Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?

Because there is no radical white terrorism

Hardly any relative to left wing, minority gangsters, and Islamo-vermin. That's why they have to keep bringing up that clown who blew up the Fed building in OK, can't remember his name. What was the death toll this week in Chicago?
donald trump and his sycophant apologists evidently aren't capable of comprehending the vital nuance required in leadership diplomacy.

Says a supporter of the man who
- Jumped the racist gun then tried to make his mistake all better with a 'beer summit'
- Caused the humiliating 'Red Line fiasco then tried to blame th whole world for it
- Created his own personal treaty with Iran that has lead to Iran giving NK the capability to strike the US with Nukes....


i did not support the candidacy of the inexperience community organizer/junior senator from illinois, i supported hillary clinton.

so bwuhahaha back at you, simpleton. now TRY to focus on the topic, if you can. :itsok:
Pogo's Law strikes again.
Pogo's Law FAILS again. I did not change the subject. The question was asked about Obama...not by me. I merely answered it. Try blaming the individual who asked the question.

Did I name you?

Evelyn Wood's Law strikes again.

Try it this way --- Pogo's Law works "on many sides".....

It's not worth responding to Easy65, the guy's a lunatic and has never had an original thought in his life.

Yes, you should definitely run away before you embarrass yourself even more.

I've never run from a bully, they are cowards in real life and when hiding behind a keyboard. They differ only in one way from a terrorist, they don't have the balls to put themselves in harms way.

lol now you're claiming you're being 'bullied'??? What a hoot; tried to belittle others, posted ridiculous fake news, and now you're crying like a little baby cuz somebody pointed out you're full of shit? lol lol
When Black Jive splatters was burning cities it was Ok
Scary white people walking up a street is not OK
Now who are the racists?
Pogo's Law strikes again.
Pogo's Law FAILS again. I did not change the subject. The question was asked about Obama...not by me. I merely answered it. Try blaming the individual who asked the question.

Did I name you?

Evelyn Wood's Law strikes again.

Try it this way --- Pogo's Law works "on many sides".....

It's not worth responding to Easy65, the guy's a lunatic and has never had an original thought in his life.

Yes, you should definitely run away before you embarrass yourself even more.

I've never run from a bully, they are cowards in real life and when hiding behind a keyboard. They differ only in one way from a terrorist, they don't have the balls to put themselves in harms way.

lol now you're claiming you're being 'bullied'??? What a hoot; tried to belittle others, posted ridiculous fake news, and now you're crying like a little baby cuz somebody pointed out you're full of shit? lol lol
Bishop E.W. Jackson on Charlottesville: ‘I Condemn Both Sides… Both Sides Want Us Divided Racially’ - Breitbart

"Both [sides] are more interested in racial division than they are in us becoming one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

These white racists want confrontation and violence. Unfortunately the left shows up & gives them exactly what they want. Not smart!
— E.W. Jackson (@ewjacksonsr)
August 12, 2017

3 dead in Charlottesville violence. This is just what white racists and black racists want. It proves their cases. Condemn both!
— E.W. Jackson (@ewjacksonsr)
August 12, 2017"

Q. Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?

A. Because they're his base!
As much as your base is ISIS terrorist sympathizers. :rolleyes:

Keep vilifying almost half the country, and we'll keep seeing senseless violence. You have to vilify to justify your hatred of me, and anyone who voted for Trump.

No rational person supports terrorism, domestic or international; only evil people sympathize with those who murder and harm innocent civilians. That IS NOT my base!

Less than 1/3 of the country support Trump, and many less support the use of violence as a means of achieving their social and political goals. Trump has created a house divided much like President Lincoln faced.

The hate by the Alternative Right Wing hold for minorities, and in fact anyone who holds ideas and values which do not comport with theirs, along with their love of violence, is a great threat to all of our citizens who are not WASPs; even WASPs can be targeted if they do not follow the script.

Have you come up with how many Islamo-vermin terrorist attacks would constitute 'normal' before anything should be done about them yet? You never answered before. Yur a Jenyus, so naturally we all value your 'insights' on everything.

Word salad ^^^ wrapped in a straw man and built on an ad hominem foundation.

