Why won't the trump regime stop lying about immigrants?

Lies and fabrications don't bother you at all....do they. Typical mindless Trumpette....
jim when you obsess about something it makes come off as mindless yourself...

So....in the world of trump....calling out liars is obsessing? Of course....the Liar in Chief has taught you walk.
no crying about the guy every time you put up a thread....are you one of those people who see trump everywhere?....we have survived this whole century so far with two half-assed presidents jim,we will survive trump too.....unfortunately it doesnt look like there is anything better down the road.... but then thats because you fucking party people like bottom of the barrel people .....

Regardless of what you say....Liars....Racists....and Criminals will be called out when they raise their heads.

If it were not for Media outlets...other than FOX....trump and his regime would still be running rampant over this country.

The day is coming for the Criminal in Chief....it is almost MUELLER TIME....
and if Mueller finds nothing major, then what will you do jim?.....and i hope you realize no matter who is in DC,we get told a lot of bullshit....
Mueller has already.found considerably more than "nothing".
How the hell would Democrats know what is going on at the borders or with Illegal immigration?

The Democrats refused to listen to Border Patrol Agents who sought to brief them about what is going on at the Border...

The Democrats refused to listen to a security briefing...

The Democrats refused to listen to the Director of Homeland Security - Pelosi even declared, "I reject your FACTS".

Despite there being 20+ MILLION illegals in the US, many unidentified...despite approx 1500 per day crossing...despite the murder of another police officer by an illegal arrested while preparing to flee back across the border into Mexico - just one of many such murders and crimes perpetrated by the violent illegals Democrats are giving safe haven to with their federal law-violating Sanctuary cities...

The Democrats declare, "There is no invasion, there is no crisis, there is no problem, we refuse to listen to the experts working every day on the border, we refuse to listen to security experts, we refuse to listen to homeland security, we continue to reject the documented statistics / facts, we continue to ignore the numbers of American citizens being victimized, we continue to ignore the growing American body count due to illegals' crimes against Americans, we continue to deny the proving election fraud / crimes involving illegals voting like in BROWARD County, we refuse to listen to anyone because WE know more about what is going on than anyone else...and we continue to stand with violent illegals like this recent cop killer and with MS13 and with human traffickers, etc...to keep the birders open, the illegal votes coming, and the Sanctuary Cities running!"
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
You left out a keyword in OP title


How the hell would Democrats know what is going on at the borders or with Illegal immigration?

The Democrats refused to listen to Border Patrol Agents who sought to brief them about what is going on at the Border...

The Democrats refused to listen to a security briefing...

The Democrats refused to listen to the Director of Homeland Security - Pelosi even declared, "I reject your FACTS".

Despite there being 20+ MILLION illegals in the US, many unidentified...despite approx 1500 per day crossing...despite the murder of another police officer by an illegal arrested while preparing to flee back across the border into Mexico - just one of many such murders and crimes perpetrated by the violent illegals Democrats are giving safe haven to with their federal law-violating Sanctuary cities...

The Democrats declare, "There is no invasion, there is no crisis, there is no problem, we refuse to listen to the experts working every day on the border, we refuse to listen to security experts, we refuse to listen to homeland security, we continue to reject the documented statistics / facts, we continue to ignore the numbers of American citizens being victimized, we continue to ignore the growing American body count due to illegals' crimes against Americans, we continue to deny the proving election fraud / crimes involving illegals voting like in BROWARD County, we refuse to listen to anyone because WE know more about what is going on than anyone else...and we continue to stand with violent illegals like this recent cop killer and with MS13 and with human traffickers, etc...to keep the birders open, the illegal votes coming, and the Sanctuary Cities running!"

This is the predictable result when the administration lies so much, sorry let me rephrase, offers us alternative facts. They lie about the smallest, most inconsequential things so much, that when they offer up some information that actually matters, everything is suspect. I don't know how you can expect anybody at this point to take them at their word.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
That is because tRump is a Russian b!tch who is no friend of America and a pathological liar that needs to be put behind prison mental asylum walls for life.

Liars are despicable...but an entire criminal regime of liars is Unconscionable....these people lie like they breath...
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
That is because tRump is a Russian b!tch who is no friend of America and a pathological liar that needs to be put behind prison mental asylum walls for life.

Liars are despicable...but an entire criminal regime of liars is Unconscionable....these people lie like they breath...
Democrats / snowflakes efusing to accept documented facts while refusing to take security briefings, refusing to listen to homeland security, refusing to listen to Border Patrol Sgents, ignoring the crimes / murders of American citizens by illegals, and while knowingly participating in the aiding and abetting of federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to illegal murderers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves, human traffickers, MS13, etc... Does not make this administration LIARS ...

It makes the Democrats / snowflakes willful traitors and criminals themselves for doing all of this and / or defending it.

They are just too GUTLESS, immoral, and unethical to admit they support porous borders, support allowing unidentified illegals by the thousands coming into the US almost daily, support illegal voting - as long as it is for their party, and support violating federal law to protect illegal murderers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves, human traffickers, MS13, etc...
It wasn’t a lie. Ther term “terrorist” refers to all violent criminals such as MS-13 gang members.

Democrats and Liberals consider MS-13 a culture to be appeased and provided entitlement; not a terrorist group.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
Doesn't matter.

Whatever rids us of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens.

Whatever stops future waves from trying to sneak-in or break-in.

Short of shooting them, anyway.

Lies and fabrications don't bother you at all....do they. Typical mindless Trumpette....
jim when you obsess about something it makes come off as mindless yourself...
harry whats wrong with your speech, it is garbled and makes no sense???

are you drunk??
if you think what i posted is garbled.....pass that pipe over to me...
jim when you obsess about something it makes come off as mindless yourself...

So....in the world of trump....calling out liars is obsessing? Of course....the Liar in Chief has taught you walk.
no crying about the guy every time you put up a thread....are you one of those people who see trump everywhere?....we have survived this whole century so far with two half-assed presidents jim,we will survive trump too.....unfortunately it doesnt look like there is anything better down the road.... but then thats because you fucking party people like bottom of the barrel people .....

Regardless of what you say....Liars....Racists....and Criminals will be called out when they raise their heads.

If it were not for Media outlets...other than FOX....trump and his regime would still be running rampant over this country.

The day is coming for the Criminal in Chief....it is almost MUELLER TIME....
and if Mueller finds nothing major, then what will you do jim?.....and i hope you realize no matter who is in DC,we get told a lot of bullshit....
Mueller has already.found considerably more than "nothing".
then if he has what you guys want right now,getting trump booted and into prison,why waste more tax payers money?....
The facts don't support the wall...so Trump marches Sanders out and she quotes some totally fabricated numbers.... LIARS
If walls don't work why do they surround every jail and prison in America?

If walls don't work,. why is there one around the White House and Capitol Hill?

I could just keep going.
...One of the points here is that a wall will not stop it.
Then again, it might slow it down one helluva lot.
You saw the statistics posted earlier on the thread right?
I'm speaking in the long-term, and anticipating the next wave, and beyond, not the trend du jour.
Ah, so you are ignoring the actual facts in favor of rwnj propaganda.

The presence of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent, does not lend itself to RWNJ Propaganda as the wellspring of legitimate concerns over the current porous southern border, nor the need to anticipate and effectively counter future waves of Illegals swarming the border.

Your objection here as to "fact" is that I am not allowing myself to be distracted by the trend du jour and stupidly accepting that as a permanent state of affairs moving forward, thereby negating the need for effective and comprehensive border control.

No Sale.

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