Why working from home is important to millenials.

Why is it backwards? I don't tell people I'm a computer gamer or I collect shot glasses when they ask what I do, I tell them I'm and Engineer.

The mere fact they ask what you do is part of the problem, but it goes back to our identify being tired to our job. I would much rather know you play computer games than what your job is.

I am a computer gamer myself, what games do you play? I am currently mostly in to Baldurs Gate 3
The mere fact they ask what you do is part of the problem, but it goes back to our identify being tired to our job. I would much rather know you play computer games than what your job is.

I am a computer gamer myself, what games do you play? I am currently mostly in to Baldurs Gate 3

I spent my education to become an Engineer, of course I identify with that.

I was doing WOW classic for a while, now I'm re-playing CIV VI here and there.
I spent my education to become an Engineer, of course I identify with that.

I spent my education to become a data analyst/statistician. my job is merely the means to an end, it is not who I am.

I was doing WOW classic for a while, now I'm re-playing CIV VI here and there.

I have not played WOW in forever. I love the CIV games, CIV I was one of the very first games I every bought, still remember sitting in my barracks room playing that till 3 in the morning.

I got Diablo IV and it was such a disappointment, was fun for a short while but has no draw to keep playing it. So far BG3 has been great. But I am an old D&D nerd so it is right up my alley
I spent my education to become a data analyst/statistician. my job is merely the means to an end, it is not who I am.

I have not played WOW in forever. I love the CIV games, CIV I was one of the very first games I every bought, still remember sitting in my barracks room playing that till 3 in the morning.

I got Diablo IV and it was such a disappointment, was fun for a short while but has no draw to keep playing it. So far BG3 has been great. But I am an old D&D nerd so it is right up my alley

Maybe because Engineering is considered a profession is why I identify with it?
Ones job is NOT ones life. It's simply a means to an end. It's necessary for ones survival and providing for ones family...no more no less. Ones job does not define who a person is. I worked for 40 years. I never considered my job as my purpose in life and as I grew older and wiser slow and steady is always the right attitude.
Ones job is NOT ones life. It's simply a means to an end. It's necessary for ones survival and providing for ones family...no more no less. Ones job does not define who a person is. I worked for 40 years. I never considered my job as my purpose in life and as I grew older and wiser slow and steady is always the right attitude.

We have a winner folks!

Nobody has ever sat at the edge and death and said "damn, I wish I had put in more hours at work".
"It's just a means to an end" is what inherently slothful and lazy bums say who would rather sit around on their asses than have any kind of meaning in their lives. I wouldn't trust such a person to honestly value their country or their family either.
"It's just a means to an end" is what inherently slothful and lazy bums say who would rather sit around on their asses than have any kind of meaning in their lives. I wouldn't trust such a person to honestly value their country or their family either.

I can see it now, unkatare lying on his death bed about to pass and thinking "damn, I wished I had worked more hour in my life and not spent so much time with family and friends".

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I can see it now, unkatare lying on his death bed about to pass and thinking "damn, I wished I had worked more hour in my life and not spent so much time with family and friends".

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
On one's death bed it might be nice to know that one had an identity and that one's life had meaning. "I sat on my ass and played video games" is neither of those.
On one's death bed it might be nice to know that one had an identity and that one's life had meaning. "I sat on my ass and played video games" is neither of those.

Yes, and my meaning will come from my family and my friends and the impact I had on them. Not from how many hours I worked or what my job was. Once I am retired (in 5.6 years) I will never think about this job again and get annoyed if anyone asked me what I did for a living
I am truly happy for you. We are getting there. Still youngish, got a late start saving for it but not far off!
I'm not,, mine was forced due to lack of physical abilities,,

I wish I could still work,, now I wish I could walk across the room without crying from the pain,, although some days are better than others,,

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