Zone1 Why won't Leftists answer questions on this site?

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
This is an honest question: Why won't Leftists answer questions on this site? I (and others) have repeatedly asked them yes/no questions about their beliefs, yet very seldom get back anything resembling a response. Here is a test I propose: Ask me a legitimate question and I will answer it. Then, I will ask you a question and you will either answer it or be banished to the Rubber Room. Any takers?
This is an honest question: Why won't Leftists answer questions on this site? I (and others) have repeatedly asked them yes/no questions about their beliefs, yet very seldom get back anything resembling a response. Here is a test I propose: Ask me a legitimate question and I will answer it. Then, I will ask you a question and you will either answer it or be banished to the Rubber Room. Any takers?

Because they don't have to.

They feel all clever about themselves when they think they've tap-danced away from any responsibility for any of the lies that come out of their mouths.

This is an honest question: Why won't Leftists answer questions on this site?
This is an honest question. Why won't you ask questions that aren't of the dishonest "have you stopped beating your wife?" type?

You don't ask honest questions. You're not asking an honest question here. You don't want answers, you want to push a propaganda point.
The classic never an answer reply. Thanks for proving the op.
Says the guy who just ran from my question, as all the righties will now do.

"Why do you leftists believe <crazy strawman position>?" is not asking an honest question. It's the action of someone who doesn't want honest debate, the actions of a dishonest propagandist. Thus, it's the staple tactic of the right here.
Why don't you give me an example of the type of question you'd like to ask the Leftist?
This could all be cleared up if the OP would just give us a specific example of the question that the leftists refuse to answer. I hope he does so.
This is an honest question: Why won't Leftists answer questions on this site? I (and others) have repeatedly asked them yes/no questions about their beliefs, yet very seldom get back anything resembling a response. Here is a test I propose: Ask me a legitimate question and I will answer it. Then, I will ask you a question and you will either answer it or be banished to the Rubber Room. Any takers?
Who kicked your ass?
This is an honest question: Why won't Leftists answer questions on this site? I (and others) have repeatedly asked them yes/no questions about their beliefs, yet very seldom get back anything resembling a response. Here is a test I propose: Ask me a legitimate question and I will answer it. Then, I will ask you a question and you will either answer it or be banished to the Rubber Room. Any takers?

OP, I don't know that this will really yield the type of discussion that will work in the Clean Debate Zone. My recommendation is you recreate this in the Structured Debates or the General forum.
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