Why Won't Trump Call Out Radical White Terrorism?

Holder was a dickless tool. Well, likely still is cuz I don't think he's dead.
Sumpins wrong with yer dog.

Holder was actually a pretty effective administrator and lawyer. He does have views on whether blacks are profiled that go a bit too far for most Americans. Cops are going to profile on something, but there's no disputing that things like drug laws and sentencing are applied unequally on race.

I make fun of Ole Jeff, but honestly think his motives are pretty decent, too.

Trump's just pulled the dog whistle too often for me.
Meh....I think he was nothing but a dickless tool for the last administration. Maybe he is back to his own ethics? :dunno:
Trump handled it perfectly. No news here.

"Perfectly" huh.
Then was he fucking up when he got specific about "when Mexico 'sends' its people"? And when he called for "a complete and total (not an incomplete and total mind you) shutdown of Muslims" --- which cost him an EO? And when he whined that a judge was "Mexican" --- even though he was from Indiana?

Finally he got it right by stopping that specific finger-pointing. Huh.

Do you seriously believe a mexican-heritage judge would have given Trump a fair shake in a civil damages trial? If you do you have no idea how the "la raza" movement has infiltrated the judiciary.
thank you for FINALLY having the courage to call them out, donald...

“Racism is evil,” Trump said from the White House Diplomatic Room. “And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

“As I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws,” the president said. “We all salute the same great flag. And we are all made by the same almighty god.”

The comments came after Trump was widely criticized for only knocking violence from “many sides” at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va

Conflating "pro-white" sentiment with folks who value the 1st Amendment is not too bright.

Pretending that the RW'ers here only see this as 1st amendment issue is bullshit.
That's the way I approach it; that's the way others are also approaching it. I see racists, too.

If you're wanting to imply I am racist because I appreciate the 1st Amendment, I suggest you nut up and do it. :eusa_whistle:

I'm guessing your zealous '1st amendment' argument doesn't appear in any of the threads whose topics were left wing protests.

I'll stand corrected if you wish to prove otherwise.
I haven't posted here in a long time...just started out in July.

My political foundation is a value of the 1st Amendment....and the rest of the COTUS. If you prefer to assume my "guilt" with nothing to support it, you certainly have that right.

It's not an uncommon thing to do by many on your "team" - assume I'm a racist, mysogynistss, spawn of satan, whatever...simply because I voted for someone. I've no doubt the congressional baseball practice shooter did the same. It justifies your hate, and in his case, his violence. All irrespective of the fact I've expressed my disgust of whitey inferiorists countless times.

Go for it............ :popcorn:
Well the thing is that if the issue upon which one wants to exercise his/her first amend rights upon happens to be burning the flag or saying they don't want blacks to have equal rights to housing education and jobs, one should not be surprised if a lot of people show up to go "fuck you."
so if violence erupts it's only one sides fault then? is that your pathetic view?
donald trump and his sycophant apologists evidently aren't capable of comprehending the vital nuance required in leadership diplomacy.

Says a supporter of the man who
- Jumped the racist gun then tried to make his mistake all better with a 'beer summit'
- Caused the humiliating 'Red Line fiasco then tried to blame th whole world for it
- Created his own personal treaty with Iran that has lead to Iran giving NK the capability to strike the US with Nukes....


i did not support the candidacy of the inexperience community organizer/junior senator from illinois, i supported hillary clinton.

so bwuhahaha back at you, simpleton. now TRY to focus on the topic, if you can. :itsok:

He can't. He is filled with too many talking points he doesn't understand, and seems incapable of independent thought. He is a whiner, thoughtless and offers nothing thought provoking.
This OP is clearly another radicalized Democrat nutball. He or she only gets their 'information' from Democrat Fake News. Trump has condemned it numerous times. Just because radical Democrat nutters ignore it, doesn't mean he never did it. Sadly, this OP is just one of the Thousands of crazy Manchurian Candidate-types the Democrats have created. Their Fake News has incited madness. Shame on em.
President Trump called out the Klan. To vote for him.
you know what, you are just one fked up individual. why don't you post that quote asshole? your rhetoric is outdated and you need a new play.
donald trump and his sycophant apologists evidently aren't capable of comprehending the vital nuance required in leadership diplomacy.

