Why Won't The CIA Fraud Department Do Something About The 2020 Election??

"Insurrectionist Rep. Paul Gosar has been railing about imaginary voter fraud as long as anyone --

Not sure who this Paul Gosar guy is but with 10,000 legitimate questions and doubts about the Biden installation, I think we need to focus on those and leave the imaginary voter fraud for another time.
Yes you do....you do trust government, you do trust media...

Because you blindly believe an orange moron who wants more than anything to be back part of that government again....

And you get 95% of your "election fraud evidence" from the media.....

But by all means......take that distrust and turn it into action and stop voting.....its all rigged anyway, right?

FOH with these hissy fits
Fuck off. Election integrity matters. You not so much.
I've noticed when facts don't really line up with your bullshit -- yall just say bigger and more delusional bullshit to overcompensate....

The fact of the matter that you are trying to dodge is that a sitting fucking US Congressman is telling goofy morons like you that there is a CIA Fraud department over elections and that this make believe department found evidence that 700k votes were switched....

And he tells you this shit because he has so much contempt for your intelligence that he knows you will believe it...
Maybe Gosar is just f'ing nuts. Ever thought of that?

Hell, if the CIA had a fraud department, they should arrest Gosar for impersonating a patriot!
john doe 101
Sure. Cause he says something you don't want to hear he's a liar and nobody would listen to him.

I'll stand over here and LMAO.
No...because he had no access to ANYTHING. You have as much access to election information as he has and YOU believe there is a "CIA Fraud Division"

Good question though even the CIA Fraud department knowing it doesn't change a thing.
Voting machines that take Trump votes and give them to Biden.
Voting machines COUNT VOTES. That's al they do. You put a ballot in...it gets counted...and the ballot is presented to you. It then gets stacked and stored. The machines have no ABILITY to change votes. The machines have been examined. They CAN'T do what you claim. The ballots still exist and they can be counted.
Loads of affidavits with watchers telling what they saw.
Those affidavits don't say anything material. The few that try are nothing but hearsay.
Maybe Gosar is just f'ing nuts. Ever thought of that?

Hell, if the CIA had a fraud department, they should arrest Gosar for impersonating a patriot!
The CIA is not allowed to operate in the US, and has no law enforcement function.

Gosar is modeling himself after Trump. He bleevs the rubes are stupid and gullible. And for the most part, they have proven themselves to be.
Why isn't the media reporting about the findings from the CIA Fraud Department??
National security.
Anything the CIA does basically falls into plausible deniability, so for instance when Obama couldn't get Congress to take out Assad in Syria, Brennan's CIA went to work....

So all these media people have to sign NDA's -- they can't say anything or their careers and lives are ruined. It's abuse of the old state secrets privilege act , and you have rogue government employees operating outside the Constitution with impunity...... especially in the upper levels...Clapper lied to Congress....Brennan spied on them .....Hillary lied countless times under oath.
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"Insurrectionist Rep. Paul Gosar has been railing about imaginary voter fraud as long as anyone -- so, it was notable to hear what he had to say Friday after being seen taking notes at the report on Arizona's fake election audit. He said nothing. There was not a peep about the election audit in his home state of Arizona; but just the day before the audit he menacingly tweeted just one word: "Tomorrow."

On September 11, just 13 days before the audit results were released, Gosar had this to say about what he expected the audit to find.
"If it's what I've been told, and I had people come to me in the early hours of the day after (the election) from the Security Exchange Fraud Department to the CIA Fraud Department that between 450,000 and 700,000 votes Arizona were altered in the state of Arizona."

Why isn't the media reporting about the findings from the CIA Fraud Department?? They knew hours after the election that 700K votes were changed to Biden in just Arizona alone. Why didn't the head of the CIA make this information known and why didn't she inform Trump so he could do something about it?

More to the point, why doesn't junior provide some documents to back up his claims...because so far all he's doing is just pulling stuff out of his butt like it's fact...facts only HE claims to know about.

GMAFB! And I feel sorry for the people ignorant enough to swallow this guff.
Nope. I believe that members of the CIA took part. There over 400 people from all agencies taking part.

You sure are a whiny little bitch.
Nope. I believe that members of the CIA took part. There over 400 people from all agencies taking part.

You sure are a whiny little bitch.
And you get this from where?

Some facebook article?

A Youtube rabbit hole?

Nope from the link I posted.

You just keep trying to convince yourself that you made the right decision with your vote. That should keep you busy for the next three years.
I'm sure you were there so you know. LOL.

There were hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from watchers who were there. No one files affidavits for the hell of it. Hell some of those watchers were Dems and one said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

You can discount them but I sure don't.
I'm sure you were there so you know. LOL.

There were hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from watchers who were there. No one files affidavits for the hell of it. Hell some of those watchers were Dems and one said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

You can discount them but I sure don't.
The Trump campaign’s affidavits also have a checkered history, to put it kindly. When they have been used in court, they’ve often been cast aside.

One Michigan judge noted that the evidence wasn’t direct evidence, despite the Trump campaign’s contention that it was:

TRUMP LAWYER: Your Honor, in terms of the hearsay point, this is a firsthand factual statement made by Ms. Connarn, and she has made that statement based on her own firsthand physical evidence and knowledge —
JUDGE: “I heard somebody else say something.” Tell me why that’s not hearsay. Come on, now.
TRUMP LAWYER: Well it’s a firsthand statement of her physical –
JUDGE: It’s an out-of-court statement offered where the truth of the matter is asserted, right?

The judge later dismissed the complaint as “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay.”

I'm sure you were there so you know. LOL.

There were hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from watchers who were there. No one files affidavits for the hell of it. Hell some of those watchers were Dems and one said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

You can discount them but I sure don't.
I am sure you don't discount them because they provide you with a little bit of comfort....comfort from the fact that you have been duped....again.....

This duped feeling should feel uncomfortable, yet familiar to you, because you had that same feeling about the other last 4 people you probably blindly supported before Trump...all 4 of which are people I have seen you trash now..... _006.gop.0(117).jpg

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