Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

I already told you. Indian, American Indian and Native American are all acceptable by my people.

As far as school is concerned they never taught real history. They taught white washed history. I learned the truth on my own.
Now you are evading again - YOU and other racists are making this fuss about everything and nothing - e.g. North-American Indian
If you weren't able to understand and comprehend history - don't blame the school or teacher -blame your illiteracy since obviously you can't even read books by yourself.

So again:
How do YOU or YOUR people want to be called? And please do tell me about the "history" of your people. I am all ears.
I was an artillery surveyor in the Army. We had to use logarithms to solve triangles for computing artillery targeting. I had trouble getting it until they brought in a different teacher, who presented it in a way that was clear to me. I and others who finally got it then mentored others who were having trouble with it.

The military has a great educational system. At the beginning of class the instructor charges the students with, "You will learn this stuff."
The military has instruction down to a science unlike civilian teachers. In the military the process goes : "Tell em what you are going to tech em. Teach em. Test them. (f the students fail, it's because the teacher failed to teach the subject properly. My wife was a teacher and when I explained that process, she said no one ever taught her how to teach. They taught her the subject matter, but not the process.
I was an artillery surveyor in the Army. We had to use logarithms to solve triangles for computing artillery targeting. I had trouble getting it until they brought in a different teacher, who presented it in a way that was clear to me. I and others who finally got it then mentored others who were having trouble with it.

The military has a great educational system. At the beginning of class the instructor charges the students with, "You will learn this stuff."
The military, especially that of the USA is absolutely aware about the mediocre educational standard and qualification of it's volunteers - especially from the 60'ies to 80'ies. Especially from Puerto Rican's, Negros and those European Americans coming from e.g. X in Wyoming (population 186).
I will never forget that instruction book that took around 14 sentences to describe as to how to change a light bulb in the barracks. Therefore e.g. in the British or German army - if one doesn't have a technical proficiency - they won't place you in an artillery unit, but to the grunts.

It took 12 GI's one and a half hours to perform a surface/skin check onto a Pershing warhead - in comparison it took 5 Germans 20-25 minutes. Simply due to a foolproof system designed for, sorry idiots - one guy reading the instruction followed by another repeating the instruction, and a third one to confirm that the two before had read it correctly and so on.

A school simply doesn't have the time to get every lazy or dumb fellow onto speed, in regards to the overall curriculum. Yes we had very good and lousy teachers - but to simply blame the teacher for a students inability - is just ridiculous. That's typical Lefty&Lib - blame the system for the inadequacy of the individual. - thus reduce standards, and make everyone become the same moron.

Those with $ will therefore send their kids to private or elite schools - later the lefty&Libs will complain about those "rich white, or rich Asian kids" having a better education. - simply ridiculous.
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The military has instruction down to a science unlike civilian teachers. In the military the process goes : "Tell em what you are going to tech em. Teach em. Test them. (f the students fail, it's because the teacher failed to teach the subject properly. My wife was a teacher and when I explained that process, she said no one ever taught her how to teach. They taught her the subject matter, but not the process.
Sorry no, the US military unlike other countries will only teach as to what is directly relevant to the matter aka the specific task (not the overall job regarding e.g. a ballistic missile unit) a soldier is assigned to. So he has to be proficient in e.g. surface checks onto a Pershing warhead (to be a member in the warhead inspection set) - he wouldn't know shit about how to run the power-plant of a Pershing unit, and that turning on a ghetto blaster in the field camp - defies the idea and work that has been put into camouflaging the unit.

A high-school doesn't teach proficiency onto a single issue or matter - but is responsible for a "general education" per school term. Therefore they simply don't have the time to break each individual task/subject down to the dumbest in class - that is why there are tutor classes and voluntary classes - which usually the dumb and lazy simply don't attend.