Says a supporter of the man who
- Jumped the racist gun then tried to make his mistake all better with a 'beer summit'
- Caused the humiliating 'Red Line fiasco then tried to blame th whole world for it
- Created his own personal treaty with Iran that has lead to Iran giving NK the capability to strike the US with Nukes....


i did not support the candidacy of the inexperience community organizer/junior senator from illinois, i supported hillary clinton.

so bwuhahaha back at you, simpleton. now TRY to focus on the topic, if you can. :itsok:

He can't. He is filled with too many talking points he doesn't understand, and seems incapable of independent thought. He is a whiner, thoughtless and offers nothing thought provoking.
you still talking about obummer?
Pretending that the RW'ers here only see this as 1st amendment issue is bullshit.
That's the way I approach it; that's the way others are also approaching it. I see racists, too.

If you're wanting to imply I am racist because I appreciate the 1st Amendment, I suggest you nut up and do it. :eusa_whistle:

I'm guessing your zealous '1st amendment' argument doesn't appear in any of the threads whose topics were left wing protests.

I'll stand corrected if you wish to prove otherwise.
I haven't posted here in a long time...just started out in July.

My political foundation is a value of the 1st Amendment....and the rest of the COTUS. If you prefer to assume my "guilt" with nothing to support it, you certainly have that right.

It's not an uncommon thing to do by many on your "team" - assume I'm a racist, mysogynistss, spawn of satan, whatever...simply because I voted for someone. I've no doubt the congressional baseball practice shooter did the same. It justifies your hate, and in his case, his violence. All irrespective of the fact I've expressed my disgust of whitey inferiorists countless times.

Go for it............ :popcorn:

Well the thing is that if the issue upon which one wants to exercise his/her first amend rights upon happens to be burning the flag or saying they don't want blacks to have equal rights to housing education and jobs, one should not be surprised if a lot of people show up to go "fuck you."

so if violence erupts it's only one sides fault then? is that your pathetic view?

Staw Man ^^^! jc456 is another one who wants to tell others what they think, when it is obvious he doesn't think at all.
donald trump and his sycophant apologists evidently aren't capable of comprehending the vital nuance required in leadership diplomacy.

Says a supporter of the man who
- Jumped the racist gun then tried to make his mistake all better with a 'beer summit'
- Caused the humiliating 'Red Line fiasco then tried to blame th whole world for it
- Created his own personal treaty with Iran that has lead to Iran giving NK the capability to strike the US with Nukes....


i did not support the candidacy of the inexperience community organizer/junior senator from illinois, i supported hillary clinton.

so bwuhahaha back at you, simpleton. now TRY to focus on the topic, if you can. :itsok:

He can't. He is filled with too many talking points he doesn't understand, and seems incapable of independent thought. He is a whiner, thoughtless and offers nothing thought provoking.
you still talking about obummer?

Nope, see my post above, and the one above that (#266). Both apply to you.
That's the way I approach it; that's the way others are also approaching it. I see racists, too.

If you're wanting to imply I am racist because I appreciate the 1st Amendment, I suggest you nut up and do it. :eusa_whistle:

I'm guessing your zealous '1st amendment' argument doesn't appear in any of the threads whose topics were left wing protests.

I'll stand corrected if you wish to prove otherwise.
I haven't posted here in a long time...just started out in July.

My political foundation is a value of the 1st Amendment....and the rest of the COTUS. If you prefer to assume my "guilt" with nothing to support it, you certainly have that right.

