Why would Hannity plead with Trump to call off the coup ?

But who would have done anything he said without accusing him of impeachable offenses??????
Gen Miley went to the Chinese behind his back.....Pelosi was accusing him of treason......unfairly I might add.

Nobody would cooperate with him.....there's your coup.....
His efforts to use public money to hustle the President of Ukraine was treasonous.
His efforts to use public money to hustle the President of Ukraine was treasonous.
Nope. It's within his authority to withhold aid if he feels that the aid is going to be misused.
Anyone who thinks that it is treasonous to refuse (or even delaying aid) rather than giving aid to a foreign government is a total fucking idiot.
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His efforts to use public money to hustle the President of Ukraine was treasonous.
You have less than zero clue about most of the stuff you Lear about. Trumps interactions with the Ukrainian President involved no hustle. And there was nothing remotely akin to treason involved. For a Brit, you are PARTICULARLY oblivious to the meaning of English Words. You are a hack.
You have less than zero clue about most of the stuff you Lear about. Trumps interactions with the Ukrainian President involved no hustle. And there was nothing remotely akin to treason involved. For a Brit, you are PARTICULARLY oblivious to the meaning of English Words. You are a hack.
You might have missed him linking aid for Ukraine to them digging up some dirt over Joe Biden.
It was in all the papers and should have seen him in jail.
You might have missed him linking aid for Ukraine to them digging up some dirt over Joe Biden.
It was in all the papers and should have seen him in jail.
You apparently ignored the information about the worry that giving Ukraine $$ aid would have probably led to it being ripped off. So, as noted above, the President had the authority to make efforts to insure compliance with the terms of my nation’s largesse.

The bullshit about any “quid pro quo” was exposed as a canard back at the time. You remain a total hack, taint.
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But who would have done anything he said without accusing him of impeachable offenses??????
Gen Miley went to the Chinese behind his back.....Pelosi was accusing him of treason......unfairly I might add.

Nobody would cooperate with him.....there's your coup.....

You are making excuses for him again. He's never been accountable for anything in his whole life. Its always somebody else's fault or he was a victim.

That's why he's just another loser.

Do you have any morals?
You are making excuses for him again. He's never been accountable for anything in his whole life. Its always somebody else's fault or he was a victim.

That's why he's just another loser.

Do you have any morals?
Yes.....an considering the fact that Washington didn't want him elected in the first place....and had been planning how to get rid of him since before he took office I really don't see where you get off.

I do not understand how he expected trump to affect this.
We all know that the minor disturbances were instigated by BLM and Antifa and Trumps influence on these Soros groups is minimal at best.

Sean is fully aware of this and has stated this FACT many times on his top rated show. So why would he annoy the Donald with this nonsense ?

Leftists will point to the inconsistencies in Seans actions on the 6th and his words in subsequent shows. Heaven forbid that it may affect his credibility as a broadcaster. In a world of MSM lies America needs a bastion of truth to turn to.
In Bidens America, Mr Hannity is a "Bridge over Troubled Water".
trump will forever give the shakes to all those alchoholic democrats
You apparently ignored the information about the worry that giving Ukraine $$ aid would have probably led to it being ripped off. So, as noted above, the President had the authority to make efforts to insure compliance with the terms of my nation’s largesse.

The bullshit about any “quid pro quo” was exposed as a canard back at the time. You remain a total hack, taint.
Well I know trumpers are strangers to the truth but read what you have spouted and then apply it to what happened.
Now explain how Ukraine delivering dirt on |Biden safeguards Americas money is "safeguarded".
Looking forward to this.
Well I know trumpers are strangers to the truth but read what you have spouted and then apply it to what happened.
Now explain how Ukraine delivering dirt on |Biden safeguards Americas money is "safeguarded".
Looking forward to this.
Taint: you made the initial allegations. The burden is on you. I’ll be happy to reply to establish how wrong you are.

Accodingly, you should feel obligated to show that President Trump demanded a quid pro quo from Ukraine. Be specific. Cite your sources.

Next, defend your claim that the President didn’t have a valid reason to insure that the money which might be sent to the Ukraine was properly secured from being used for other purposes — given our knowledge of Ukrainian official corruption.

This is unlikely to be interesting because you have established yourself as a hostile enemy of speaking the truth. In fact, taint, old sot, I doubt you will even attempt to rise to the challenge.
Nope. You are still wrong. The word “coup” has a literal meaning. The 1/6 incident was not a coup nor was it an attempted coup.
A literal meaning with which you are unfamiliar, obviously.

Essential Meaning of coup
1 : coup d'état a military coup a coup attempt
2 : an impressive victory or achievement that usually is difficult or unexpected

a sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army:

Why would Hannity plead with Trump to call off the coup ?​

That has got to be the dumbest question to end all dumb questions. But then, we gotta consider where it is coming from.

Mr Hannity is a very influential broadcaster.
Hannity influences nothing. I could barely stand the guy even years ago when I actually watched Fox. Get real. You wouldn't even know the guy was alive now except that like all of the TDS-inflicted, you want to try to fish for some non-existent story here.
You apparently ignored the information about the worry that giving Ukraine $$ aid would have probably led to it being ripped off. So, as noted above, the President had the authority to make efforts to insure compliance with the terms of my nation’s largesse.

The bullshit about any “quid pro quo” was exposed as a canard back at the time. You remain a total hack, taint.

You must be a teen ager.

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