Why won't the trump regime stop lying about immigrants?

The problem here is the left has redefined 'lie" to mean anything they don't like. And the truth as anything they already agree with
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
That is because tRump is a Russian b!tch who is no friend of America and a pathological liar that needs to be put behind prison mental asylum walls for life.
and if Mueller finds nothing major, then what will you do jim?.....and i hope you realize no matter who is in DC,we get told a lot of bullshit....

Well....since trump has already been implicated in two felonies....I will wait for the rest.

Oh....and did I mention that the felonies of for "conspiracy to break campaign laws." Conspiracy as in the act of planning to decieve the American voter days before the election. And did I also tell you that Mueller has corroborating evidence from the CEO of the National Enguirer....?
you dont think if he had something right now that would kick trump from the WH to a federal pen he wouldnt already be ending his investigation?......and the enquirer?...you mean that paper that says all the Presidents have met Aliens from the planet Spozzz?....that paper?.....lots of credibility there....

Hypocrites like you have NO SHAME....

were is the hypocrisy?.....i asked you a simple question....perhaps the problem was you had no answer...

At one point trump wanted the Equirer to win the Pullizer. Now that they have given up his criminal past....they cannot be believed....YOU are his and Ignored....

you are a dipshit....and a pussy....
Doesn't matter.

Whatever rids us of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens.

Whatever stops future waves from trying to sneak-in or break-in.

Short of shooting them, anyway.

Lies and fabrications don't bother you at all....do they. Typical mindless Trumpette....
jim when you obsess about something it makes come off as mindless yourself...

So....in the world of trump....calling out liars is obsessing? Of course....the Liar in Chief has taught you walk.
no crying about the guy every time you put up a thread....are you one of those people who see trump everywhere?....we have survived this whole century so far with two half-assed presidents jim,we will survive trump too.....unfortunately it doesnt look like there is anything better down the road.... but then thats because you fucking party people like bottom of the barrel people .....

Regardless of what you say....Liars....Racists....and Criminals will be called out when they raise their heads.

If it were not for Media outlets...other than FOX....trump and his regime would still be running rampant over this country.

The day is coming for the Criminal in Chief....it is almost MUELLER TIME....

Liars, Racists, and Criminals? Do you mean Hillary or Obama? You just went through the check list of the entire democrat leadership. You should really quit voting for these people, unless you really do think they represent you.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.

If someone shined a light in your ear I bet light would come out the other ear.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
Why do pot head so-called liberal media sources like Rolling Stone keep referring to illegal criminals simply as "immigrants"? How the hell did Rolling Stone ever get to be a mainstream left wing media source anyway?
Why do pot head so-called liberal media sources like Rolling Stone keep referring to illegal criminals simply as "immigrants"? How the hell did Rolling Stone ever get to be a mainstream left wing media source anyway?

It's actually more about the DHS report that they are unaware of a single terrorist crossing the border from Mexico, but yeah, it's all about Rolling Stone.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
Doesn't matter.

Whatever rids us of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens.

Whatever stops future waves from trying to sneak-in or break-in.

Short of shooting them, anyway.

Lies and fabrications don't bother you at all....do they. Typical mindless Trumpette....
jim when you obsess about something it makes come off as mindless yourself...
harry whats wrong with your speech, it is garbled and makes no sense???

are you drunk??
Just asking, is it OK to post links to other forums?
do you want censorship???

I want everyone to play by the same set of rules. Also, another forum isn't a source.

Don't worry about it though, nothing will come of it.
was a link connected???

nothing wrong with other forums, more voices not less

I didn't make up the rules and if you can't find the wall of links going to another message board then I can't help you.

Also, a message board is not a valid source.

Anyway this is off topic.
Just asking, is it OK to post links to other forums?
do you want censorship???

I want everyone to play by the same set of rules. Also, another forum isn't a source.

Don't worry about it though, nothing will come of it.
was a link connected???

nothing wrong with other forums, more voices not less

I didn't make up the rules and if you can't find the wall of links going to another message board then I can't help you.

Also, a message board is not a valid source.

Anyway this is off topic.
sorry but I have looked ,,,who linked to another forum???

I cant find it
Just asking, is it OK to post links to other forums?
do you want censorship???

I want everyone to play by the same set of rules. Also, another forum isn't a source.

Don't worry about it though, nothing will come of it.
was a link connected???

nothing wrong with other forums, more voices not less

I didn't make up the rules and if you can't find the wall of links going to another message board then I can't help you.

Also, a message board is not a valid source.

Anyway this is off topic.
sorry but I have looked ,,,who linked to another forum???

I cant find it

Looks like they took it down. Thanks mods! Appreciate it.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
Doesn't matter.

Whatever rids us of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens.

Whatever stops future waves from trying to sneak-in or break-in.

Short of shooting them, anyway.
One of the points here is that a wall will not stop it.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
Its probably because tRump and his brainwashed cult follower ignoramuses fail to realize they are descendants of immigrants, including illegal immigrants.
Trump Administration Won’t Stop Lying About Terrorists and Immigration – Rolling Stone

On Friday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that last year, 4,000 individuals “that came across our southern border” were detained by Homeland Security for being known or suspected terrorists. And Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen repeated a similar statistic in a briefing with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, claiming that border officials captured 3,000 suspected terrorists and 17,000 criminals at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But these claims are blatantly false and misleading. And Pelosi said as much in the briefing, telling Nielsen, “I reject your facts,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to DHS’s own statistics, in fiscal year 2017, DHS detained 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watch list who were trying to enter the United States from all ports of entry across the globe, but only 335 of them were traveling by land. Most were encountered at airports. Plus, as Ned Price, who worked in the Obama administration’s National Security Counsel, told NBC News, most of those stops probably occurred because the person traveling matched a name on the terrorist watch list, but that does not mean the person was confirmed to be a terrorist.

And according to a State Department report from this past year, no known terrorists crossed the U.S.-Mexico border: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States.”

These people lie like Willy Nelson smokes pot! Sanders Godly daddy needs to tell her she is going to Hell if she keeps lying for trump.
Its probably because tRump and his brainwashed cult follower ignoramuses fail to realize they are descendants of immigrants, including illegal immigrants.

we didnt have a welfare state for them to suck on back then

I'm not so opposed to illegal immigration if we didnt have the welfare, of course the muslim terrorist are a problem

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