It's not an uncommon thing to do by many on your "team" - assume I'm a racist, mysogynistss, spawn of satan, whatever...simply because I voted for someone. I've no doubt the congressional baseball practice shooter did the same. It justifies your hate, and in his case, his violence. All irrespective of the fact I've expressed my disgust of whitey inferiorists countless times.

Go for it............ :popcorn:

Well the thing is that if the issue upon which one wants to exercise his/her first amend rights upon happens to be burning the flag or saying they don't want blacks to have equal rights to housing education and jobs, one should not be surprised if a lot of people show up to go "fuck you."

so if violence erupts it's only one sides fault then? is that your pathetic view?

Staw Man ^^^! jc456 is another one who wants to tell others what they think, when it is obvious he doesn't think at all.
so why don't you answer the question asshole? what the hell are you afraid of? can't handle someone speaking facts? I see hypocrite!!!
donald trump and his sycophant apologists evidently aren't capable of comprehending the vital nuance required in leadership diplomacy.

Says a supporter of the man who
- Jumped the racist gun then tried to make his mistake all better with a 'beer summit'
- Caused the humiliating 'Red Line fiasco then tried to blame th whole world for it
- Created his own personal treaty with Iran that has lead to Iran giving NK the capability to strike the US with Nukes....


i did not support the candidacy of the inexperience community organizer/junior senator from illinois, i supported hillary clinton.

so bwuhahaha back at you, simpleton. now TRY to focus on the topic, if you can. :itsok:

He can't. He is filled with too many talking points he doesn't understand, and seems incapable of independent thought. He is a whiner, thoughtless and offers nothing thought provoking.
you still talking about obummer?

Nope, see my post above, and the one above that. Both apply to you.
sure you are, you labeled him to the tee.
Val didn't support Obama's candidacy, but she swallowed his juice like a cheap whore for eight years.
donald trump and his sycophant apologists evidently aren't capable of comprehending the vital nuance required in leadership diplomacy.

Says a supporter of the man who
- Jumped the racist gun then tried to make his mistake all better with a 'beer summit'
- Caused the humiliating 'Red Line fiasco then tried to blame th whole world for it
- Created his own personal treaty with Iran that has lead to Iran giving NK the capability to strike the US with Nukes....


i did not support the candidacy of the inexperience community organizer/junior senator from illinois, i supported hillary clinton.

so bwuhahaha back at you, simpleton. now TRY to focus on the topic, if you can. :itsok:

He can't. He is filled with too many talking points he doesn't understand, and seems incapable of independent thought. He is a whiner, thoughtless and offers nothing thought provoking.

Classic projection, simply classic.
I can actually understand that argument, but there is a time and place for everything. A President has to have the awareness to understand, appreciate and act in accordance with the broader context of any event.

This is absolutely true. For "a President".

But this one has always been pointedly specific, absolutely when it results in a broad brush, about "Mexicans", about "Muslims", even jumping in to take credit for his own fingerpointing in the face of some attack, even pointing the Mexican finger at a judge from Indiana.

Now suddenly he wants to go all-inclusive and the finger goes flaccid?

You gotta be not paying attention to miss that.
Sure. It couldn't be much more obvious, he doesn't want to piss off the wrong people.

He's so clumsy that he doesn't hide it very well.

the wrong people?

a decent human being would be proud to piss off neo-Nazis.

it's about time people stop making excuses for him. he chooses his words carefully.
Oh, I don't think he chooses his words carefully. That would be giving him too much credit.

He knows how much he needs the Alt Right, and just did a characteristically poor job of hiding it.
because he condemned violence of all kinds? how exactly do you work that in that he left out the group to which you base your argument?
There was specific violence directed at one group. Just like at that softball field in June.

But you know that.

Because there is no radical white terrorism

Hardly any relative to left wing, minority gangsters, and Islamo-vermin. That's why they have to keep bringing up that clown who blew up the Fed building in OK, can't remember his name. What was the death toll this week in Chicago?

