Why worship a god that doesn't care?

Our Capitalism which art in Heaven, hallowed be your means of production, exchange and distribution held in private hands.
Thank you for proving Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. This is coming along nicely. Thank you.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe.
Why worship a God that doesn't care? Would a young man worship a dead beat dad that ran away for the first 20 years of his life? Fuck no. Everyone would stand with him on this too as it is the fault of the dad for fucking up.

God owes us with his presence at least once before people accept him as real. Once he does I'll worship him and respect him...If not then no one should respect him!

I think our Heavenly father should think about this as it is not right what he is currently doing.
What would you describe as God revealing Himself?
If it's Faith to believe in God, what sort of faith does it take to believe that all of the mass in the Universe came a Big Bang that was the size of a pin head?
Faith is belief without evidence. Knowledge is accepting current evidence until there is better evidence.The Big Bang fits current evidence, though I don't know where you get 'size of a pinhead' from. Plucked from your arse?
How does the Big Bang contradict the Torah's account of creation?
And do me a favor; look at the verses before you make yourself look ignorant.
Notice I didn't state, "stupid".
Why worship a god that doesn't care?

It is best to first seek to understand God before passing judgment. There is no being on earth that cares more for you than God. You simply have not taken the time to get to know him.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:63
63 Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
At least socialism aims to help people and is real.

All yours, Minion dudes.....

Why worship a God that doesn't care? Would a young man worship a dead beat dad that ran away for the first 20 years of his life? Fuck no. Everyone would stand with him on this too as it is the fault of the dad for fucking up.

God owes us with his presence at least once before people accept him as real. Once he does I'll worship him and respect him...If not then no one should respect him!

I think our Heavenly father should think about this as it is not right what he is currently doing.

Do we worship Truth?
Worship Justice? Matthew

What about ways of showing respect, and uniting in order to RECEIVE the benefits of that thing we look to as higher than ourselves.
Why worship a god that doesn't care?

It is best to first seek to understand God before passing judgment. There is no being on earth that cares more for you than God. You simply have not taken the time to get to know him.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:63
63 Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.


Nonsense. If your god cared, he wouldn't torture innocent children with disease and defects. If your god exists, he is the very definition of evil. Why would anyone worship such a monster?

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Like I said, It is best to seek to understand God before passing judgment upon Him. You obviously do not understand him. You are under the delusion that this life is the end all of our existence.
Like I said, It is best to seek to understand God before passing judgment upon Him. You obviously do not understand him. You are under the delusion that this life is the end all of our existence.
Understand God before passing judgment upon Him?

Can you imagine what it could possibly be like to be confronted by Existence Itself? The consciousness behind consciousness? The Creator of all space and time?

I don't think judging Him will be high on the list of priorities.
Why worship a God that doesn't care? Would a young man worship a dead beat dad that ran away for the first 20 years of his life? Fuck no. Everyone would stand with him on this too as it is the fault of the dad for fucking up.

God owes us with his presence at least once before people accept him as real. Once he does I'll worship him and respect him...If not then no one should respect him!

I think our Heavenly father should think about this as it is not right what he is currently doing.
Matthew, from the time when Adam and Eve fell into sin in the garden God the Father had a plan for your redemption. His plan was to send His Only Begotten Son into this world to present that plan of redemption and to shed his own blood and die upon a cross, that God the Father would raise him from the dead and that those who would believe upon him would receive everlasting life. When Jesus Christ died on that cross he made the way of reconciliation back to God the father.

If God did not care about you why would he sacrifice His Only Begotten son to redeem you? Through Adam (the first Adam) you were separated from God but through the second Adam (Jesus Christ) as he is referred to in the Holy Bible made the way to bring you back - to reconcile you back to God.

God loves you so much! God loves you more than any human being could ever love you, Matthew. He has a wonderful plan for your life. You must receive the truth - Jesus Christ is the truth, the way and the life - by faith. Abraham was justified by faith. You must be justified by faith.
God does not have to prove himself to earn your respect and worship. He has already proved his love to you through sending his only Begotten Son for you. God loves you, Matthew. If he didn't love you he wouldn't be sending people into your life to tell you of his love for you. He's been watching over you from the day you were born. He knew you before he placed you in your mother's womb. Do you want to have a relationship with God? Then accept what he has done for you and call upon the name of the LORD and be saved.

Read the book of Matthew. Read Matthew 5 and know that Jesus Christ has a wonderful plan for your life.
Why worship a God that doesn't care? Would a young man worship a dead beat dad that ran away for the first 20 years of his life? Fuck no. Everyone would stand with him on this too as it is the fault of the dad for fucking up.

God owes us with his presence at least once before people accept him as real. Once he does I'll worship him and respect him...If not then no one should respect him!

