Why Won't The CIA Fraud Department Do Something About The 2020 Election??

I vote for the candidate who best suits what I want which is what all voters should be doing.

You keep lying to yourself that the 2020 election was fair. Who knows. You just might convince yourself. LOL
As I pointed out to you before....You voted for these people.......


All of them are people you now trash as being "RINOS" part of the Deep State, etc etc etc.....even tho policy wise, these folks were pushing the same policies the orange moron pushed...

Which again lets me know the only reason you worship Trump is because he catered to your ignorance more than the previous Republicans did
LOL That means you voted for Hitlery and Gore. They lost. Keep trying to convince yourself. You are good for a laugh though.
HRC lost, the lies about her harmed her when biddable people like you believe lies. Gore got fucked by the Supreme Court and the FL Sect. of State; she was rewarded by the neocons with a one term member of the H. or Rep.
LOL That means you voted for Hitlery and Gore. They lost. Keep trying to convince yourself. You are good for a laugh though.
Yes I voted for Gore because I felt he would pass policies I like better than whatever Bush would do..

And seeing as tho you also despise Bush, I have no issues about my vote for Gore...

I also voted for Hillary because I think she would be more willing to sign the bills I like more than Trump.....and seeing as tho a moron like yourself can't tell me any policy of substance Trump has passed.....I have no issues about my vote for Hillary...

But its funny how you are ashamed of the previous four people you voted for tho...to the point you don't call yourself a Republican anymore..

And I can guarantee you that you started claiming you were an "Independent" after Bush Jr's presidency...
Why bicker about "fraud departments" when the message is leftists are dirty?
I like how you try to excuse away a blatant lie and wonder why the rest of us think you folks are depraved morons who do nothing more than projection...

The main folks who keep being exposed as frauds and liars are....the same folks whose balls you gargle repeatedly...
I like how you try to excuse away a blatant lie and wonder why the rest of us think you folks are depraved morons who do nothing more than projection...

The main folks who keep being exposed as frauds and liars are....the same folks whose balls you gargle repeatedly...

What blatant lie? Thanks in advance.
You deal with it. You're another idiot who actually believes Bidung got 80 million votes. So sad.
What's sad is that you actually think that was a clever retort on your part. What you can't deal with is the FACT that all your MAGA machinations were dismissed in courts across the USA, much less that farce in Arizona that backfired on you jokers BIG TIME.
But, insipid stubbornness and intellectual dishonesty seems to be the watch word for the MAGA minions. I do hope you campaign for Cheeto Jeezus to run again....that'll be the death nell for the GOP in Congress and the Senate. Carry on.
Sure they were. No Judge wanted to be involves in bringing down a Presidential election. More than enough proof out there to prove the election was stolen.

Kinda funny that Trump hit that number and every vote after that was for Biden. If you believe that then you enjoy drinking the Kool aid. Good Lord. Trumps numbers never went higher. That speaks volumes right there. Of course you ignore that fact.
As I pointed out to you before....You voted for these people.......

View attachment 546072

All of them are people you now trash as being "RINOS" part of the Deep State, etc etc etc.....even tho policy wise, these folks were pushing the same policies the orange moron pushed...

Which again lets me know the only reason you worship Trump is because he catered to your ignorance more than the previous Republicans did

When we first heard their Election fraud nonsense from Trump & Co we thought what a bunch of idiots...

Then we saw the supporters fall for it and send cash in like crazy even though the legal team was a nickle and dime operation... Trump made out with $250m+ which he used to pay back loans to him which he lent them to use he properties at highest rates...

We have learnt a lesson, nobody looses money underestimating the Trump supporters... Unless they are Rudy, Sidney, Powell, etc... Actually everyone except Trump and family...

Someday they will figure out the whole thing was a grift, by that stage they will have blamed it on Democrats... (Today they have convinced themselves that GW Bush is really just another Democrat supporter..., this from the party that preaches individual responibility)
When we first heard their Election fraud nonsense from Trump & Co we thought what a bunch of idiots...

