Why won't Amy Coney Barrett answer questions?

Amy Coney Barrett:

  • Doesn't know the First Amendment
  • Doesn't know the Constitution
  • Doesn't know that voter intimidation has been against the law for decades

Amy Coney Barrett: Rightwing tool, totally unfit for the highest court in the land.
ACB is so much more in the know when it comes to our laws than ANYONE on that committee it's laughable for you to claim she's "unfit"! She sat there and took on those liberal Democrats for hour after hour without notes. They tried their best to fluster her and she simply wouldn't give them what they wanted. Amy Coney Barrett is incredibly "fit" to be on the Supreme Court and will make a great Justice.
It's a matter of the PARTICULAR facts of the case.. YOU might think the Constitution is completely clear on the matter.. It's not.. Words like delay or postpone can have meanings that NEED interpretation depending on the case.. And SPECULATING ABOUT IT -- destroys their FUTURE credibility on rulings about "bias"..
You might think you know where the lockbox is, and maybe you do. Or maybe that's a dummy, or a decoy lockbox. Only me and Tipper and the Secretary of Defense will know for sure.


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