Why Won't The CIA Fraud Department Do Something About The 2020 Election??

Seems these folks came up with something different. Not my problem if you don't believe what they found.

Doesn't matter what they found anyway. The election won't be overturned and we are stuck with a half whit in the WH for another three years.
These folks didn't come up with anything because they never presented any EVIDENCE....

Do you understand these folks are manipulating your emotions to make money??

That is what people like me call a con...and you are the mark..and you seem to love it....that is weird to me...
Serious question....

Do you even care that folks like Paul Gosar, Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, Trump, etc etc -- continuously lie to you over and over again??

Gosar said that he had proof from the CIA that 700K voters were changed in Arizona...and didn't provide a single shred of evidence and you don't care at all??

Cyber Ninjas, Mike Lindell, Scott Baio, basically anybody who is a conservative grifter told you that this audit was going to uncover so much fraud that Trump will be considered the winner..and NONE OF THAT HAPPENED....and you don't care at all?
You'll never get through to these nut jobs. Their minds are gone. The best you can do is put them in their place at the bottom of humanity.
You'll never get through to these nut jobs. Their minds are gone. The best you can do is put them in their place at the bottom of humanity.
I actually cyber care about Claudette.....a little...

She may not admit she has been had, but as long as she know that I know that she knows she has been had....then all is well....
No one needs to lie. Hell there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers that were there. At least one Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. No one takes the time to file an affidavit for the fun of it.

Oh and lets not forget the watchers that were kicked out and paper put over the windows so no one could see what was going on. Ballots that turn up in middle of the night and are counted long after the counters have gone home.

Voting machines that take Trump votes and give them to Biden.

Nah. Nothing to see here. Don't have to be a genius to know that the election was hinky as hell.
I actually cyber care about Claudette.....a little...

She may not admit she has been had, but as long as she know that I know that she knows she has been had....then all is well....
Meanwhile these nut job traitors are ruining democracy. But as long as your little personal friendship with this nut job remains intact, I guess the world is ok in your mind.

72 hour psych holds. Deprogramming by professional doctors. Involuntary admittance into mental institutions. THAT is what is needed. Play time is over.
I actually cyber care about Claudette.....a little...

She may not admit she has been had, but as long as she know that I know that she knows she has been had....then all is well....

I haven't been had there bucko but you sure have been. LOL
I know, I know, because it's a secret CIA department. They did do something to stop the Trumpyfraud, we just didn't see it, it's secret.
john doe 101
Only you said they were outside the building.

Guess you missed the pictures of the poll watchers having to stand across the room and using bino's to see what was going on.

You also missed people putting paper over the windows so no one could see what was going on. Hell those pictures were all over this board during the election.

You are the mentally ill one. You DO need all the help you can get. LOL
john doe 101
Guess you missed the pictures of the poll watchers having to stand across the room and using bino's to see what was going on. You also missed people putting paper over the windows so no one could see what was going on. Hell those pictures were all over this board during the election.

You are the mentally ill one. You DO need all the help you can get. LOL
In terms of the papered windows of the Convention Center, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported there are windows with paper over them, but it's unclear whether those windows overlook the area where ballots are being tallied.

As far as the binoculars go, a court ordered that poll watchers can be within 6 feet of those counting the ballots.
john doe 101
Well they were kept across the room and there was video of paper being put up so no one could see what the counters were doing. Hell it was all over this board during the election.
john doe 101
Well they were kept across the room and there was video of paper being put up so no one could see what the counters were doing. Hell it was all over this board during the election.
What the fuck did I just say in my prior response? I'm done with this. You think trump lost the election because paper was put up on some random windows in a building. You are mentally ill.
john doe 101
Nah. I'm done with you. You'd much rather believe Bidung got 80 million votes. What a crock.

Oh and Trump didn't lose the election. It was stolen. You just don't want to believe the evidence. And there is plenty of it.

Rest assured. Your boy Bidung won't get over thrown. We will have to suffer through three more years of the half wit in the WH. You voted for an incompetent boob. Congrats.
john doe 101
Nah. I'm done with you. You'd much rather believe Bidung got 80 million votes. What a crock.

Oh and Trump didn't lose the election. It was stolen. You just don't want to believe the evidence. And there is plenty of it.

Rest assured. Your boy Bidung won't get over thrown. We will have to suffer through three more years of the half wit in the WH. You voted for an incompetent boob. Congrats.
If an election WAS stolen, how incompetent do you have to be NOT to prove that it was stolen? You cant have it both ways, dummy. So you are admitting how incompetent Trump is. You are admitting someone you named "Bidung" outwitted Trump.

What is more likely. Biden won the election or there is a multi-state conspiracy conducted by both dems and repubs government officials colluding TOGETHER to make sure Trump did not get a 2nd term? Thousands of people would have had to be involved, all of them risking serious jail time.

I cant wait to hear how your schizophrenic addled brain answers that question.
Funny stuff ... close to a full year after that election ... guess we know now who the biggest crybabies in the land are ... ha ha ha ...
I've noticed when facts don't really line up with your bullshit -- yall just say bigger and more delusional bullshit to overcompensate....

The fact of the matter that you are trying to dodge is that a sitting fucking US Congressman is telling goofy morons like you that there is a CIA Fraud department over elections and that this make believe department found evidence that 700k votes were switched....

And he tells you this shit because he has so much contempt for your intelligence that he knows you will believe it...
3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,

4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?

6 And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.

8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.

9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,

10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

2 Thessalonians 2:3–10
john doe 101
Well no judge wanted to see any evidence. I mean what Judge wants to overturn a Presidential election??None.

Loads of affidavits with watchers telling what they saw.

The cyber Ninja's came up with loads of anomalies about the election.

None of it matters though as the election won't be overturned. We are stuck with a half wit in the WH for three more years. You can rest easy. Your boy will serve his term. LOL

Oh and Trump was far from incompetent unlike Bidung.

I've spoken to folks to did vote for him and boy do they regret that vote. The man is a raving lunatic and I hope the country can survive three more years of his lunacy.
Ludicrous speaks (well, writes) again. I'm beginning to believe this kook only posts to get attention. I will feed his needs by pointing out nothing in this post or all of his posts have any substance, evidence, facts or any common sense.
And yet, here you are, deluded and deceived in to thinking your personal gravy train will never run out of gravy and that you will never have to make an account of your life to save your soul.

Joe Biden is not a god, and the vaccine is not going to save your soul.

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