Those able to pass Logic 101 went on to Logic 102 and 201, where we learned there are all kinds of valid ad hom arguments. When you get old enough to go to school you should try and study some real logic and not just rely on some Cliff Notes for the high school intro course you shoplifted somewhere.
Bishop E.W. Jackson on Charlottesville: ‘I Condemn Both Sides… Both Sides Want Us Divided Racially’ - Breitbart

"Both [sides] are more interested in racial division than they are in us becoming one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

These white racists want confrontation and violence. Unfortunately the left shows up & gives them exactly what they want. Not smart!
— E.W. Jackson (@ewjacksonsr)
August 12, 2017

3 dead in Charlottesville violence. This is just what white racists and black racists want. It proves their cases. Condemn both!
— E.W. Jackson (@ewjacksonsr)
August 12, 2017"


That guy is in for a world of shit from the Democratic Party's hired thugs and assorted lunatics; he should hire a couple of bodyguards, at least for a while.
Eric Holder calls out Trump over Charlottesville attack — and gets obliterated

"If ISIS rammed a car into a crowd this would be labeled quickly & logically. Charlottesville – call it what it is, domestic terrorism."
— Eric Holder (@EricHolder)
August 13, 2017

The response was immediate....

"Maybe you should sit this one out, Mr. Workplace Violencehttps://t.co/rpmKr9MVeA"
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog)
August 13, 2017


Hypocrites Libs love to pile-on, completely ignoring their own 1st actions....
I find the biary thinking of trumpanzees to be fascinating....I mean, you believing that calling something workplace violence precludes it also being terrorism...

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Terrorism stats from Baltimore this year.


BALTIMORE (WJZ) — In the past 24 hours, seven more people were shot – one of them killed – as Baltimore struggles with a record high murder rate, and those in power are desperate for solutions.


As of Friday afternoon, 181 people have been killed on Baltimore’s streets so far this year. That’s higher than the 127 in New York, a city that is almost 14 times larger.

Baltimore’s 181 murders is also higher than the 160 in Philadelphia, which has two and a half times the population.

And Baltimore’s murder rate more than doubles Chicago’s, which has gained international attention for its violence.

Gee, nothing nothing about 'White Supremacists N Stuff' here ...

On November 15, 2015, as the world grappled with the horrors of a multipronged ISIS attack in Paris, Donald Trump, who was then an improbable but officially declared candidate for the presidency, tweeted, “When will President Obama issue the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM? He can’t say it, and unless he will, the problem will not be solved!”

I raise the subject of this tweet, and the sentiment that motivated it, in light of President Trump’s remarkable reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, this weekend. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides,” he said. Trump, when presented with the chance to denounce, in plain, direct language, individuals who could fairly be described as “white supremacist terrorists,” or with some other equivalent formulation, instead resorted to euphemism and moral equivalence.

Trump’s position on the matter of President Obama’s anti-terrorism rhetoric did not place him outside the Republican mainstream. Obama’s critics argued throughout his presidency that his unwillingness to embrace the incantatory rhetoric of civilizational struggle—his reluctance to cast such groups as al-Qaeda and ISIS as vanguards of an all-encompassing ideological and theological challenge to the West—meant that, at the very least, he misunderstood the nature of the threat, or, more malignantly, that he understood the nature of the threat but was, through omission, declaring a kind of neutrality in the conflict between the United States and its principal adversary.

It is true that Obama calibrated his rhetoric on the subject of terrorism to a degree even his closest advisers sometimes found frustrating. They hoped that, on occasion, he would at least acknowledge the legitimacy of Americans’ fears about Islamist terrorism before proceeding to explain those fears away. But Obama had a plausible rationale for avoiding the sort of language his eventual successor demanded that he deploy. He believed that any sort of rhetorical overreaction to the threat of Islamist terrorism by an American president would create panic, and would also spark a xenophobic response that would do damage to America’s image, and to Americans Muslims themselves.


But the issue here is substantially larger than mere hypocrisy. Obama carefully measured his rhetoric in the war against Islamist terrorism because he hoped to avoid inserting the U.S. into the middle of an internecine struggle consuming another civilization. But the struggle in Charlottesville is a struggle within our own civilization, within Trump’s own civilization. It is precisely at moments like this that an American president should speak up directly on behalf of the American creed, on behalf of Americans who reject tribalism and seek pluralism, on behalf of the idea that blood-and-soil nationalism is antithetical to the American idea itself. Trump’s refusal to call out radical white terrorism for what it is, at precisely the moment America needs its leadership to take a unified stand against hatred, marks what might be the lowest moment of his presidency to date.

Whole article here: Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?


Because if he does, he alienates at least 50% of his supporters.
Why won't Trump call out radical white terrorism?

He just did. Your thread is now pointless.

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