Why would U.S. corporations repatriate their billions from overseas?

This issue has come up in various other threads and the morons in congress have often stated that the tax scam will offer a chance for corporations to return their stash of billions from foreign banks.....

Now, I honestly ask anyone here to outline the reasons WHY a corporation would do that......

I mean, do they really need a toaster oven from a U.S. bank when they open up a new account in the states?

Are Swiss and Cypriot and Caribbean banks in a threat of a despot taking power and confiscating these corporations' money?

Again, I ask WHY would a corporation do that.....and if they have NO incentive to do so, why are American right wingers so easily fooled by lies and demagoguery (actually, don't answer that last part....We well know why.)
B/c they’re patriots and not a fraud and a failure like you
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No fucktard bussiness moved overseas because greedy retards like you wanted to exploit Chinamen to get cheap shit .

Above, an example of the caliber of "intelligentsia" among Trump cultists......
This is why I love this cartoon........With Bear as an example, its spot on....LOL

You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No fucktard bussiness moved overseas because greedy retards like you wanted to exploit Chinamen to get cheap shit .

Above, an example of the caliber of "intelligentsia" among Trump cultists......
This is why I love this cartoon........With Bear as an example, its spot on....LOL

View attachment 167399

ad redigendum graffiti.

Not the most intelligent way to try to make your point.
Not the most intelligent way to try to make your point.

You were expecting an "intelligent" retort to someone who writes: " ......bussiness moved overseas because greedy retards like you wanted to exploit Chinamen to get cheap shit ." ???????????????

Not the most intelligent way to try to make your point.

You were expecting an "intelligent" retort to someone who writes: " ......bussiness moved overseas because greedy retards like you wanted to exploit Chinamen to get cheap shit ." ???????????????


Not a huge difference in 'stooping' to the level of another ... or being there naturally.
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No fucktard bussiness moved overseas because greedy retards like you wanted to exploit Chinamen to get cheap shit .

Above, an example of the caliber of "intelligentsia" among Trump cultists......
This is why I love this cartoon........With Bear as an example, its spot on....LOL

View attachment 167399

Go-to love the alternative reality the left tards live in , the blame everyone else but themselves.
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No fucktard bussiness moved overseas because greedy retards like you wanted to exploit Chinamen to get cheap shit .

Above, an example of the caliber of "intelligentsia" among Trump cultists......
This is why I love this cartoon........With Bear as an example, its spot on....LOL

View attachment 167399

Go-to love the alternative reality the left tards live in , the blame everyone else but themselves.

That is correct: Blaming everyone and everything for their failures, and taking credit for everyone else's success.

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