to be called? And please do tell me about the "history" of your people. I am all ears.
It's rather obvious that you never went to school - or just slept in class.

Anyway - so how do YOU or YOUR people want to be called? And please do tell me about the "history" of your people. I am all ears.
I already told you. Indian, American Indian and Native American are all acceptable by my people.

As far as school is concerned they never taught real history. They taught white washed history. I learned the truth on my own.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
Amidst all the information available in this regard this is the most important.

Whites are simple older than blacks. Wealth accumulation takes time. The average white family has been at it much longer than the much younger black family. Of course, there are other reasons for this disparity but 'time in service' is certainly the most important one.

Nope. 1 word:

"Flossin' ".

Many (definitely not all) blacks gotta floss everything they have and never save a dime.

Typical example for here: A guy will be driving a $70k vehicle, going out to eat all the time, drinking top-shelf liquor,

and living in a cheap dump of an apartment and owning nothing. Will never save anything to pass on.
Nope. 1 word:

"Flossin' ".

Many (definitely not all) blacks gotta floss everything they have and never save a dime.

Typical example for here: A guy will be driving a $70k vehicle, going out to eat all the time, drinking top-shelf liquor,

and living in a cheap dump of an apartment and owning nothing. Will never save anything to pass on.
True. Appearance gives them street cred.
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The lefts solution is not to promote diversity among equally qualified hires, but to lower the standards on job performance.
Hear tell, some liberal school districts have given up on trying to teach math, for example, because so many students cannot get it. So those districts have said that the students will be graduated anyway. In other words, many liberals have very low expectations for what they label as "marginalized" groups.
Hear tell, some liberal school districts have given up on trying to teach math, for example, because so many students cannot get it. So those districts have said that the students will be graduated anyway. In other words, many liberals have very low expectations for what they label as "marginalized" groups.
It requires a decent teacher to teach math. I only had a couple decent ones until college.

Some were really, really bad.
It requires a decent teacher to teach math. I only had a couple decent ones until college.

Some were really, really bad.
I was an artillery surveyor in the Army. We had to use logarithms to solve triangles for computing artillery targeting. I had trouble getting it until they brought in a different teacher, who presented it in a way that was clear to me. I and others who finally got it then mentored others who were having trouble with it.

The military has a great educational system. At the beginning of class the instructor charges the students with, "You will learn this stuff."
I was an artillery surveyor in the Army. We had to use logarithms to solve triangles for computing artillery targeting. I had trouble getting it until they brought in a different teacher, who presented it in a way that was clear to me. I and others who finally got it then mentored others who were having trouble with it.

The military has a great educational system. At the beginning of class the instructor charges the students with, "You will learn this stuff."
Triangulation. I know how to use that. You know, that's what my 1st math teacher in college said, too.
We worry that you are not hiring the most qualified. You're hiring your friends kid.

The blacks and women being hired are proving you wrong. They're doing just fine. My brother had to find a diversity candidate to take over for him. He was VP of HR at his fortune 500 company. He found a black guy and guess what? He's doing just fine. The business is doing great.

Relax. They aren't hiring an inexperienced black to be the CEO. Just the VP of HR. He can handle it. Baby steps.

Glad he's doing just fine, HR sucks for most companies regardless of who fills the top position.
I know what it means and American Indians aren't Indian. Indian is what the white man called them. Nobody cares about the incorrect designations whites have given to others.
Hereditary Power Destroys Everything in Its Path

It's wrong for anybody to inherit wealth. If we have to do it on our own, so must the Daddy-moochers.
What do you mean by "it's wrong to inherit wealth"? I inherited nothing and retired comfortably but if you inherited money, I say good for you. What would you have them do, give it all away?

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