Zone1 Why whites have more wealth than blacks.

White people force non whites to live by their standards.

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Money, prisons, taxes, and a host of other things did not exist before the white man invaded.
Okay - but don't tell me that you prefer a horse sledge to your pickup-truck and the scenery of a wolf howling instead of watching a movie on TV. Not even to mention medical advances.
Civilization has its price - staying backwards just as well.
Footpaths were 'roads' that often stretched for miles.
And Hellbilly

The Aztec, Incas, Chimu had very well developed roads - not just trails.
The same goes for the Anasazi and other Pueblo Indians - not just trails but well developed pathways - due to the non-existing horse, horse driven carts weren't developed - as such no wide roads or wide pathways were needed. They used the porter system and Lama transport caravans.

And Europeans didn't have any roads either between 600AD to 1850+ (aside cobblestone within some cities) all they had were cleared countryside pathways. Unlike the Romans that actually had constructed cobblestone and slab-stone covered roads to connect their fortification camps, and to lead on to some cities.
Yep and the native Americans died in droves from disease, hunger and cold in bad winters. They were living in a neolithic state using stone tools before the white man came along. Remember I had a great grandmother who was Comanche and she told me how "great" the "good old days were. slaughtering Bison by the thousands for skins and the best cuts of meat leaving the rest to rot. Torturing and raping captives from other tribes and enslaving the survivors.
yep - the good old days

As for "leaving the rest to rot" - certainly not according to historic accounts - the natives were known to make use of the last bit. It was the European bison hunters that mostly went only for the fur and tongue. Killing hundreds of thousands or millions of Bison - thus robbing the Plain-Indians of their basic daily requirements towards their existence.
The question should be, all other things being equal, do the Black person and the White person have an equal chance for success. That should be the goal, not some asinine equity that liberals are obsessed with.

So how do you create that equality?
It has more to do with generational wealth

That's bullshit. After death taxes , I inherited no more than $80k from my parents, and nothing at all from any of my other deceased relatives.

And I think I'm more fortunate in that regards than most Honkies.
That's bullshit. After death taxes , I inherited no more than $80k from my parents, and nothing at all from any of my other deceased relatives.

And I think I'm more fortunate in that regards than most Honkies.
Yup. The average inheritance is $45k. And a good chunk of whites receive nothing, or next to it.
….Plus, fully half of all Americans receive an average inheritance of less than $10,000! This idea that tons of money is being passed down through “white” generations is just excuse-making by failures.

At least it's been like that historically up until sometime in the 2000s
It's probably even more true now. I ordered a sub in a Jersey Mike's today and there was a young Black girl working by herself. She was amazing! She would take two orders at a time and made the subs at the same time and did everything perfectly, totally pleasant the whole time. She'll probably be managing the place in a year.
It's probably even more true now. I ordered a sub in a Jersey Mike's today and there was a young Black girl working by herself. She was amazing! She would take two orders at a time and made the subs at the same time and did everything perfectly, totally pleasant the whole time. She'll probably be managing the place in a year.
I'm more worried about what percentage of her income she'll have to pay for housing and utilities and fuel and food.

Less disposable income can put a damper on saving or spending to get ahead.

Can put a damper on having fun, too. Also reduce jobs associated with having fun.
I'm more worried about what percentage of her income she'll have to pay for housing and utilities and fuel and food.

Less disposable income can put a damper on saving or spending to get ahead.

Can put a damper on having fun, too. Also reduce jobs associated with having fun.
People like her just keep powering ahead, she'll do fine. It's the rest of them who will keep struggling.
yep - the good old days

As for "leaving the rest to rot" - certainly not according to historic accounts - the natives were known to make use of the last bit. It was the European bison hunters that mostly went only for the fur and tongue. Killing hundreds of thousands or millions of Bison - thus robbing the Plain-Indians of their basic daily requirements towards their existence.
According to my great grandmother who participated in those hunts, the Comanches drove herds of Bison off cliffs or into ravines killing or injuring hundreds or even thousands of animals. There was far too much meat to use or smoke before it rotted. Yes they used all the parts, but the mass hunts resulted in far too much supply to use. Think about it, that’s the only way for people armed with lances or arrows with chipped flint heads to kill animals that weighed between fifteen hundred and two thousand pounds. The western professional hunters were killing hundreds of thousands Bison a month. That was what was needed to exterminate the massive Bison herds.
That's bullshit. After death taxes , I inherited no more than $80k from my parents, and nothing at all from any of my other deceased relatives.

And I think I'm more fortunate in that regards than most Honkies.
I inherited nothing, my wife and her brother split thirty grand from her parents. My cousins were outliers, my uncle was both frugal and very good at handling his money, between life insurance, savings and the sale of the farm he lived on, my aunt and and three cousins each inherited just short of a million dollars each. The youngest blew through her share in a couple of years, the older two learned from my uncle and put theirs in safe investments. To look at my uncle you’d think he was dirt poor, he worked long hours at Ford, wore cheap clothes, always drove old cars, never took expensive vacations, I’m frugal and he made me look like a wild spender.
It's probably even more true now. I ordered a sub in a Jersey Mike's today and there was a young Black girl working by herself. She was amazing! She would take two orders at a time and made the subs at the same time and did everything perfectly, totally pleasant the whole time. She'll probably be managing the place in a year.
And owning it in five.
I'm more worried about what percentage of her income she'll have to pay for housing and utilities and fuel and food.

Less disposable income can put a damper on saving or spending to get ahead.

Can put a damper on having fun, too. Also reduce jobs associated with having fun.
Having fun doesn't put food on the table or money in the bank.
Apply our laws to everyone equally. MAGA

And how do you get laws to be applied equally to all?

Clearly the US has the Constitution, and under the Constitution everyone should be equal under the law, but they're not.

The way the police is set up, for a start, leads to problems in certain areas...
And how do you get laws to be applied equally to all?

Clearly the US has the Constitution, and under the Constitution everyone should be equal under the law, but they're not.

The way the police is set up, for a start, leads to problems in certain areas...
The people in government who are in charge of the police are the bigger problem and it's all because of politics. Too many lines have been drawn right through our constitution. MAGA

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