Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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During the Great Depression the usual charges were made regarding the unemployed: won't work, live off of welfare, and so on. When factories opened up for defense it seems most went to work, including the women.
Perhaps the reason cities such as Detroit are having problems is that so many went to those cities for jobs and then the jobs began drying up and so the cities are left with unemployed.
There is also and up side for people with money or jobs to have poverty and high unemployment.
Yep, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

One, only one or two states do drug screens for welfare. The others don't.

Two, looking for work and working are two different things. Anybody that goes to a job interview with dirty cloths on and messed up hair won't be offered a job so that's a moot point.

Three, there are all kinds of jobs out there that are not bad paying but Americans would rather sit home on welfare.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
Thanks to GOP a-holes. Freedom, right? Actually, ALL states do drug testing, but the ones you admire do way too much. Freedom and who cares how much THAT costs? lol. KILL WELFARE SCUM! And btw, thanks for the corrupt depression. Unbelievable.

No, not because of any GOP, it's because liberal courts struck random drug testing down.

If left up to us, there would be random drug testing. And no, most states don't do any kind of drug testing.
Of course they do, for welfare. And of course the GOP is behind all the drug testing DUH. Started under Raygun.
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

One, only one or two states do drug screens for welfare. The others don't.

Two, looking for work and working are two different things. Anybody that goes to a job interview with dirty cloths on and messed up hair won't be offered a job so that's a moot point.

Three, there are all kinds of jobs out there that are not bad paying but Americans would rather sit home on welfare.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
The state has to have cause to believe the person uses drugs, usually this means being convicted of drug use. Members of the family that don't use drugs can receive benefits. I see a couple of articles that say the programs cost more money than they save. Of course the law is about making a political statement, not saving money.
The drug users get assistance too, they just have to sign up for endless counselling and classes, costing MORE money. Brilliant!. And it's just pot that gets people caught, as its taint lasts by far the longest. Genius, Pub dupes.
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

If someone doesn't want a minimum wage job they should provide more than minimum skills.
You mean like the former small business owners that Walmart put out of business prefatory to making themselves the only employer in the area?

You're right; that's a crying shame. Some of those Mom & Pop grocery stores and hardware stores and bakeries and pharmacies were in the family for generations, and now they're gone.

Who put them out of business?

The American consumer...

They flocked to the big box stores l

Supply and Demand.
One, only one or two states do drug screens for welfare. The others don't.

Two, looking for work and working are two different things. Anybody that goes to a job interview with dirty cloths on and messed up hair won't be offered a job so that's a moot point.

Three, there are all kinds of jobs out there that are not bad paying but Americans would rather sit home on welfare.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
Thanks to GOP a-holes. Freedom, right? Actually, ALL states do drug testing, but the ones you admire do way too much. Freedom and who cares how much THAT costs? lol. KILL WELFARE SCUM! And btw, thanks for the corrupt depression. Unbelievable.

No, not because of any GOP, it's because liberal courts struck random drug testing down.

If left up to us, there would be random drug testing. And no, most states don't do any kind of drug testing.
Of course they do, for welfare. And of course the GOP is behind all the drug testing DUH. Started under Raygun.

What's wrong with exception someone getting something for nothing to be clean of drugs?
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

If someone doesn't want a minimum wage job they should provide more than minimum skills.
You mean like the former small business owners that Walmart put out of business prefatory to making themselves the only employer in the area?

You're right; that's a crying shame. Some of those Mom & Pop grocery stores and hardware stores and bakeries and pharmacies were in the family for generations, and now they're gone.

So who made that decision, the consumers or Walmart?

The consumers. There is something called the Law of Demand that says the lower the price, the higher the demand and vice versa. If someone offers it at a lower price and consumers buy it from the lower priced place, why is the business wrong for selling it at a lower price?
I've seen those welfare queens far too many times in the grocery store using the EBT card to buy food they say they don't have the money to purchase yet magically being able to find cash to buy beer and cigarettes in a subsequent transaction.


Since I've seen them with my own eyes, I'll take that over what you wish didn't happen.

Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Since I've seen them with my own eyes, I'll take that over what you wish didn't happen.

Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?
Since I've seen them with my own eyes, I'll take that over what you wish didn't happen.

Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?

Wanna admit I've seen what you can't prove I haven't?
I've seen those welfare queens far too many times in the grocery store using the EBT card to buy food they say they don't have the money to purchase yet magically being able to find cash to buy beer and cigarettes in a subsequent transaction.


Since I've seen them with my own eyes, I'll take that over what you wish didn't happen.

Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.
You have NO IDEA what those people are doing. They borrow cars to get there, get money from others to buy stuff for THEM. You just assume the worst, hater dupe. NOBODY wants to be on welfare. They might have a jobs and 4 kids and are STILL able to get a few food stamps, what with the crap jobs Pubs give us. Just stfu, hater dupe.

I know they are using EBT to buy food and money they say they don't have to buy those other things. That's all I need to know. If they got the money from someone else, I wouldn't be surprised. The leeches have shown they aren't willing to support themselves.

I thought you lefties said Republicans haven't created jobs. You damn sure give Obama credit for doing it now say the jobs being created aren't worth much.

I'll STFU when you're man enough to enforce it.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....

I've seen those welfare queens far too many times in the grocery store using the EBT card to buy food they say they don't have the money to purchase yet magically being able to find cash to buy beer and cigarettes in a subsequent transaction.
You might be surprised to see how little is on those EBT cards. The minimum is $7.25/mo.

I don't care if it's a penny. If you claim you don't have money to buy your own food, you shouldn't be able to pull out money to buy those other items.
The report shows that we are now at a TRILLION a year, and that many are getting more by sitting at home than working.................Obama has grown these numbers.................

Not one Liberal has disproved these items..................Only deflection.................

So again, WHY WORK when you can sit on your ass and suck on the Gov't tits.................

Over the last month and a half, I've been working a lot of 12 hour shifts..........shutdowns.........and I get hammered with taxes for it...................So someone who is CAPABLE OF WORKING can sit on their ass.

It's not all, but the system has been abused and will continue to be abused until we give them more incentive to WORK than sit at home.

Since I've seen them with my own eyes, I'll take that over what you wish didn't happen.

Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?
Not a statistical question that can be answered........and only an INSANE PERSON would answer yes to your sig question when living off the dole............

With a Trillion going out a year now.............If you don't think people are taking advantage of the system, then I've got some Ocean Front Property in Arizona to sell you.
Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?
Not a statistical question that can be answered........and only an INSANE PERSON would answer yes to your sig question when living off the dole............

With a Trillion going out a year now.............If you don't think people are taking advantage of the system, then I've got some Ocean Front Property in Arizona to sell you.
He'll expect you to give it to him.

By the way, I know there isn't such a thing but I'm not sure about him.

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