Why working from home is important to millenials.

Older people complain about younger people. The truth is each successive generation is smarter and harder working than the previous.
A friend of mine went through exactly that about 35 years ago. He was doing his residency, went into an exam room to take a nap and got paged by the duty nurse who needed a prescription. He gave the prescription, and thankfully the nurse was a seasoned veteran and woke him up to tell him that prescription would kill the patient. He did the whole thing asleep. He learned from that to put the pager on the other side of the room to make sure he actually woke up.
Was his name Dr. Gower?
Your resorting to lying is proof of your surrender, nobody.

just going by your words little man, too late to run from them now, not to mention you have been lying about me for the last 10 post...but hey it is different when your little slave drone ass does it
Quite a few young people these days are HUMAN VEAL.

I worked fulltime, went to night school for my masters, worked out at the gym and still had a quite active social life in my 20s.

It's sad to see these little pussies whinging about going to the office. We're doomed. I hope I die before they are running the country.
This girl has a good job. If she wants home-cooked stuff, she could make 2-3 big pots of whatever in 1/2 day on the weekend and portion it out and freeze it.
(I learned that from a friend's wife with a full time executive job)
I kinda roll like that myself now that I think about it.
Plus me and a couple friends exchange things here and there, it adds variety.

That's what I used to do - a big pot of soup, stew or chili was the next week's food supply.
Quite a few young people these days are HUMAN VEAL.

I worked fulltime, went to night school for my masters, worked out at the gym and still had a quite active social life in my 20s.

It's sad to see these little pussies whinging about going to the office. We're doomed. I hope I die before they are running the country.
They're as productive I'd bet everything more productive than you can fathom.
The greatest thing that ever happened to this nation is women got out of their miserable home lives and entered the workforce.
Yep you were so great. A hero in your own mind.

I didn't claim I was great. I'm a normal person who takes responsibility for my life - as many have done before me. It's sad that you are threatened by that.
I didn't claim I was great. I'm a normal person who takes responsibility for my life - as many have done before me. It's sad that you are threatened by that.
Not threatened at all but you surely think this current generation isn't up to snuff. Why? Anti American?
A responsible young adult today
1). Doesn't get married before 36 years old
2). Brings zero kids into society
3). Works full time
4). Saves
5). Travels and enjoys life

The mere fact they ask what you do is part of the problem, but it goes back to our identify being tired to our job. .....

An important part of a man's identity is tied to what he does for a living. Not all, but an important part. Some men have to work jobs they hate to provide for their families, but even that is an important part of their identity as a man. They do that work to the best of their ability, and they do as much of it as is necessary to care for their loved ones. Some sackless slug who only sees work as something to be avoided is no man at all. Asking what a man does is a way of knowing what kind of man he is (and if he is one).
A responsible young adult today
1). Doesn't get married before 36 years old
2). Brings zero kids into society
3). Works full time
4). Saves
5). Travels and enjoys life


That is the recipe for civilizational decline.

Who is going to pay for all of your Prog social welfare when the population shrinks?
That is the recipe for civilizational decline.

Who is going to pay for all of your Prog social welfare when the population shrinks?
You're against welfare anyway so a much much lower population ensures higher paying jobs are filled while lower wage jobs stay unfilled as it should be

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