Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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You worship at the alter of the market god.
I live by the old code..................You don't work you don't eat............

Reap what you sew..................
There's a reason it's an old code ... it's antiquated. We the people have decided we don't want people to starve and there's nothing you can do about it since you don't have the votes.

I don't have a problem with someone not wanting to work not eating.
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.
I live by the old code..................You don't work you don't eat............

Reap what you sew..................
There's a reason it's an old code ... it's antiquated. We the people have decided we don't want people to starve and there's nothing you can do about it since you don't have the votes.

I don't have a problem with someone not wanting to work not eating.
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When taxes are no longer taken out of my check to help fund them I'll stop saying something.

You do want to reward laziness. What you support does that. You're saying as many second chances as they need proves it.

When you start making excuses, you lose.
There will be lazy people, that is a fact.

Most will not live the good life, unless they're born into it, naturally super talented, or luck into something really good.

Most people to live the good life have to work very hard for it. Many who work very hard don't get the good life anyways.

In America, we don't make lazy, untalented, or mentally challenged/sick people starve like what happens in 3rd world countries.

Whine as much as you want ... you aren't going to change that.
You mean like the former small business owners that Walmart put out of business prefatory to making themselves the only employer in the area?

You're right; that's a crying shame. Some of those Mom & Pop grocery stores and hardware stores and bakeries and pharmacies were in the family for generations, and now they're gone.

So who made that decision, the consumers or Walmart?

The consumers. There is something called the Law of Demand that says the lower the price, the higher the demand and vice versa. If someone offers it at a lower price and consumers buy it from the lower priced place, why is the business wrong for selling it at a lower price?
You worship at the alter of the market god.
I live by the old code..................You don't work you don't eat............

Reap what you sew..................
There's a reason it's an old code ... it's antiquated. We the people have decided we don't want people to starve and there's nothing you can do about it since you don't have the votes.
Spare me your self righteous liberal BS.

No one on the right wants to starve people..........people like me believe in a HAND UP not a HAND OUT.................We don't want anyone to starve either...............

BUT BUT BUT if you ARE CAPABLE OF WORKING then GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK............If they are disabled then that is a different situation.....unless they are faking the shit...............

The system gets abused and many as CATO states would rather sit on their ass than get a job.........especially in Blue States where many are getting a lot to sit on their back sides.
Since I've seen them with my own eyes, I'll take that over what you wish didn't happen.

Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?

I know many. How many exactly? How is anyone, anywhere, supposed to know that? Very very few individuals, when asked, is going to say "Yes I am completely able to work, and am simply too lazy to do so, and would rather get government money to do nothing".

Every single individual has their rationalizations and reasons for claiming that they can't work, or the boss was just too picky. Every lazy butt, has their excuses.

We had a guy that every single friday, and I mean EVERY Friday, he was talking about how sick he was. Oh I'm so sick, so sick... oh I have to go.... oh poor me... oh oh oh.

Lazy butt just didn't want to work period. He quit showing up, and no one complained.

Had a lady walk around selling her EBT card. "Hey you want to buy my EBT? $50 for the whole card." She too, routinely did this shtick, where she was set her smart phone to ring at a certain time, she would pick it (no one called her), talk to it like someone was telling her something awful happened, and then she would say "my kid is in trouble, I have to go", and walk out. We figured out what she was doing, when someone next to her, saw the phone say "Time is up".

By the way, if you are an employer in central Ohio, and a short fat girl with long black hair named Loren applies for a job, and talks about her "babies daddy is in Mexico", do not hire her, You will lose money, and regret it.

The only time I met someone who openly said they refused to work, and wanted to collect welfare, was back when I was in college, I worked at a Wendy's, and a lady showed up, and told us the very first day that she intended to only work until she qualified for welfare again, and even told us the exact day she qualified again. Sure enough, she stopped showing up for work.

Which again, goes back to Employers do not like to employ people off of welfare. The worst thing you can do for someone, is get them on welfare. Whatever work experience, and qualifications you have, won't mean crap, if the employer sees you were on welfare.
Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?

I know many. How many exactly? How is anyone, anywhere, supposed to know that? Very very few individuals, when asked, is going to say "Yes I am completely able to work, and am simply too lazy to do so, and would rather get government money to do nothing".

Every single individual has their rationalizations and reasons for claiming that they can't work, or the boss was just too picky. Every lazy butt, has their excuses.