Fake logic ^^^

Domestic terrorism is, domestic terrorism. Terrorism is used to intimidate survivors and create terror in the general population.

Consider the NRA. They enable, by policy, mentally unstable American citizens the absolute right to own and posses guns, as well as radicalized Americans and radicalized aliens, to slaughter innocent Americans; this creates a climate of fear, and more guns and ammo are sold to those who advertise in NRA publications **.

**NRA Publications

Gang warfare is not domestic terrorism, it is turf war among purveyors of drugs, weapons and prostitution.
This is absolutely true. For "a President".

But this one has always been pointedly specific, absolutely when it results in a broad brush, about "Mexicans", about "Muslims", even jumping in to take credit for his own fingerpointing in the face of some attack, even pointing the Mexican finger at a judge from Indiana.

Now suddenly he wants to go all-inclusive and the finger goes flaccid?

You gotta be not paying attention to miss that.
Sure. It couldn't be much more obvious, he doesn't want to piss off the wrong people.

He's so clumsy that he doesn't hide it very well.

the wrong people?

a decent human being would be proud to piss off neo-Nazis.

it's about time people stop making excuses for him. he chooses his words carefully.
Oh, I don't think he chooses his words carefully. That would be giving him too much credit.

He knows how much he needs the Alt Right, and just did a characteristically poor job of hiding it.
because he condemned violence of all kinds? how exactly do you work that in that he left out the group to which you base your argument?
There was specific violence directed at one group. Just like at that softball field in June.

But you know that.

there was? who committed the violence but a kid from Ohio, that drove eight hours. he wasn't part of the protest at all, and so you should regroup and get the story correct. Now who came with weapons? any guesses?
Sure. It couldn't be much more obvious, he doesn't want to piss off the wrong people.

He's so clumsy that he doesn't hide it very well.

the wrong people?

a decent human being would be proud to piss off neo-Nazis.

it's about time people stop making excuses for him. he chooses his words carefully.
Oh, I don't think he chooses his words carefully. That would be giving him too much credit.

He knows how much he needs the Alt Right, and just did a characteristically poor job of hiding it.
because he condemned violence of all kinds? how exactly do you work that in that he left out the group to which you base your argument?
There was specific violence directed at one group. Just like at that softball field in June.

But you know that.

there was? who committed the violence but a kid from Ohio, that drove eight hours. he wasn't part of the protest at all, and so you should regroup and get the story correct. Now who came with weapons? any guesses?
Never mind. You win.

I can't do this any more.
the wrong people?

a decent human being would be proud to piss off neo-Nazis.

it's about time people stop making excuses for him. he chooses his words carefully.
Oh, I don't think he chooses his words carefully. That would be giving him too much credit.

He knows how much he needs the Alt Right, and just did a characteristically poor job of hiding it.
because he condemned violence of all kinds? how exactly do you work that in that he left out the group to which you base your argument?
There was specific violence directed at one group. Just like at that softball field in June.

But you know that.

there was? who committed the violence but a kid from Ohio, that drove eight hours. he wasn't part of the protest at all, and so you should regroup and get the story correct. Now who came with weapons? any guesses?
Never mind. You win.

I can't do this any more.

that's why I disregard everything the loon says.
Oh, I don't think he chooses his words carefully. That would be giving him too much credit.

He knows how much he needs the Alt Right, and just did a characteristically poor job of hiding it.
because he condemned violence of all kinds? how exactly do you work that in that he left out the group to which you base your argument?
There was specific violence directed at one group. Just like at that softball field in June.

But you know that.

there was? who committed the violence but a kid from Ohio, that drove eight hours. he wasn't part of the protest at all, and so you should regroup and get the story correct. Now who came with weapons? any guesses?
Never mind. You win.

I can't do this any more.

that's why I disregard everything the loon says.
I no longer engage in asymmetrical conversations.

It's a waste of time.

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