Why working from home is important to millenials.

An important part of a man's identity is tied to what he does for a living. Not all, but an important part. Some men have to work jobs they hate to provide for their families, but even that is an important part of their identity as a man. They do that work to the best of their ability, and they do as much of it as is necessary to care for their loved ones. Some sackless slug who only sees work as something to be avoided is no man at all. Asking what a man does is a way of knowing what kind of man he is (and if he is one).

Wow, it does suck to be you.

An important part of a man's identity is tied to his family and how he treats then, cares for them and supports them. The job that he has to do that is meaningless, it does not matter if the man is a doctor or a ditch digger. His identity should be tied to his family, not his source of income. Am I a better person for getting my salary for being a statistician instead of WalMart manager?

I do not see work as something to be avoided, I see it as a means to an end, nothing more. I have done the 70 hour weeks providing for my family and I fucking hated them as they took so much of me away from what is really important. That is why I got my Masters and broke out of the cycle and now work from home, have an amazing work/life balance and make twice what I was working 70 hours.

And in 5.5 years my wife and I will be ready to retire for good, she will hang up her scrubs and I my spreadsheets and we will be young enough to enjoy the shit out of our retired years and have the funds to do pretty much what we want. When I retire I will have spent 50 years of my life working, never going more than 4 months that whole time without being employed. And I will not look back at work as something I miss, I will be grateful for what it brought me and even more grateful I am done with it.

So, you go on tying your self worth to your job, it seems to suit you. I will tie mine to my family.
your job is what you do to support the life you want to have,,,
But The Duke is right though. I think most men do see their job as their first responsibility though the purpose of it is to support his family in a manner that he feels good about.

Most women see the home and kids as their first responsibility though their career may in fact be very important to them. A woman who puts career before family though I think probably is far more at risk of divorce than is a man who accommodates family while putting his career first.

I spent many years as an hourly wage earner and that means 7 to 3, 8 to 5, 9 to 5 or whatever. And I spent many years salaried and/or on commission in which I worked the hours I had to work to get the job done and that was frequently a lot more than eight hours a day.

But in both cases, usually when you leave work and go home, your time is your own to do with as you choose. There is a blessing of sorts in that.

When I was running a business out of my home and when there is work to do, it takes a huge amount of self discipline to set the work aside and claim time for yourself and/or family. And even then it is difficult to put the job completely out of your mind and be something other than your job.

I don't know what work ethic many of these people conditioned to work at home during COVID or whatever have. I do know some don't spend a hell of a lot of time working because they are too easily distracted by that fun game on the computer or something good on TV or whatever. And some may put in more hours than they are expected to do.

I am not in a real good position to judge here and think a really good study, cause and effect, productivity in both cases, etc. should help us decide whether working at home is suitable for everybody or they really need to go into the office to earn their paycheck.
A male who reaches the age to be a man but deliberately, perhaps desperately, avoids the responsibilities of a man (like working as hard as he can, raising a family if he can, and putting their needs before his own wants) is no man at all. More than a few pathetic figures on this site have frequently "boasted" about avoiding the responsibilities of a man, as if it were a badge of honor. One of the greatest harms creeping, insidious leftism has done to America over the past 60+ years is to make such sackless thinking in any way acceptable. Previous generations of American MEN (the ones who still had testosterone among other things) would never have entertained such unmanly thinking.
But The Duke is right though. I think most men do see their job as their first responsibility though the purpose of it is to support his family in a manner that he feels good about.

Most women see the home and kids as their first responsibility though their career may in fact be very important to them. A woman who puts career before family though I think probably is far more at risk of divorce than is a man who accommodates family while putting his career first.

I spent many years as an hourly wage earner and that means 7 to 3, 8 to 5, 9 to 5 or whatever. And I spent many years salaried and/or on commission in which I worked the hours I had to work to get the job done and that was frequently a lot more than eight hours a day.

But in both cases, usually when you leave work and go home, your time is your own to do with as you choose. There is a blessing of sorts in that.

When I was running a business out of my home and when there is work to do, it takes a huge amount of self discipline to set the work aside and claim time for yourself and/or family. And even then it is difficult to put the job completely out of your mind and be something other than your job.

I don't know what work ethic many of these people conditioned to work at home during COVID or whatever have. I do know some don't spend a hell of a lot of time working because they are too easily distracted by that fun game on the computer or something good on TV or whatever. And some may put in more hours than they are expected to do.

I am not in a real good position to judge here and think a really good study, cause and effect, productivity in both cases, etc. should help us decide whether working at home is suitable for everybody or they really need to go into the office to earn their paycheck.
anyone that puts their job first is cheating themselves and their family
Maybe she should quit her job and find something more her speed.
She’s cute enough to leverage that vagina into an easy life, but she’s probably been corrupted by liberalism into thinking she can do anything she wants.
What if that job provides for the family and 4 others as well?
depends on what it costs,,

if it consumes every minute of your life and thoughts and you never spend qualiity time with your family I would say it has a negative effect,,

I would rather have just enough and a great relationship with my family than rich and distance from my family,,
anyone that puts their job first is cheating themselves and their family
You missed my qualifier that putting a job first so that the guy can feel good about providing for his family. . .
It isn't really an either/or thing but is completely intertwined. Is it more important to take this business trip or to be home the next three days with my wife and kids? Millions of men choose the business trip as it allows them to provide for their family in a way that also allows them time with their wives and kids while providing for the family's needs and a few luxuries.

It is a sorry man who chooses leisure and having fun or some addiction or something else instead of providing for his family.
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You missed my qualifier that putting a job first so that the guy can feel good about providing for his family. . .
It isn't really an either/or thing but is completely intertwined. Is it more important to take this business trip or to be home the next three days with my wife and kids? Millions of men choose the business trip as it allows them to provide for their family in a way that also allows them time with their wives and kids while providing for the family's needs and a few luxuries.
I am sure there are some people that would rather feel good about what they can provide and not consider the relationship with their family,,

life is a marathon not a sprint,, so enjoy the ride while you have time,,
You missed my qualifier that putting a job first so that the guy can feel good about providing for his family. . .
It isn't really an either/or thing but is completely intertwined. Is it more important to take this business trip or to be home the next three days with my wife and kids? Millions of men choose the business trip as it allows them to provide for their family in a way that also allows them time with their wives and kids while providing for the family's needs and a few luxuries.
Like a longtime friend of mine said one day: "Work is Life". He's not wrong.

His older brother taught me a lot over the years, too.

That really stuck with me for whatever reason.

I tell you one reason: Because I know he's not so smart IQ wise, but he's wise as can be. That's why.

Deep down he knows what it's about. He has a profound understanding of the human condition.
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work doesnt always translate into a paycheck,,

I work daily but havent been paid for it in yrs,,
But don't confuse working for one's own pleasure or even benefit with working to support oneself and/or one's family. Generally those are two different things.

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