Why would U.S. corporations repatriate their billions from overseas?

As someone who has spent most of his career working overseas, in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East for large corporations I can state some of several reasons that would induce large companies to repatriate their assets.

1. To avoid foreign taxes. Any revenues collected in foreign countries must be declared in those countries and is subsequently taxed. In some cases, at a rate higher than the US.

2. Corporations, being publicly held, need to show earnings on earnings reports and annual statements. Hiding assets off the books make any company look less profitable and affects the stock price negatively. Corporations that regularly pay dividends to investors need to have their cash in country to do that.

3. Investment in capital and R&D. Any company wishing to grow and expand needs to invest in capital plant, research, and product development. Someone of that can be invested overseas if that is where that work is being done. But, some will still have to come back to the US for those uses.
This issue has come up in various other threads and the morons in congress have often stated that the tax scam will offer a chance for corporations to return their stash of billions from foreign banks.....

Now, I honestly ask anyone here to outline the reasons WHY a corporation would do that......

I mean, do they really need a toaster oven from a U.S. bank when they open up a new account in the states?

Are Swiss and Cypriot and Caribbean banks in a threat of a despot taking power and confiscating these corporations' money?

Again, I ask WHY would a corporation do that.....and if they have NO incentive to do so, why are American right wingers so easily fooled by lies and demagoguery (actually, don't answer that last part....We well know why.)

What the hell do you mean by "no incentive" to bring their money back into the states? There's a repatriation tax holiday in the tax bill that lowers the federal corporate tax rate to 21% from 35% for a one-time repatriation of overseas cash. Do you think business aren't going to want some of that action? Seriously?

Here's what America's biggest companies plan to do with all that cash coming back to the US

And 21% is still way more than what it is in some of the places it is stashed.
They will use it to buy back stock and pay dividends because that's what their shareholders want.

You do realize that almost 40% of those shareholder are foreign ones, don't you?
What's the possibility that these foreign shareholders want to be taxed on their dividends by our own IRS.???
There's a repatriation tax holiday in the tax bill that lowers the federal corporate tax rate to 21% from 35% for a one-time repatriation of overseas cash

Nitwit,,,,,,,the tax rate will be PERMANENT at 21%.....its not a "one-time" deal....We already tried a "tax holiday"...it didn't work out all too well......

Do you even read the freaking citation you post??? (forget it, your reading comprehension is not that good anyway.....LOL)
IF they cared about making America great they would not have moved their money in the first place. Do you people not have a brain between you all

Excellent point......But, according to DeadHorse, these companies have a REKINDLED patriotic burst...........

This caliber of "intelligence' is what got Trump in the oval office.
They will use it to buy back stock and pay dividends because that's what their shareholders want.

BTW.....will buying back stock RAISE the price of that stock???....
And if so, will middle class folks be able to afford the higher prices???
They will use it to buy back stock and pay dividends because that's what their shareholders want.

BTW.....will buying back stock RAISE the price of that stock???....
And if so, will middle class folks be able to afford the higher prices???

What does it matter if they can, or cannot? Is someone owed something?
This issue has come up in various other threads and the morons in congress have often stated that the tax scam will offer a chance for corporations to return their stash of billions from foreign banks.....

Now, I honestly ask anyone here to outline the reasons WHY a corporation would do that......

I mean, do they really need a toaster oven from a U.S. bank when they open up a new account in the states?

Are Swiss and Cypriot and Caribbean banks in a threat of a despot taking power and confiscating these corporations' money?

Again, I ask WHY would a corporation do that.....and if they have NO incentive to do so, why are American right wingers so easily fooled by lies and demagoguery (actually, don't answer that last part....We well know why.)

What the hell do you mean by "no incentive" to bring their money back into the states? There's a repatriation tax holiday in the tax bill that lowers the federal corporate tax rate to 21% from 35% for a one-time repatriation of overseas cash. Do you think business aren't going to want some of that action? Seriously?

Here's what America's biggest companies plan to do with all that cash coming back to the US

And 21% is still way more than what it is in some of the places it is stashed.

You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas. Now all you know how to do is bitch and gripe, now that Uncle Trump's tax plan is bringing back money and jobs.

You leftards are a sad lot. You've lost your sense of humor, your sense of direction, and the ability to be happy, even when you get everything you desire as you did the last 8 years. Do you people want sympathy from me? No fuckin' way, mang. Ya'll can get with the program, try to fit in, or go eat a bag of rotten dicks. Either way, I don't care any more.
Maybe the overheated radical left is watching too many CSI dramas. The truth is that legitimate U.S. corporations don't really want to operate overseas without the protection of the U.S. government. They operate overseas because the accountants decide that the narrow profit margin outweighs the risk and inconvenience as long as the U.S. corporate taxes are so high. Once the corporate taxes are reduced it becomes profitable for legitimate corporations to return and stamp their product "Made in USA".
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.
As someone who has spent most of his career working overseas, in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East for large corporations I can state some of several reasons that would induce large companies to repatriate their assets.

1. To avoid foreign taxes. Any revenues collected in foreign countries must be declared in those countries and is subsequently taxed. In some cases, at a rate higher than the US.

2. Corporations, being publicly held, need to show earnings on earnings reports and annual statements. Hiding assets off the books make any company look less profitable and affects the stock price negatively. Corporations that regularly pay dividends to investors need to have their cash in country to do that.

3. Investment in capital and R&D. Any company wishing to grow and expand needs to invest in capital plant, research, and product development. Someone of that can be invested overseas if that is where that work is being done. But, some will still have to come back to the US for those uses.

