Why Would Barry Veto A Bill Allowing Americans To Sue Saudi Arabia?

If any American gay man went to Saudi Arabia and was executed for being gay... I don't think suing them would do any good for the guy at that point. Their execution style puts people in so many pieces that they are very difficult to assemble back together.
Yes, why not? Wasn't it the ignorant crowd you run with not long ago saying that Bush couldn't leave the country because he was already convicted of war crimes? No I suppose that since you suffer from the liberal disease of selective amnesia you don't remember.

Why wouldn't he personally be sued?

Moron, regardless of how wealthy an INDIVIDUAL may be, the one who sues goes after the BIGGER POCKET.....

Regarding GWB or Cheney NOT traveling to Europe, that issue is about the possibility of imprisoning them for WAR CRIMES, and not simple suing for reparation .

No, you go after all involved. Obama owns at least two mansions we know about and is one of the 1 percent.

If what Bush did with Congress' and Hillary's OK was a war crime then what do you call Obama's war from the sky? Oh right it isn't Bush so it is righteous.

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