Why would Trump STILL hang on?

famous last words....and if the guy is so bad and hillary is so great.....why hasnt she been 30-40 points ahead all along,instead of just staying ahead?.....

Simple answer......NO ONE is really saying that Clinton "is so great"....She's not.
really?....talk to your buddies dean and lakota and matthew....they talk like she is best there has been and will ever be....
Why would he mot?

Hillary enabled her husband's rapes, allied herself with Al Qaeuda, ran guns to ISIS, broke the law, and she isn't going anywhere.
My choices were in this order....

John Kasich
Scott Walker
Chris Christie.

And we got Trump...
Wont go there.
Wont go for Clinton.

Fairly close to mine......For me:

John Kasich
Jeb Bush
Rand Paul
And that's just the 30% that's solidly behind him. Nobody else is. Even if Hillary was shown to have shot the men in Benghazi herself (you know, CIA style), it still wouldn't be enough to get me to vote for a man who is so very pathological and so very dangerous to be anywhere near Commander in Chief.

the sad news for the GOP is that Trump is acting like a modern-day Samson, bringing virtually the entire republican brand down to rubble.
Someone once said that in politics one week is a lifetime and although there is a smidgen of truth in that quip, with just about 28 days to go before election day, Trump's goose is thoroughly cooked.

So, why would this guy, belligerently, choose to hang on to the race in a quixotic attempt to disregard reality?

Is it ego and narcissism?

Sociologists will have a field day analyzing the Jim Jones-like support from some right wingers, but the question still remains as to WHY good ol' Trump refuses to face his inevitable and devastating loss.
Probably another tax loophole involved that can keep him from paying taxes for the rest of his life.
I will be surprised if Trump wins.........but not shocked!
I will be happy, but if he loses I will be indifferent since Ive known it would be Hillary since at least 8 years ago.
She was promised.
I don't want Hillary to win; however, I don't know that Trump will be any better. I expect Trump would abuse the constitution as bad if not worse than Obama has.
And that's just the 30% that's solidly behind him. Nobody else is. Even if Hillary was shown to have shot the men in Benghazi herself (you know, CIA style), it still wouldn't be enough to get me to vote for a man who is so very pathological and so very dangerous to be anywhere near Commander in Chief.

the sad news for the GOP is that Trump is acting like a modern-day Samson, bringing virtually the entire republican brand down to rubble.

Now that you brought up Samson, the Democrats, starting from Hillary down to the lowest minion like you reminds me all those freak, deformed and demented midgets who were snipping at Samson with broken jaw bones of asses.

Not realizing what was about to come.

So, enjoy, while you may.
I will be surprised if Trump wins.........but not shocked!
I will be happy, but if he loses I will be indifferent since Ive known it would be Hillary since at least 8 years ago.
She was promised.
I don't want Hillary to win; however, I don't know that Trump will be any better. I expect Trump would abuse the constitution as bad if not worse than Obama has.
Trump wouldn't abuse the constitution, he would just violate it because he is not really aware of what it says.
Hillary will abuse the constitution because she should know what it says and as a democrat she will find ways to twist the words in it in order to make it say what it does not so she can get away with unconstitutional actions.
Why do you think its so important when it comes to the party that gets to pick the supreme court justices. If the justices actually did their job exactly as intended, there would be no concern about the party of the president that appoints them.
My choices were in this order....

John Kasich
Scott Walker
Chris Christie.

And we got Trump...
Wont go there.
Wont go for Clinton.

Fairly close to mine......For me:

John Kasich
Jeb Bush
Rand Paul

Kasich came across weak...

Jeb needed to wait, should have sat this one out, may never get another real chance again...

Rand Paul is as bad as his father...

Trump is the product of the frustration with Washington Politics, that he has made it this far says a lot...

Ultimately its The Donald or The Corrupton...

If you vote for anyone else other than one of these two you're wasting your vote...
My choices were in this order....

John Kasich
Scott Walker
Chris Christie.

And we got Trump...
Wont go there.
Wont go for Clinton.

Fairly close to mine......For me:

John Kasich
Jeb Bush
Rand Paul

Kasich came across weak...

Jeb needed to wait, should have sat this one out, may never get another real chance again...

Rand Paul is as bad as his father...

Trump is the product of the frustration with Washington Politics, that he has made it this far says a lot...

Ultimately its The Donald or The Corruption...

If you vote for anyone else other than one of these two you're wasting your vote...
And if both Trump and Clinton are the devil, then it doesn't really matter. Sometimes one evil is not less enough compared to the other to make a difference.
Eric Trump says bragging about sexual assault is just what happens when you’re ‘alpha’.....

Eric Trump says bragging about sexual assault is what happens when you’re an ‘alpha personality’


Just like his Daddy....

I guess that's what Ivanka loves about her men.

Right, real men like you vote for women who lead the public attack on victims of their sexual predator husband. You have no integrity at all, Zippy. If this was an actual standard to you, you'd vote for neither of them

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