We had a guy that every single friday, and I mean EVERY Friday, he was talking about how sick he was. Oh I'm so sick, so sick... oh I have to go.... oh poor me... oh oh oh.

Lazy butt just didn't want to work period. He quit showing up, and no one complained.

Had a lady walk around selling her EBT card. "Hey you want to buy my EBT? $50 for the whole card." She too, routinely did this shtick, where she was set her smart phone to ring at a certain time, she would pick it (no one called her), talk to it like someone was telling her something awful happened, and then she would say "my kid is in trouble, I have to go", and walk out. We figured out what she was doing, when someone next to her, saw the phone say "Time is up".

By the way, if you are an employer in central Ohio, and a short fat girl with long black hair named Loren applies for a job, and talks about her "babies daddy is in Mexico", do not hire her, You will lose money, and regret it.

The only time I met someone who openly said they refused to work, and wanted to collect welfare, was back when I was in college, I worked at a Wendy's, and a lady showed up, and told us the very first day that she intended to only work until she qualified for welfare again, and even told us the exact day she qualified again. Sure enough, she stopped showing up for work.

Which again, goes back to Employers do not like to employ people off of welfare. The worst thing you can do for someone, is get them on welfare. Whatever work experience, and qualifications you have, won't mean crap, if the employer sees you were on welfare.

You don't even care how many, do you? It is all you have and you don't care enough to find out.
This meme that we have lazy shitheads sapping the nation of its wealth forms the basis of your domestic policy agenda. Surely you know HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

You simply must know the number. If not....what do,you have?

lol........... That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you how many idiots there are in the United States? No? Neither do I. I have no idea exactly how many idiots there are in the United States.

But I know we have them. How? I'm talking to one. So I know there are idiots. I may not have the exact number, but I know I've talked to you, and many other idiots, so I know there's a bunch.

I don't know exactly how many of the 320 million people are "lazy shitheads sapping the nation of its wealth" there are..... but I've some, so I know they exist. I rang them up working as a cashier at the grocery store. I've worked with them at crappy jobs I've had. I've had them ask me to buy their EBT cards.

Doesn't mean I have data on all 320 million people, but it does mean I have clear cut evidence they exist.
It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?

I know many. How many exactly? How is anyone, anywhere, supposed to know that? Very very few individuals, when asked, is going to say "Yes I am completely able to work, and am simply too lazy to do so, and would rather get government money to do nothing".

Every single individual has their rationalizations and reasons for claiming that they can't work, or the boss was just too picky. Every lazy butt, has their excuses.

We had a guy that every single friday, and I mean EVERY Friday, he was talking about how sick he was. Oh I'm so sick, so sick... oh I have to go.... oh poor me... oh oh oh.

Lazy butt just didn't want to work period. He quit showing up, and no one complained.

Had a lady walk around selling her EBT card. "Hey you want to buy my EBT? $50 for the whole card." She too, routinely did this shtick, where she was set her smart phone to ring at a certain time, she would pick it (no one called her), talk to it like someone was telling her something awful happened, and then she would say "my kid is in trouble, I have to go", and walk out. We figured out what she was doing, when someone next to her, saw the phone say "Time is up".

By the way, if you are an employer in central Ohio, and a short fat girl with long black hair named Loren applies for a job, and talks about her "babies daddy is in Mexico", do not hire her, You will lose money, and regret it.

The only time I met someone who openly said they refused to work, and wanted to collect welfare, was back when I was in college, I worked at a Wendy's, and a lady showed up, and told us the very first day that she intended to only work until she qualified for welfare again, and even told us the exact day she qualified again. Sure enough, she stopped showing up for work.

Which again, goes back to Employers do not like to employ people off of welfare. The worst thing you can do for someone, is get them on welfare. Whatever work experience, and qualifications you have, won't mean crap, if the employer sees you were on welfare.

You don't even care how many, do you? It is all you have and you don't care enough to find out.

Why would I care how many there are? That doesn't even make sense. What if there is 1 Million of them? That's a million too may. What if there is 2 milllion of them? That's 2 million too many. What if there is only 500,000 of them? That's 500,000 too many.

Doesn't matter. One person contributing nothing to society, and getting stolen cash from people who are working.... is one person too many.

Yeah, I don't what the exact number is. It's morally wrong, if it's 1 person, or 100 million people. Whatever the number is, it's wrong.
Bullshit. Nutter meme. Nothing more.