Then we saw the supporters fall for it and send cash in like crazy even though the legal team was a nickle and dime operation... Trump made out with $250m+ which he used to pay back loans to him which he lent them to use he properties at highest rates...

We have learnt a lesson, nobody looses money underestimating the Trump supporters... Unless they are Rudy, Sidney, Powell, etc... Actually everyone except Trump and family...

Someday they will figure out the whole thing was a grift, by that stage they will have blamed it on Democrats... (Today they have convinced themselves that GW Bush is really just another Democrat supporter..., this from the party that preaches individual responibility)
"Someday they will figure out the whole thing was a grift"

As much as I would like to believe that, that day will never come.....

When your whole core political ideology is "triggering the libs" -- you will never see a Trumper admit he was duped.....

They will only admit that a particular political figure they once touted and later turned against was not enough of a depraved asshole towards the people they hate...
Sure they were. No Judge wanted to be involves in bringing down a Presidential election. More than enough proof out there to prove the election was stolen.

Kinda funny that Trump hit that number and every vote after that was for Biden. If you believe that then you enjoy drinking the Kool aid. Good Lord. Trumps numbers never went higher. That speaks volumes right there. Of course you ignore that fact.
Fascinating how you just spew out these assertions of yours WITHOUT A SHRED OF VALID, FACT BASED EVIDENCE. Any high school teacher will tell you that opinion, supposition and conjecture are NOT equal to valid, documented facts and the logic derived from such. Pity you were asleep that month in school.

And what "number" did Cheeto Jeezus "hit"? Just WTF are you babbling about, because the very organization you imbeciles put your faith in could only officially tell you that the Arizona folks had to be more efficient in their voting process.....NO PROOF OF CORRUPTION OR FRAUD. PERIOD.

I strongly urge you to put down the wine glass and read carefully and comprehensively the following...that way you look less foolish on your next response: Fact check: Arizona audit affirmed Biden's win, didn't prove voter fraud, contrary to Trump claim

Some comments:

I would imagine that this fellow has an appointment w/Sheriff Joe in his future. Wonder how he'll like sleeping in a tent and wearing pink undies?

He kind of looks Hispanic! Why didn't they call the cops?

All completely bogus.

This is all irrelevant.

It is the MESSAGE that matters, not the event. Facts are just inconvenient. From Smollett to this garbage, across the board it is message and only message anyone seems to care about anymore.
No one needs to lie. Hell there are hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from the watchers that were there. At least one Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. No one takes the time to file an affidavit for the fun of it.

Oh and lets not forget the watchers that were kicked out and paper put over the windows so no one could see what was going on. Ballots that turn up in middle of the night and are counted long after the counters have gone home.

Voting machines that take Trump votes and give them to Biden.

Nah. Nothing to see here. Don't have to be a genius to know that the election was hinky as hell.
As always,bill and the America haters get their asses handed to them on a platter. :laughing0301:
Prosecution for perjury on an affidavit is rare.

So there is virtually no penalty for manufacturing bullshit for a hoax.

They usually just get laughed out of court like the example in post 79.

They did it with Russia and no one was punished. Quit bitching.
john doe 101
Well no judge wanted to see any evidence. I mean what Judge wants to overturn a Presidential election??None.

Loads of affidavits with watchers telling what they saw.

The cyber Ninja's came up with loads of anomalies about the election.

None of it matters though as the election won't be overturned. We are stuck with a half wit in the WH for three more years. You can rest easy. Your boy will serve his term. LOL

Oh and Trump was far from incompetent unlike Bidung.

I've spoken to folks to did vote for him and boy do they regret that vote. The man is a raving lunatic and I hope the country can survive three more years of his lunacy.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Exactly,it’s only these trolls on this message board that ignore reality the entire country hates joe biden,even the world,even in Italy they are taking up the chant fuck joe biden.:rofl::laughing0301: Even the the democrat state of New York sees they fucked up voting fir them,they all hate him hence all the f joe biden chants in the masses in the city.lol

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