Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

  • Total voters
It's not all, but the system has been abused.

lets not forget that when Clinton ended "welfare as we know it" by making it workfare fully half decided they were no longer poor.

Clinton didn't really end it, it was Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Clinton vetoed Welfare Reform twice, so Republicans just sat there until it got closer to Bill's reelection. Then they put the bill back in front of him and dared him to veto it again. Clinton had no choice but to sign it or face the possibility of losing his reelection.
There's a reason it's an old code ... it's antiquated. We the people have decided we don't want people to starve and there's nothing you can do about it since you don't have the votes.

I don't have a problem with someone not wanting to work not eating.
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When taxes are no longer taken out of my check to help fund them I'll stop saying something.
I agree with you to an extent, but that's when the riots start.
One, only one or two states do drug screens for welfare. The others don't.

Two, looking for work and working are two different things. Anybody that goes to a job interview with dirty cloths on and messed up hair won't be offered a job so that's a moot point.

Three, there are all kinds of jobs out there that are not bad paying but Americans would rather sit home on welfare.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
Thanks to GOP a-holes. Freedom, right? Actually, ALL states do drug testing, but the ones you admire do way too much. Freedom and who cares how much THAT costs? lol. KILL WELFARE SCUM! And btw, thanks for the corrupt depression. Unbelievable.

No, not because of any GOP, it's because liberal courts struck random drug testing down.

If left up to us, there would be random drug testing. And no, most states don't do any kind of drug testing.
Of course they do, for welfare. And of course the GOP is behind all the drug testing DUH. Started under Raygun.

FOS. It didn't start until Clinton's second term. That was the first state to experiment with the idea.

Are you able-bodied? Then what's your excuse for not working?
I work...............That's not the point and you know it........

Your just trying to deflect the data.

There were data in that post? My decoder ring didn't detect it.

Humor...it is a difficult concept...
2 pdf research papers................from CATO

It is expected that people like you will ignore it................

Unless it was about Unicorns and Utopia.
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

One, only one or two states do drug screens for welfare. The others don't.

Two, looking for work and working are two different things. Anybody that goes to a job interview with dirty cloths on and messed up hair won't be offered a job so that's a moot point.

Three, there are all kinds of jobs out there that are not bad paying but Americans would rather sit home on welfare.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
The state has to have cause to believe the person uses drugs, usually this means being convicted of drug use. Members of the family that don't use drugs can receive benefits. I see a couple of articles that say the programs cost more money than they save. Of course the law is about making a political statement, not saving money.

If it costs more than it saves, why do companies have drug screenings?

Of course unlike business, our government doesn't have insurance making these regulations. As far as a political statement goes, why is it fair that I have to take drug tests to work and create tax money, but people that live on my tax money don't? I mean, if I lose my job because I smoke pot, why shouldn't somebody else lose welfare or food stamps for the same thing?

Are you able-bodied? Then what's your excuse for not working?
I work...............That's not the point and you know it........

Your just trying to deflect the data.

There were data in that post? My decoder ring didn't detect it.

Humor...it is a difficult concept...
2 pdf research papers................from CATO

It is expected that people like you will ignore it................

Unless it was about Unicorns and Utopia.

There MUST be a study that's NOT from CATO or The Heritage Foundation; they really can't be taken seriously.
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

One, only one or two states do drug screens for welfare. The others don't.

Two, looking for work and working are two different things. Anybody that goes to a job interview with dirty cloths on and messed up hair won't be offered a job so that's a moot point.

Three, there are all kinds of jobs out there that are not bad paying but Americans would rather sit home on welfare.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
The state has to have cause to believe the person uses drugs, usually this means being convicted of drug use. Members of the family that don't use drugs can receive benefits. I see a couple of articles that say the programs cost more money than they save. Of course the law is about making a political statement, not saving money.

If it costs more than it saves, why do companies have drug screenings?

Of course unlike business, our government doesn't have insurance making these regulations. As far as a political statement goes, why is it fair that I have to take drug tests to work and create tax money, but people that live on my tax money don't? I mean, if I lose my job because I smoke pot, why shouldn't somebody else lose welfare or food stamps for the same thing?