It simply destroys your agenda to know that there are people abusing the system.

I've seen them. If you can disprove it, go ahead.

Next time you see one.....which should be any time now....take out your phone and video the transaction. Let's have some proof, liar.

Not necessary. I've seen all I need to see to know what I know and what you can't refute.

Wanna answer the question in my sig line?

I know many. How many exactly? How is anyone, anywhere, supposed to know that? Very very few individuals, when asked, is going to say "Yes I am completely able to work, and am simply too lazy to do so, and would rather get government money to do nothing".

Every single individual has their rationalizations and reasons for claiming that they can't work, or the boss was just too picky. Every lazy butt, has their excuses.

We had a guy that every single friday, and I mean EVERY Friday, he was talking about how sick he was. Oh I'm so sick, so sick... oh I have to go.... oh poor me... oh oh oh.

Lazy butt just didn't want to work period. He quit showing up, and no one complained.

Had a lady walk around selling her EBT card. "Hey you want to buy my EBT? $50 for the whole card." She too, routinely did this shtick, where she was set her smart phone to ring at a certain time, she would pick it (no one called her), talk to it like someone was telling her something awful happened, and then she would say "my kid is in trouble, I have to go", and walk out. We figured out what she was doing, when someone next to her, saw the phone say "Time is up".

By the way, if you are an employer in central Ohio, and a short fat girl with long black hair named Loren applies for a job, and talks about her "babies daddy is in Mexico", do not hire her, You will lose money, and regret it.

The only time I met someone who openly said they refused to work, and wanted to collect welfare, was back when I was in college, I worked at a Wendy's, and a lady showed up, and told us the very first day that she intended to only work until she qualified for welfare again, and even told us the exact day she qualified again. Sure enough, she stopped showing up for work.

Which again, goes back to Employers do not like to employ people off of welfare. The worst thing you can do for someone, is get them on welfare. Whatever work experience, and qualifications you have, won't mean crap, if the employer sees you were on welfare.

I've seen and heard about stories like that so many times. Does this just happen in Ohio or something? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

About two years ago I had to evict some tenants. It was an unmarried couple with two children--one 15 and the other about 3.

When they kept getting further and further behind on rent, I asked them to come to my apartment for a little talk. I explained that I really didn't want to take action against them, but they were leaving me little choice.

After hearing countless promises and excuses, I made some suggestions. First was the they get rid of their three cats and large dog. Between food and medical care, they could save a lot of money. No dice. Since he worked full time and she stayed home supposedly home-schooling the kids, I suggested that she get a part-time job for 10 hours a day on the weekends when he was home to watch over the kids. Again, dead end. Why? Because she was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps, and working would interfere with that handout.

I felt bad, but I evicted them. They wouldn't leave so I had to take it to court to get action. Now it's on their record for God knows how many years and it will always haunt them if they decide to look for a new apartment.

The thing is, if not for food stamps, she would have gotten a job and kept their apartment plus straighten out other financial problems they were having like keeping their utilities on. It's just a damn shame what government does to people like this.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

Similarly, why start a business? Why risk when you will be faced with egregious regulation, taxes, unlimited liability, and otherwise being demonized as a greedy capitalist?

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

Why do 1000 people show up for 100 shitty jobs at a Walmart if no one wants to work?
I live by the old code..................You don't work you don't eat............

Reap what you sew..................
There's a reason it's an old code ... it's antiquated. We the people have decided we don't want people to starve and there's nothing you can do about it since you don't have the votes.

I don't have a problem with someone not wanting to work not eating.
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When you're hungry and have nothing to eat, you'd see how fast you become un-lazy.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

Why do 1000 people show up for 100 shitty jobs at a Walmart if no one wants to work?

Because they can work part-time and still stay on the dole to fill in the gaps.

If they worked full-time, the benefits would be minimized or totally discontinued, and they wouldn't be any further ahead in life. It makes sense not to work in the US.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

Why do 1000 people show up for 100 shitty jobs at a Walmart if no one wants to work?

Because they can work part-time and still stay on the dole to fill in the gaps.

If they worked full-time, the benefits would be minimized or totally discontinued, and they wouldn't be any further ahead in life. It makes sense not to work in the US.

What?! lol

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
We are a socialist nation... The reason why it's falling apart.

Embrace the suck

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