I think our Heavenly father should think about this as it is not right what he is currently doing.
Matthew, from the time when Adam and Eve fell into sin in the garden God the Father had a plan for your redemption. His plan was to send His Only Begotten Son into this world to present that plan of redemption and to shed his own blood and die upon a cross, that God the Father would raise him from the dead and that those who would believe upon him would receive everlasting life. When Jesus Christ died on that cross he made the way of reconciliation back to God the father.

If God did not care about you why would he sacrifice His Only Begotten son to redeem you? Through Adam (the first Adam) you were separated from God but through the second Adam (Jesus Christ) as he is referred to in the Holy Bible made the way to bring you back - to reconcile you back to God.

God loves you so much! God loves you more than any human being could ever love you, Matthew. He has a wonderful plan for your life. You must receive the truth - Jesus Christ is the truth, the way and the life - by faith. Abraham was justified by faith. You must be justified by faith.
God does not have to prove himself to earn your respect and worship. He has already proved his love to you through sending his only Begotten Son for you. God loves you, Matthew. If he didn't love you he wouldn't be sending people into your life to tell you of his love for you. He's been watching over you from the day you were born. He knew you before he placed you in your mother's womb. Do you want to have a relationship with God? Then accept what he has done for you and call upon the name of the LORD and be saved.

Read the book of Matthew. Read Matthew 5 and know that Jesus Christ has a wonderful plan for your life.

Alas, I fear, in this case, that Matthew 7:6 is most apt. No point trying to give that which is true and holy to one who holds truth and holiness only in the deepest contempt.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Why worship a God that doesn't care? Would a young man worship a dead beat dad that ran away for the first 20 years of his life? Fuck no. Everyone would stand with him on this too as it is the fault of the dad for fucking up.

God owes us with his presence at least once before people accept him as real. Once he does I'll worship him and respect him...If not then no one should respect him!

I think our Heavenly father should think about this as it is not right what he is currently doing.
Matthew, from the time when Adam and Eve fell into sin in the garden God the Father had a plan for your redemption. His plan was to send His Only Begotten Son into this world to present that plan of redemption and to shed his own blood and die upon a cross, that God the Father would raise him from the dead and that those who would believe upon him would receive everlasting life. When Jesus Christ died on that cross he made the way of reconciliation back to God the father.

If God did not care about you why would he sacrifice His Only Begotten son to redeem you? Through Adam (the first Adam) you were separated from God but through the second Adam (Jesus Christ) as he is referred to in the Holy Bible made the way to bring you back - to reconcile you back to God.

God loves you so much! God loves you more than any human being could ever love you, Matthew. He has a wonderful plan for your life. You must receive the truth - Jesus Christ is the truth, the way and the life - by faith. Abraham was justified by faith. You must be justified by faith.
God does not have to prove himself to earn your respect and worship. He has already proved his love to you through sending his only Begotten Son for you. God loves you, Matthew. If he didn't love you he wouldn't be sending people into your life to tell you of his love for you. He's been watching over you from the day you were born. He knew you before he placed you in your mother's womb. Do you want to have a relationship with God? Then accept what he has done for you and call upon the name of the LORD and be saved.

Read the book of Matthew. Read Matthew 5 and know that Jesus Christ has a wonderful plan for your life.

Alas, I fear, in this case, that Matthew 7:6 is most apt. No point trying to give that which is true and holy to one who holds truth and holiness only in the deepest contempt.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
I don't see a dog or a swine. I see a precious man whom God loves. A precious man who is lost and the very one Jesus Christ would have left the 99 to find. Matthew has been honest in how he feels and I have been honest in my response to him because truly if I didn't tell him how much God loves him? I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. This story isn't over. I know that God answers prayer and I am going to be praying for Matthew. He is priceless. His worth is far beyond all the gold and silver on this earth. There isn't anything more important to God than to see Matthew come to him and he most certainly expects those who say they are His to reach out to Matthew, to love Matthew and to pray for Matthew.

I was where Matthew was at many years ago. Had someone not cared enough to talk to me I might not be here today. He came up to me in a parking lot and said, Can I ask you a question. I said yes. He said, If you died tonight would you be in heaven or hell? I said, Probably hell. He told me about Jesus Christ and let me know I didn't have to go to hell. He gave me a little bible and went on his way. I know he prayed for me. A few weeks later, I repented to God of my sinfulness, of my sins with many tears and called upon Jesus Christ to save me. I gave my life to Jesus Christ and my life was changed forever. What God did for me, he can do for Matthew. God is no respecter of persons.
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Matthew, this is a video of preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Brother Michael Boldea. Listen to this one and you can find other sermons by him on youtube. He also has a ministry called Hand of help and they have an orphanage in Romania and a ministry to the elderly and to the poor. I believe he will be a blessing to you.


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