In the Army they will FORCE you to attend (incl. extra "personal" training on weekends) - or they will relocate you to another more dumb task, or simply kick you out of the Army - since they don't own you an overall education - just training you, to fulfill a specific required task after the obligatory basic training.
Sorry no, the US military unlike other countries will only teach as to what is directly relevant to the matter aka the specific task (not the overall job regarding e.g. a ballistic missile unit) a soldier is assigned to. So he has to be proficient in e.g. surface checks onto a Pershing warhead (to be a member in the warhead inspection set) - he wouldn't know shit about how to run the power-plant of a Pershing unit, and that turning on a ghetto blaster in the field camp - defies the idea and work that has been put into camouflaging the unit.

A high-school doesn't teach proficiency onto a single issue or matter - but is responsible for a "general education" per school term. Therefore they simply don't have the time to break each individual task/subject down to the dumbest in class - that is why there are tutor classes and voluntary classes - which usually the dumb and lazy simply don't attend.

In the Army they will FORCE you to attend (incl. extra "personal" training on weekends) - or they will relocate you to another more dumb task, or simply kick you out of the Army - since they don't own you an overall education - just training you, to fulfill a specific required task after the obligatory basic training.
When I went into the Army we were tested for our general knowledge, then assigned our MOS (military occupation specialty) according to our level of knowledge and the needs of the Army.
Nope. 1 word:

"Flossin' ".

Many (definitely not all) blacks gotta floss everything they have and never save a dime.

Typical example for here: A guy will be driving a $70k vehicle, going out to eat all the time, drinking top-shelf liquor,

and living in a cheap dump of an apartment and owning nothing. Will never save anything to pass on.
You're wrong.

It won't be many any more than whites do it. If whites were all about saving money it wouldn't be said that the average American has less than $400 in savings.
I already told you. Indian, American Indian and Native American are all acceptable by my people.

But what do you put on forms ? Probably white.

Most American Indians don't look like this nowadays


Most Cherokee indians look white. Go watch that new film "Killers of the flower moon"
But what do you put on forms ? Probably white.

Most American Indians don't look like this nowadays

View attachment 861111

Most Cherokee indians look white. Go watch that new film "Killers of the flower moon"
Ok. Skin color and culture are two different things.
Wes Studi.


Buffy Sainte-Marie


Which of these two people is not Native?

Just finished reading KOTFM. Can’t wait for the movie.
But what do you put on forms ? Probably white.

Most American Indians don't look like this nowadays

View attachment 861111

Most Cherokee indians look white. Go watch that new film "Killers of the flower moon"
I don't think it's right for you to try telling Hellbilly what his people look like. That's disrespectful and you wouldn't want one of these whites here doing it to you.
Ok. Skin color and culture are two different things.
Wes Studi.

View attachment 861119

Buffy Sainte-Marie

View attachment 861120

Which of these two people is not Native?

Just finished reading KOTFM. Can’t wait for the movie.
My firrst guess would be the lady, but shes wearing some items that say different. This is a tough one because I really think Studi is native.
My firrst guess would be the lady, but shes wearing some items that say different. This is a tough one because I really think Studi is native.
You are correct. Wes Studi is a famous Cherokee actor.
Buffy is in the center of a huge controversy in Indian land these days. She has been a singer/songwriter and activist since the 70’s and it recently came out that she may not be a Native at all. It’s actually heartbreaking for me.
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Glad he's doing just fine, HR sucks for most companies regardless of who fills the top position.
It's funny. My brother, after all these years, is working for a non union/automotive company and he hates it. Now he finally sees why I struggled for 30 years. At non union/auto companies, the most you can expect to work there is 5 years. He said "How do you take out a mortgage or start a family without job security?"

EXACTLY! So no wonder our population is going down and kids don't want to get married and have kids.

My brother is retiring. He said he wouldn't retire if he didn't work for such a dick head company. Now consider this. He makes $1 million dollars a year. If he hates it, how do you think people making $60K feel about it? And they don't have the luxury of retiring.
So again:
How do YOU or YOUR people want to be called? And please do tell me about the "history" of your people. I am all ears.
If you wish to learn about Native culture here is a useful recourse.
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You're wrong.

It won't be many any more than whites do it. If whites were all about saving money it wouldn't be said that the average American has less than $400 in savings.
I think the $400 figure may be the amount most have on hand without borrowing or dipping into savings. Average savings figures run from a few thousand to over forty thousand dollars.

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