Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

  • Total voters

Interest payments on the debt (the ‘‘legacy cost’’ of deficit spending) will sum to a staggering $5.6 trillion over the next decade according to Congressional Budget Office [CBO]. These payments threaten to overwhelm other spending priorities in the budget. In a 2012 study entitled ‘‘The Untold Story of America’s Debt,’’ Deloitte LLP, a tax, audit and consulting firm, discussed the ways in which debt will hamper U.S. competitiveness in the years ahead. Deloitte argues that ‘‘a great variety of meaningful investments will almost certainly be left undone simply because interest payments will push them out of the budget. This is the silent cost of prior debts that, unless explicitly recognized, crucially leads policymakers to underestimate the effect that prior deficits have already had on this decades planned expenditures.’’ 4 Critics sometimes dismiss the pursuit of balanced budgets, claiming lawmakers are unwilling or unable to make the ‘‘tough choices’’ needed to achieve them. On the other hand, without a sound fiscal standard, nothing will compel Congress to pursue the necessary policy choices. Some have tried to substitute intellectually sophisticated measures, such as the amounts of deficits or debt as a share of the economy—yet there is no consensus on what the acceptable upper limits might be. The abandonment of the balanced budget norm has left Washington without a guiding standard by which to measure the status of its fiscal policy. Nothing has replaced it. As a result, fiscal policy is adrift. Today, the only guideline is the relativistic pay-as-you-go concept, which merely ratifies existing deficits as the measure of budgetary rectitude—no matter how large those deficits might be. Thus, the proponents of the Affordable Care Act could boast the measure was fiscally ‘‘responsible’’ because it did not increase deficits—while it recklessly added trillions of dollars to government spending.

Newest CBO warning to get our debt in order..........Warnings ignored again and again and again.
This is the truth that you capitalists' lapdog morons just won't believe. There are no jobs put there.

Skills Won't Get You Anywhere in America

You seek employment advice from the Dally Kos? LOL!

There are no known successful excuse makers in life. All excuse makers are failures. Successful people are those who refuse to use excuses and instead, defeat challenges.

You idiots want to eliminate welfare and allow people to starve in this country in order to further enrich greedy corporate fat cats who'd just as soon enslave you as look at you. You crave for the 19th century and third world where the fat cats owned the world and people like you died at 40 after a lifetime of 80 hour weeks.

And you say all a welfare person has to do is get a job out of one side of your mouth and out of the other side you admit that nobody will hire them.

You guys are pathetic and you are owned by your fat cat masters.

Welcome to Utopia.
Why can't employers find employees? Because they're too damn picky and would rather not hire than hire somebody who isn't already doing the exact same job somewhere else and has advanced degrees, at least 5 years experience doing that, and perfect references...

Is there nothing you loony lefties won't whine about?

Employers seek employees to improve or grow their businesses.

Those talented enough to move up to a new job leave behind a perfectly good one that now needs to be filled by a qualified worker.

It is the responsibility of potential employees to attain the skills necessary to get hired or, failing that, resign themselves to low-skill/low wage jobs.
You idiots want to eliminate welfare and allow people to starve in this country in order to further enrich greedy corporate fat cats who'd just as soon enslave you as look at you...

I don't know who you believe is suggesting we "eliminate welfare" but it is clear to all but those whose ambition is to be maintained by the state that welfare, as currently construed, is unfair to the working poor and damaging to both the recipients and America.

It is, in the most kind terms, how gov't officials pander to those who want a free ride.

INEPTOCRACY - (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Why do you libs keep thinking that poor people are,so,dumb. Let's see. Work 30 to 40 hours a week for x or sit at home, work under the table, have no schedule, do what you want and still get x. What would you do?

As long as the beneficiaries keep voting Dem, what do those lefties care?
Easy to be a hypocrite, when it's not your money paying someone who does a bad job.

No see I do good work, but I suck at making friends and remembering names, etc etc. So if I were looking for work I would never get a job, because I could never prove to these picky assholes' satisfaction that I would do good work. They demand proof of perfection and people who will vouch for you etc etc...

