Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

You've hit on the very reason so many blacks are behind.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans."

Don't bring Africa to Rome and expect to be successful.
White people force non whites to live by their standards.


Money, prisons, taxes, and a host of other things did not exist before the white man invaded.
Okay - thanks, a well done & informative homepage - after all it is the Smithsonian Institute

However I fail to find or see anything that wouldn't already have been taught at school and University - or isn't already known due to specific literature covering that topic.

As such in what respect does your "self discovered ancestral history" deviate from the existing knowledge?
I'll ask you the same question I asked a young Native man I worked with before I retired. He wanted to know the truth about Native history.

Are you sure you want to go down that rabbit hole? I went deep and it changed me.
Whatever you say.
They also had their own healthcare system, drugs, medicines, etc.
Their own 'money', wampum.

In the northeast the Iroquois Nation tightly controlled the smaller tribes in the region.

They didn't have formal schools but educated each generation in the things they needed to know.

They had extensive technology regarding agriculture, building construction, weaponry, fabricating clothing, pottery, etc. Even training dogs and horses was a complex skill.
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White people force non whites to live by their standards.

View attachment 861795
Money, prisons, taxes, and a host of other things did not exist before the white man invaded.
Yep and the native Americans died in droves from disease, hunger and cold in bad winters. They were living in a neolithic state using stone tools before the white man came along. Remember I had a great grandmother who was Comanche and she told me how "great" the "good old days were. slaughtering Bison by the thousands for skins and the best cuts of meat leaving the rest to rot. Torturing and raping captives from other tribes and enslaving the survivors.
Yep and the native Americans died in droves from disease, hunger and cold in bad winters. They were living in a neolithic state using stone tools before the white man came along. Remember I had a great grandmother who was Comanche and she told me how "great" the "good old days were. slaughtering Bison by the thousands for skins and the best cuts of meat leaving the rest to rot. Torturing and raping captives from other tribes and enslaving the survivors.
I picked up a big bag of trash someone had left in the forest where I hunt (I cleaned up mountains of trash from there just to be a smartass). I picked through it and found it was from a native American that lived in a town nearby. I also learned that the half-pint vodka bottles that I picked up were a favorite of the native Americans.
What opportunities have been given to blk ppl in the past 60 years ?
In the USA - exactly the same as any other race or ethnicity
That most Europeans and e.g. Asians had been able to accumulate wealth before the 1960's is understood - and therefore they had it easier then those Europeans, Asians or Negros with no accumulated wealth.
What's your point ?
That 500 or 1000 years ago, the vast majority of Europeans and e.g. Arabs were just as dirt poor and suppressed as Negros
The Europeans and Asians had to fight hundreds of years against aristocratic oppression - to gain "privileges" and a better live.
What major uprisings did Negros have throughout hundreds of years, and who where these famous leaders? to better their situation towards their own Negro masters?

Gangsters like Mugabe, Idi, Bokassa, you name them - and even a Mandela had ALL profited from European education and socio-cultural values - so what did they do to better the situation for their Negro brothers and sisters? aside just as for the past 2000+ years stashing their own pockets and suppressing their own kind.
You know one thing I've learned about white people is the way they think everyone should think like them.
One thing I learned - Negros are the only people who constantly bring up their own past to deflect from their own ineffectiveness to develop their societies - I never heard that e.g. Indians, Indonesians, Malaysians etc. etc. have ever asked for financial compensation due to colonialism - but got up their own asses - and developed their independent countries way better then all these Negro countries from the 50-60'ies onward.
I'll ask you the same question I asked a young Native man I worked with before I retired. He wanted to know the truth about Native history.

Are you sure you want to go down that rabbit hole? I went deep and it changed me.
I honestly couldn't think of any other North-American Indian ancestry and archeological evidence - that you might come up with - unless you follow into @Rupol (can't get his exact name right now) who tries to tell everyone that all mankind derives from the Apaches.

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