Why is it fair that H1-Bs aren't interviewed?

Are you able-bodied? Then what's your excuse for not working?
I work...............That's not the point and you know it........

Your just trying to deflect the data.

There were data in that post? My decoder ring didn't detect it.

Humor...it is a difficult concept...
2 pdf research papers................from CATO

It is expected that people like you will ignore it................

Unless it was about Unicorns and Utopia.

There MUST be a study that's NOT from CATO or The Heritage Foundation; they really can't be taken seriously.

The War on Poverty at a Glance Despite trillions of dollars in spending, poverty is widespread: • In 1965, the poverty rate was 17.3 percent. In 2012, it was 15 percent.2 • Over the past three years, “deep poverty” has reached its highest level on record.3 • About 21.8 percent of children live below the poverty line. Today, the federal government’s anti-poverty programs are duplicative and complex. There are at least 92 federal programs designed to help lower-income Americans. For instance, there are dozens of education and job-training programs, 17 different food-aid programs, and over 20 housing programs. The federal government spent $799 billion on these programs in fiscal year 2012. And a significant challenge today is the decline in labor-force participation. • The labor-force participation rate has fallen to a 36-year low of 62.8 percent. • CBO projects the rate will fall to 60.8 percent over the next decade.4 A number of factors are causing this decline—changing demographics, slow economic growth. But federal policies are also discouraging work. For example, a rapid increase in disability caseloads has reduced the labor force. But a large problem is the “poverty trap.” There are so many anti-poverty programs—and there is so little coordination between them—that they often work at cross purposes and penalize families for getting ahead. • CBO finds that some low-income households face implicit marginal tax rates of nearly 100 percen
There's a reason it's an old code ... it's antiquated. We the people have decided we don't want people to starve and there's nothing you can do about it since you don't have the votes.

I don't have a problem with someone not wanting to work not eating.
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When you're hungry and have nothing to eat, you'd see how fast you become un-lazy.
But no one will hire them. Get the message.
Work Another factor in understanding poverty is labor-force participation. There have been a number of changes in labor-force participation since the beginning of the War on Poverty. Most important, women have entered the work force in large numbers. During this same period, male labor-force participation has fallen dramatically. In 1965, it was approximately 80 percent. Today, it has fallen to a record low of below 70 percent. Since 2009 alone, male laborforce participation has fallen 3.3 percentage points. Among working-age men, the labor-force participation rate has fallen from 97 percent in 1965 to 88 percent in 2013. In recent years, female labor-force participation has also declined. Since it reached its record high of 60.3 percent in 2000, female labor-force participation has fallen to 56.9 percent—declining 2.5 percentage points since 2009. And among working-age women, the labor-force participation rate has fallen from 77 percent to 74 percent from 2000 to 2013.15 Only 2.7 percent of Americans above the age of 16 who worked full time year-round were in poverty, even in 2007—before the Great Recession had taken firm hold. This number has remained fairly constant since 1987. Those who worked only part time had a poverty rate similar to the national average—14.9 percent in 2011. Finally, 23.6 percent of adults above the age of 16 who did not work at all were below the poverty line.16

Conclusion Today, the poverty rate is stuck at 15 percent—the highest in a generation. And the trends are not encouraging. Federal programs are not only failing to address the problem. They are also in some significant respects making it worse. Changes are clearly necessary, and the first step is to evaluate what the federal government is doing right now. That is what this report aims to do. Because there are so many programs, it is difficult to pin down everything the federal government is doing to fight poverty and improve mobility. But the numbers below—from fiscal year 2012—are a good start

• The federal government spent $799 billion on 92 programs to combat poverty. • Over 15 programs and over $100 billion spent on food aid • Over $200 billion spent on cash aid • Over 20 programs and over $90 billion spent on education and job training • Nearly $300 billion spent on health care • Almost $50 billion spent on housing Not every program is counterproductive or unnecessary; indeed, some are very important. But the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty is an opportunity to review the record in full. And we should seize it.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?