Wah ... Wah ... Waaaah. Life is not fair and it's all the "fat cat capitalist's" fault!

Yanno, I'm not 7 feet tall so instead of playing pro ball I became a commercial R.E. developer.

Do you loony lefties ever do ANYTHING but whine?

Easy to be a hypocrite, when it's not your money paying someone who does a bad job.

No see I do good work, but I suck at making friends and remembering names, etc etc. So if I were looking for work I would never get a job, because I could never prove to these picky assholes' satisfaction that I would do good work. They demand proof of perfection and people who will vouch for you etc etc...

Wah ... Wah ... Waaaah. Life is not fair and it's all the "fat cat capitalist's" fault!

Yanno, I'm not 7 feet tall so instead of playing pro ball I became a commercial R.E. developer.

Do you loony lefties ever do ANYTHING but whine?

You idiots are the ones who are whining about having to pay taxes so that some lazy person can survive instead of starving like you want them to. They can't get low paying jobs even. There aren't enough of those out there. Let them survive and some of them will use the hand up.
This is the truth that you capitalists' lapdog morons just won't believe. There are no jobs put there.

Skills Won't Get You Anywhere in America

You seek employment advice from the Dally Kos? LOL!

There are no known successful excuse makers in life. All excuse makers are failures. Successful people are those who refuse to use excuses and instead, defeat challenges.

You idiots want to eliminate welfare and allow people to starve in this country in order to further enrich greedy corporate fat cats who'd just as soon enslave you as look at you. You crave for the 19th century and third world where the fat cats owned the world and people like you died at 40 after a lifetime of 80 hour weeks.

And you say all a welfare person has to do is get a job out of one side of your mouth and out of the other side you admit that nobody will hire them.

You guys are pathetic and you are owned by your fat cat masters.

Welcome to Utopia.

Where did I say nobody would hire them? Some have said that they are less likely to gain employment over those who stayed actively employed and this is true. But that doesn't mean they can't find a job.

For the most part, people that end up on welfare are those who made really bad choices in life, particularly having children before they could afford them.

We as society can't be responsible for that. Our government can no more right a wrong on a personal basis as they cannot even right their own wrongs.

The last time we created restrictions on welfare was during the 90's. Much like yourself, the left predicted doom and gloom such as massive deaths and people getting robbed in front of their homes. It never happened. In fact, what did happen was quite remarkable.

Men stayed with their families by a larger percentage. Ex welfare people stated they felt liberated for the first time in their lives. Welfare people took on more responsibilities such as getting a job and eventually supporting themselves. It was a great success.

Tough love is not just a cliche, but an actual proven method of success. Where is the tough love today? I haven't seen it in many years. That might explain how we ended up with people like you that are constantly looking for reasons not to work instead of reasons to.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
Thanks to GOP a-holes. Freedom, right? Actually, ALL states do drug testing, but the ones you admire do way too much. Freedom and who cares how much THAT costs? lol. KILL WELFARE SCUM! And btw, thanks for the corrupt depression. Unbelievable.

No, not because of any GOP, it's because liberal courts struck random drug testing down.

If left up to us, there would be random drug testing. And no, most states don't do any kind of drug testing.
Of course they do, for welfare. And of course the GOP is behind all the drug testing DUH. Started under Raygun.

FOS. It didn't start until Clinton's second term. That was the first state to experiment with the idea.
Drug testing for welfare, a GOP idea under Newt. Under Reagan, business drug testing started. Heavy DUI crap too. Nanny argh.
This is the truth that you capitalists' lapdog morons just won't believe. There are no jobs put there.

Skills Won't Get You Anywhere in America

You seek employment advice from the Dally Kos? LOL!

There are no known successful excuse makers in life. All excuse makers are failures. Successful people are those who refuse to use excuses and instead, defeat challenges.

As if you are unaware of the US being inundated with Business Visas.
Either you're a liar or an ignorant ass.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
Thanks to GOP a-holes. Freedom, right? Actually, ALL states do drug testing, but the ones you admire do way too much. Freedom and who cares how much THAT costs? lol. KILL WELFARE SCUM! And btw, thanks for the corrupt depression. Unbelievable.

