Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

When 'every other factor is the same' (education, qualification, region) blacks earn 98 cents for every dollar a white man earns. Hardly a cause of widespread economic failure. Asians earn $1.15 for every one dollar a white man earns, but we're still doing fine and not complaining.
No, it's actually 82 cents and Indians earn $1.15 for every one dollar while other Asian ethnic groups earn what blacks do or less. Whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and its due to racism. So like I said, stop being white thinnking you can talk about things you never have been or experienced and a community you have not lived in.
No, it's actually 82 cents and Indians earn $1.15 for every one dollar while other Asian ethnic groups earn what blacks do or less. Whites have 15 times the wealth of blacks and its due to racism. So like I said, stop being white thinnking you can talk about things you never have been or experienced and a community you have not lived in.
So, you can make judgments about the white community, but I can't do the same about the black community? Have you walked a mile or two in a white man's shoes?

Whites on average have only have 7 times the wealth of blacks (although I personally have 63 times the wealth of blacks and 9 times the wealth of other whites).
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This is America. Hard work and good attitude can overcome any disadvantage.

Given that white people ruled most of the world in 1900 and are now so rich it's dishonest to believe:
  1. It was just a matter of hard work and a good attitude.
If hard work and a good attitude were enough, then why on did your forefathers leave Europe to live the rest of their lives in a foreign land (america) across the ocean? Because they knew that hard work and a good attitude were not enough, not by a long shot.
Given that white people ruled most of the world in 1900 and are now so rich it's dishonest to believe:
  1. It was just a matter of hard work and a good attitude.
If hard work and a good attitude were enough, then why on did your forefathers leave Europe to live the rest of their lives in a foreign land (america) across the ocean? Because they knew that hard work and a good attitude were not enough, not by a long shot.
Hard work pays off here and in Europe. Times have changed. There are opportunities nearly anywhere you go (in the Christian west).
So you bounced when apartheid ended and you realised you could sh*t on blk ppl without any punishment ?
I gave up my South-African citizenship in 1987 idiot - and the reason was because Apartheid only worsened the situation.
You should be banned for writing this.
No one gets banned for stating FACTS - but obvious racists like you might face a ban.
Slaves worked hard. If that hard work isn't met with opportunity then it's pointless
Oh boy - another Negro yapping about what happened 160 years ago, whilst ignoring all the opportunities given in the past 60 years to All, and already 170 years ago to those Negros living in the Northern US States.

BTW - do feel free to tell me all about those "rich" and "free" Negros that supposedly lived in Africa when the Europeans and Arabs arrived, 500 and 1000 years ago.

Question to the Mods, - Could it be that IM2 and BlackUK_Dude - share the same account??
When it comes to Buffy's situation maybe is all that anyone knows.

Okay - thanks, a well done & informative homepage - after all it is the Smithsonian Institute

However I fail to find or see anything that wouldn't already have been taught at school and University - or isn't already known due to specific literature covering that topic.

As such in what respect does your "self discovered ancestral history" deviate from the existing knowledge?
Slaves worked hard. If that hard work isn't met with opportunity then it's pointless
Slaves DIDN’T work hard. Slaves only worked hard enough to avoid punishment. Free men worked hard because they benefitted from their work. Blacks didn’t benefit from their work, so they did as little as possible.
Slaves DIDN’T work hard. Slaves only worked hard enough to avoid punishment. Free men worked hard because they benefitted from their work. Blacks didn’t benefit from their work, so they did as little as possible.
Worse yet, they had work stoppages, ran away, broke equipment, sabotaged crops, feigned illness and injury; many were more trouble than they were worth. However, I can't say I would have blamed them, but it was what it was.
Worse yet, they had work stoppages, ran away, broke equipment, sabotaged crops, feigned illness and injury; many were more trouble than they were worth. However, I can't say I would have blamed them, but it was what it was.
Slaves had no incentive to work hard.
Worse yet, they had work stoppages, ran away, broke equipment, sabotaged crops, feigned illness and injury; many were more trouble than they were worth. However, I can't say I would have blamed them, but it was what it was.
Depended strongly on who put them to work and where the slaves came from.

In South-Africa from 1650 to 1825 the vast majority of slaves had been brought in from India and the Indonesian Archipelago - and they had a rather good reputation - due to working hard. The logic and system was that a required workload was imposed on them - once the given task was done they were allowed "incentivized" to invested their "remaining" energy into paid extra labor or tasks.

It was the main reasons why many Asian slaves managed to buy their freedom within a rather short period and started to set up their own businesses (then only using Asian slaves - no Negros) to further their business.

Unfortunately Asian slaves across the board received the same miserable food and physical treatment as the Negros - that in majority had been brought in from Madagascar to the Cape Colony. Due to being from Africa the rate of runaways amongst African Negros was naturally far higher then that of the Asians.

A major part of the Negro slaves originated from the Cape area, mostly members of the Khoikhoi tribes and served in majority as domestics aka house-slaves. Due to their socio-cultural upbringing (pastoral tribes) they were naturally reluctant to engage in hard work and therefore were recognized to be unsuitable for manual farm or hard work, - thus the Dutch aka the VOC getting their slaves from their Asian colonies.

In contra Negros from the Ivory coast were known to be hard and skilled workers - due to being used to work as slaves on native plantations and being the backbone of the local run industry.

Slavery laws (treatment) were introduced into the Cape Colony in the 1820'ies and by 1838 Slavery had been abolished in South-Africa. The suppression of the Boers or Free Burghers via the English - led to the Great Trek, resulting in the new Boer Republics, Orange Free State in 1854 and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR), also known as the Transvaal in 1858.

Due to the abolishment of slavery - thus being replaced by paid workers - the Boers and the English hired Indian and Malay workers - thus rendering the Negros out of a job or even their basic existence - especially those pastoral Negro tribes that had been "robbed"of their land and cattle - foremost by the incoming Zulu nation since the 1750's.
The Negros that found employed, were in vast majority those of the Zulu nation - hard working and again having been used to work as slaves by their own chieftains, foremost in the agricultural/plantation industry - therefore they naturally appreciated free and paid work.
And many were able and willing to start up their own farms and plantations.

This history is what has led to the continued hatred (right-down mass killings) until today between members of the Zulu nation (incl. former Rhodesia) and those pastoral SA-Negros generally termed as Bantus. The latter foremost only found employment with the upcoming industrial revolution in SA from the 1900's onward. And members of the Zulu nation usually refuse (until today) to be common factory workers or e.g. miners.
17.1% of blacks marry someone of another race.
and insofar as it is a stable marriage THAT is what fights off poverty
You have to ask the right question.

THOMAS SOWELL said it years ago
Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%].
Oh boy - another Negro yapping about what happened 160 years ago, whilst ignoring all the opportunities given in the past 60 years to All, and already 170 years ago to those Negros living in the Northern US States.

What opportunities have been given to blk ppl in the past 60 years ?

This should be good lol

BTW - do feel free to tell me all about those "rich" and "free" Negros that supposedly lived in Africa when the Europeans and Arabs arrived, 500 and 1000 years ago.

What's your point ?

Question to the Mods, - Could it be that IM2 and BlackUK_Dude - share the same account??

You know one thing I've learned about white people is the way they think everyone should think like them.

It's almost like they think everyone should share their view of the world and that should be the case even if the person is not white

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