Why do 1000 people show up for 100 shitty jobs at a Walmart if no one wants to work?

Because they can work part-time and still stay on the dole to fill in the gaps.

If they worked full-time, the benefits would be minimized or totally discontinued, and they wouldn't be any further ahead in life. It makes sense not to work in the US.

What?! lol

Yep, and I see it in my job all the time.

Some of our customers use temporary services instead of hiring employees on their own. These temps will only work so many hours because working more would interfere with their welfare benefits--mostly food stamps.

These companies use temporaries to sort of try employees out first. If they work for a few months and are great workers, they are offered a full time job when available. If they are like most, they just remain temporaries.

Believe it or not, but there are people that choose crap jobs for a reason. Take my tenants for example. Great young kids and they work everyday. But they are at fast food joints. Why? Because they smoke pot, and getting better employment would probably require them to take drug tests. So they choose to make little money and smoke pot on their own time.
I don't have a problem with someone not wanting to work not eating.
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When you're hungry and have nothing to eat, you'd see how fast you become un-lazy.
But no one will hire them. Get the message.

Why not? There are plenty of jobs out there begging people to work.

Are you able-bodied? Then what's your excuse for not working?
I work...............That's not the point and you know it........

Your just trying to deflect the data.

There were data in that post? My decoder ring didn't detect it.

Humor...it is a difficult concept...
2 pdf research papers................from CATO

This is the post I was responding to:

I work...............That's not the point and you know it........

Your just trying to deflect the data.
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When you're hungry and have nothing to eat, you'd see how fast you become un-lazy.
But no one will hire them. Get the message.

Why not? There are plenty of jobs out there begging people to work.
No there aren't.

Are you able-bodied? Then what's your excuse for not working?
I work...............That's not the point and you know it........

Your just trying to deflect the data.

There were data in that post? My decoder ring didn't detect it.

Humor...it is a difficult concept...
2 pdf research papers................from CATO

This is the post I was responding to:

I work...............That's not the point and you know it........

Your just trying to deflect the data.
posted at the beginning of thread.................
I know you don't have a problem with it, but most Americans do have a problem with it. So you're not going to win.

That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When you're hungry and have nothing to eat, you'd see how fast you become un-lazy.
But no one will hire them. Get the message.

Why not? There are plenty of jobs out there begging people to work.
They are known as "Ghost" jobs.
After a certain period of time the "Ghost" job has not been filled by an American, so the company requests one or more Business Visas.
Been going on since post 9/11.
That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When you're hungry and have nothing to eat, you'd see how fast you become un-lazy.
But no one will hire them. Get the message.

Why not? There are plenty of jobs out there begging people to work.
No there aren't.

Sure there are. As I stated earlier, check out the transportation section of the help wanted ads. Pick a paper of your desire, or go on Craigslist and see for yourself. Employers begging people to work. Dozens of new jobs posted every day.
That's because I,unlike you, don't tolerate a lazy son of a bitch.

I've already won. I support myself. You can give those leeches whatever your heart desires but they'll still be losers because they had to have it forced from someone else in order to get what the rest of us EARNED.
Good for you. Why don't you be happy and stop worrying so much about them? I don't want to reward laziness, but I do want people to have as many second chances as they need to become unlazy. Some of your points do make sense, I admit. But then there's the thing that there are not enough living wage jobs for the entire population. And some people have mental illnesses that make it very hard for them to be productive.

When you're hungry and have nothing to eat, you'd see how fast you become un-lazy.
But no one will hire them. Get the message.

Why not? There are plenty of jobs out there begging people to work.
They are known as "Ghost" jobs.
After a certain period of time the "Ghost" job has not been filled by an American, so the company requests one or more Business Visas.
Been going on since post 9/11.

That may be true, but some of these jobs pay pretty well. It's just that our social programs are competition with these jobs. People would rather stay at home than work. But you are correct, my industry is seeing more and more immigrants all the time. They are terrible drivers to boot and they can't speak or read English.

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