No, not because of any GOP, it's because liberal courts struck random drug testing down.

If left up to us, there would be random drug testing. And no, most states don't do any kind of drug testing.
Of course they do, for welfare. And of course the GOP is behind all the drug testing DUH. Started under Raygun.

What's wrong with exception someone getting something for nothing to be clean of drugs?
They STILL GET IT, you just have to spend more of YOUR MONEY lol to "rehabilitate them. What a gd stupid Pub mess.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....

I've seen those welfare queens far too many times in the grocery store using the EBT card to buy food they say they don't have the money to purchase yet magically being able to find cash to buy beer and cigarettes in a subsequent transaction.
You might be surprised to see how little is on those EBT cards. The minimum is $7.25/mo.

I don't care if it's a penny. If you claim you don't have money to buy your own food, you shouldn't be able to pull out money to buy those other items.
SNAP does not ask you if you need money for food and no one claims they need money for food. If your income is low enough, you are a US citizen, and can prove it, you are to entitle to receive food stamps by law. There is nothing wrong or disgraceful with the poor accepting help.
So who made that decision, the consumers or Walmart?

The consumers. There is something called the Law of Demand that says the lower the price, the higher the demand and vice versa. If someone offers it at a lower price and consumers buy it from the lower priced place, why is the business wrong for selling it at a lower price?
You worship at the alter of the market god.
I live by the old code..................You don't work you don't eat............

Reap what you sew..................
There's a reason it's an old code ... it's antiquated. We the people have decided we don't want people to starve and there's nothing you can do about it since you don't have the votes.
Spare me your self righteous liberal BS.

No one on the right wants to starve people..........people like me believe in a HAND UP not a HAND OUT.................We don't want anyone to starve either...............

BUT BUT BUT if you ARE CAPABLE OF WORKING then GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK............If they are disabled then that is a different situation.....unless they are faking the shit...............

The system gets abused and many as CATO states would rather sit on their ass than get a job.........especially in Blue States where many are getting a lot to sit on their back sides.
60% of those that receive food stamps are working.

Also, there is work rule requirement in SNAP:
With certain exceptions, able-bodied adults between 16 and 60 years of age must register for work, accept an offer of suitable work, and take part in an employment and training program to which they will be referred by the SNAP office.

Generally, able-bodied adults aged 18 to 50 who do not have children and are not pregnant can only get SNAP benefits for 3 months in a 3-year period unless they are working or participating in a work or workfare program.

Facts About SNAP | Food and Nutrition Service
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

One, only one or two states do drug screens for welfare. The others don't.

Two, looking for work and working are two different things. Anybody that goes to a job interview with dirty cloths on and messed up hair won't be offered a job so that's a moot point.

Three, there are all kinds of jobs out there that are not bad paying but Americans would rather sit home on welfare.
Actually, there are 13 states that do drug testing.

But none of them random drug testing. Most test if suspicion is involved. That's not the same as what we working people have.
The state has to have cause to believe the person uses drugs, usually this means being convicted of drug use. Members of the family that don't use drugs can receive benefits. I see a couple of articles that say the programs cost more money than they save. Of course the law is about making a political statement, not saving money.

If it costs more than it saves, why do companies have drug screenings?

Of course unlike business, our government doesn't have insurance making these regulations. As far as a political statement goes, why is it fair that I have to take drug tests to work and create tax money, but people that live on my tax money don't? I mean, if I lose my job because I smoke pot, why shouldn't somebody else lose welfare or food stamps for the same thing?

Mass drug testing by the government is unconstitutional search and seizure. Mass drug testing by a private business is not unconstitutional because it is not being done by the government. Thus private business can make mass drug testing a requirement where government can't.

Fair? We are talking about the law. I suppose one could argue that if you loose your job because of drug usage, you can seek other employment or collect welfare. It is assumed that a person on welfare is unable to provide support for themselves and their family. So if they are denied welfare because of drug usage then they have no alternative for support.

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