Why would anyone live in New York?

Are apartments affordable there now?

Is $1,300 per square foot affordable to you?
Ouch. No that’s over my budget. Tell me when it gets to around $500 a square foot.

You'll need one of these...

Life is full of compromises. There are a million reasons to live in New York and a million valid reasons to hate it.

I have the impression that the presence of street crime is overblown in the Media, but as a visitor (which I have often been) you can't really know. The real question is how much the Cahuna Virus has fucked things up and how soon the City will recover - or will it ever get back to normal?

Nobody knows.
NY is the cultural and financial epicenter of the nation.

Not for long. Wall Street is figuring out that they can do business from anywhere. Why stay in a city that hates them?
NY is the cultural and financial epicenter of the nation.

Have you visited lately?
I visited my Brooklyn friend last December and found an exciting, vibrant city with so many delightful attractions and venues it was hard to see how people could possibly be bored!

We have all made sacrifices in the face of this pandemic. Taking it out on New York City seems particularly short sighted considering what it went through last Spring.

It would be like vacationing in New Orleans after Katrina and calling the whole place a shithole.

NYC is a great place. I wish I could go there more often. When Broadway opens back up...I plan to.
I'm waiting for L&B Spumoni Gardens, Central Park, Washington Square and the Upper East Side. The Bronx Zoo, Coney Island and 86th Avenue in Bensonhurst

There was a place in Brooklyn that has meatballs. Supposedly the secret ingredient is ground raisins. Loved them. Would love to have some more.
I have a lot of great memories as a kid going to the city on school field trips to museums and landmarks, and then in high school my friends and I would take the train to the city every now and then and hang out in the park, go see shows and stuff like that. In college my school was only about an hour and a half from the heart of Manhattan and so that made for an easy trip to the city if we wanted to go to certain restaurants or clubs.

Now, other than driving through every now and then to go to Connecticut or New Jersey to visit family or friends, I haven't spent time in the city in a while but I still have nothing but good memories and had nothing but good times there. The city will bounce back once coronavirus is done and gone. It's not the hell hole people are making it out to be but if you look for the bad anywhere you go you'll find some. Yes there are assholes there, it's millions of people so there will be a lot of them, but there are also a lot of really cool and genuine people there too.

As for the state itself I can't see myself living anywhere else. I grew up on Long Island and I still live on Long Island with no plans on leaving. Nearly all of my family is here, many of my closest friends are all still living on Long Island and so this is home to me. Everybody has their favorite diner and as a teenager you ended up eating there several times throughout the day with your friends during the summer or late at night on the weekends and that you still go to as an adult now. We have Ralph's, we have Ben's, we have pizza, we have bagels, we have beaches, we have apple picking, we have pumpkin picking, we have the Islanders, we have millions of people but yet each town feels like a small town. I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.
A'lot of people from NYC have moved out and have come here. The county jail has close to 50% of its inmates from NYC. My employer never wants me to say that.:)
In my youth I visited New York several times.

Then I discovered that it was less expensive to spend a week in London than 2 days in New York (travel cost included).

Of course these days it's pretty damn close to illegal to visit either one.

New York will become easier sooner than London - once you can figure out who to bribe for an entry permit.
I have a lot of great memories as a kid going to the city on school field trips to museums and landmarks, and then in high school my friends and I would take the train to the city every now and then and hang out in the park, go see shows and stuff like that. In college my school was only about an hour and a half from the heart of Manhattan and so that made for an easy trip to the city if we wanted to go to certain restaurants or clubs.

Now, other than driving through every now and then to go to Connecticut or New Jersey to visit family or friends, I haven't spent time in the city in a while but I still have nothing but good memories and had nothing but good times there. The city will bounce back once coronavirus is done and gone. It's not the hell hole people are making it out to be but if you look for the bad anywhere you go you'll find some. Yes there are assholes there, it's millions of people so there will be a lot of them, but there are also a lot of really cool and genuine people there too.

As for the state itself I can't see myself living anywhere else. I grew up on Long Island and I still live on Long Island with no plans on leaving. Nearly all of my family is here, many of my closest friends are all still living on Long Island and so this is home to me. Everybody has their favorite diner and as a teenager you ended up eating there several times throughout the day with your friends during the summer or late at night on the weekends and that you still go to as an adult now. We have Ralph's, we have Ben's, we have pizza, we have bagels, we have beaches, we have apple picking, we have pumpkin picking, we have the Islanders, we have millions of people but yet each town feels like a small town. I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.

There's nothing wrong with loving the place you're from and most familiar with.
It's just too expensive for my tastes however, and if you're retired, and have a set income, your dollars will simply not go as far as they will in most other states.
I have a lot of great memories as a kid going to the city on school field trips to museums and landmarks, and then in high school my friends and I would take the train to the city every now and then and hang out in the park, go see shows and stuff like that. In college my school was only about an hour and a half from the heart of Manhattan and so that made for an easy trip to the city if we wanted to go to certain restaurants or clubs.

Now, other than driving through every now and then to go to Connecticut or New Jersey to visit family or friends, I haven't spent time in the city in a while but I still have nothing but good memories and had nothing but good times there. The city will bounce back once coronavirus is done and gone. It's not the hell hole people are making it out to be but if you look for the bad anywhere you go you'll find some. Yes there are assholes there, it's millions of people so there will be a lot of them, but there are also a lot of really cool and genuine people there too.

As for the state itself I can't see myself living anywhere else. I grew up on Long Island and I still live on Long Island with no plans on leaving. Nearly all of my family is here, many of my closest friends are all still living on Long Island and so this is home to me. Everybody has their favorite diner and as a teenager you ended up eating there several times throughout the day with your friends during the summer or late at night on the weekends and that you still go to as an adult now. We have Ralph's, we have Ben's, we have pizza, we have bagels, we have beaches, we have apple picking, we have pumpkin picking, we have the Islanders, we have millions of people but yet each town feels like a small town. I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.

There's nothing wrong with loving the place you're from and most familiar with.
It's just too expensive for my tastes however, and if you're retired, and have a set income, your dollars will simply not go as far as they will in most other states.

It is very expensive I'll give you that but you also don't have to worry about not being able to find almost anything you'd need or want.
The once great city has been run into the ground by the two biggest idiots to ever be elected, Bill DeBlasio and Andrew Cuomo. Their priorities in this year of the pandemic was to let Black Lives Matter take over their city and order Covid infected patients into helpless nursing homes turning them into death chambers. Now they've closed the schools again. Who the hell puts up with this? There are 49 other options that are better than the New York hell hole.
It was a ice place to go to pandora live in like the suburbs like queens pre 9/11 but ever sense then and especially with covid,it’s the same as California,a banana republic.

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