Why working from home is important to millenials.

I'm not,, mine was forced due to lack of physical abilities,,

I wish I could still work,, now I wish I could walk across the room without crying from the pain,, although some days are better than others,,

Damn, sorry to hear that.
I wouldnt want a nurse working on me that just did 6-12 hr shifts,,
Then you'd better hope you don't get a doctor doing his/her residency who is wrapping up a 72 hr shift. It's brutal on purpose to weed out those who aren't willing to throw all they have into it. The rules today are a little different. You can't exceed an average of 80 hours/week over a month but add in on-call time and you don't get a lot of rest.
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Yep. as the husband of a nurse, I can tell you at the end of her 4th 12 she is pretty much gone. And 4 is all they are allowed to do in a row.
for my daughter in laws its only 3-12s a week,, they are in the truama delivery ward so they want their people on top of their game,,
for my daughter in laws its only 3-12s a week,, they are in the truama delivery ward so they want their people on top of their game,,

My wife is a nurse at the VA. She works 3 on, 2 off, 4 on, 5 off. 6 of the 7 days are 12s with one 8 mixed in. Then rinse and repeat.

They are also short night shift nurses so at least 1 week a month she has to do a block of nights.
I wouldnt want a nurse working on me that just did 6-12 hr shifts,,
For residents it's worse than that. It's not uncommon for hospitals to work medical residents the 80hrs/week maximum.

It used to be worse than that. There was no limit. Some resident physicians wouldn't even bother going home. They would just find some place in the hospital to catch a few winks of shuteye.
For residents it's worse than that. It's not uncommon for hospitals to work medical residents the 80hrs/week maximum.

It used to be worse than that. There was no limit. Some resident physicians wouldn't even bother going home. They would just find some place in the hospital to catch a few winks of shuteye.
if you say so,,
I am sure everyone would be eager to have a surgeon who’s just going through the motions because it’s a means to an end.
I am sure everyone would be eager to have a surgeon who’s just going through the motions because it’s a means to an end.

One can understand it is just a means to an end and still be exceptional at their job.
For residents it's worse than that. It's not uncommon for hospitals to work medical residents the 80hrs/week maximum.

It used to be worse than that. There was no limit. Some resident physicians wouldn't even bother going home. They would just find some place in the hospital to catch a few winks of shuteye.
A friend of mine went through exactly that about 35 years ago. He was doing his residency, went into an exam room to take a nap and got paged by the duty nurse who needed a prescription. He gave the prescription, and thankfully the nurse was a seasoned veteran and woke him up to tell him that prescription would kill the patient. He did the whole thing asleep. He learned from that to put the pager on the other side of the room to make sure he actually woke up.
A friend of mine went through exactly that about 35 years ago. He was doing his residency, went into an exam room to take a nap and got paged by the duty nurse who needed a prescription. He gave the prescription, and thankfully the nurse was a seasoned veteran and woke him up to tell him that prescription would kill the patient. He did the whole thing asleep. He learned from that to put the pager on the other side of the room to make sure he actually woke up.

Which just highlights the stupidity of the whole process of doing that to them.

Thank Odin most med schools and hospitals have moved out of the dark ages and no longer have hell weeks for future doctors
Which just highlights the stupidity of the whole process of doing that to them.

Thank Odin most med schools and hospitals have moved out of the dark ages and no longer have hell weeks for future doctors
There is something to be said, though, for making sure the ones that survive really want to do the job.

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