You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because they don't want to pay union employees $30 per hour when they can get the Vietnamese or Filipinos to do it for $1.00.

Learn something....read a book on basic economics and STOP watching late night comedy shows.

You leftists basically fucked yourselves and the rest of us out of the good jobs and ran the businesses out of this country. And now you want a "working wage" for everyone?

Yeah. Fuck that. Like that's ever going to happen.
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The radical left wouldn't understand about nationalism or "make America great" but corporations do. With the exception of pirates like Marc Rich, who Bill Clinton pardoned while he was on the FBI 10 most wanted, American corporations would rather employ American workers and deal with the stable corporate environment in the Greatest Country on earth. Wait till they start moving back.
Is that why the Dream Act is requesting the exact opposite of what you just posted?
As someone who has spent most of his career working overseas, in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East for large corporations I can state some of several reasons that would induce large companies to repatriate their assets.

1. To avoid foreign taxes. Any revenues collected in foreign countries must be declared in those countries and is subsequently taxed. In some cases, at a rate higher than the US.

2. Corporations, being publicly held, need to show earnings on earnings reports and annual statements. Hiding assets off the books make any company look less profitable and affects the stock price negatively. Corporations that regularly pay dividends to investors need to have their cash in country to do that.

3. Investment in capital and R&D. Any company wishing to grow and expand needs to invest in capital plant, research, and product development. Someone of that can be invested overseas if that is where that work is being done. But, some will still have to come back to the US for those uses.

You left out one other factor: The expensive cost of unionized labor
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because they don't want to pay union employees $30 per hour when they can get the Vietnamese or Filipinos to do it for $1.00.

Learn something....read a book on basic economics and STOP watching late night comedy shows.

You leftists basically fucked yourselves and the rest of us out of the good jobs and ran the businesses out of this country. And now you want a "working wage" for everyone?

Yeah. Fuck that. Like that's ever going to happen.
Unions make up less than 11% of the American work force.
As someone who has spent most of his career working overseas, in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East for large corporations I can state some of several reasons that would induce large companies to repatriate their assets.

1. To avoid foreign taxes. Any revenues collected in foreign countries must be declared in those countries and is subsequently taxed. In some cases, at a rate higher than the US.

2. Corporations, being publicly held, need to show earnings on earnings reports and annual statements. Hiding assets off the books make any company look less profitable and affects the stock price negatively. Corporations that regularly pay dividends to investors need to have their cash in country to do that.

3. Investment in capital and R&D. Any company wishing to grow and expand needs to invest in capital plant, research, and product development. Someone of that can be invested overseas if that is where that work is being done. But, some will still have to come back to the US for those uses.

You left out one other factor: The expensive cost of unionized labor
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because they don't want to pay union employees $30 per hour when they can get the Vietnamese or Filipinos to do it for $1.00.

Learn something....read a book on basic economics and STOP watching late night comedy shows.

You leftists basically fucked yourselves and the rest of us out of the good jobs and ran the businesses out of this country. And now you want a "working wage" for everyone?

Yeah. Fuck that. Like that's ever going to happen.
Many white collar careers have been off-shored and the Dream Act is a request by Corporations to bring in almost 2 million professionals a year.
It is true that it's a good thing for people who live off their investments.
As someone who has spent most of his career working overseas, in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East for large corporations I can state some of several reasons that would induce large companies to repatriate their assets.

1. To avoid foreign taxes. Any revenues collected in foreign countries must be declared in those countries and is subsequently taxed. In some cases, at a rate higher than the US.

2. Corporations, being publicly held, need to show earnings on earnings reports and annual statements. Hiding assets off the books make any company look less profitable and affects the stock price negatively. Corporations that regularly pay dividends to investors need to have their cash in country to do that.

3. Investment in capital and R&D. Any company wishing to grow and expand needs to invest in capital plant, research, and product development. Someone of that can be invested overseas if that is where that work is being done. But, some will still have to come back to the US for those uses.

You left out one other factor: The expensive cost of unionized labor
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because they don't want to pay union employees $30 per hour when they can get the Vietnamese or Filipinos to do it for $1.00.

Learn something....read a book on basic economics and STOP watching late night comedy shows.

You leftists basically fucked yourselves and the rest of us out of the good jobs and ran the businesses out of this country. And now you want a "working wage" for everyone?

Yeah. Fuck that. Like that's ever going to happen.
Unions make up less than 11% of the American work force.

That was a mis-post that was intended to go somewhere else. I corrected it.

Thanks for pointing it out.
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

This issue has come up in various other threads and the morons in congress have often stated that the tax scam will offer a chance for corporations to return their stash of billions from foreign banks.....

Now, I honestly ask anyone here to outline the reasons WHY a corporation would do that......

I mean, do they really need a toaster oven from a U.S. bank when they open up a new account in the states?

Are Swiss and Cypriot and Caribbean banks in a threat of a despot taking power and confiscating these corporations' money?

Again, I ask WHY would a corporation do that.....and if they have NO incentive to do so, why are American right wingers so easily fooled by lies and demagoguery (actually, don't answer that last part....We well know why.)

Because it's tax free
You have nobody to blame but yourselves. It was you Democrat's penchant for taxing businesses out of existence and leftist labor unions that caused businesses to relocate overseas

No Mr. fuckhead.......Businesses relocated overseas because Americans do NOT want to work for $1.00 per hour as the Vietnamese or Fillippinos do......

Learn something....read and STOP watching Fox and Friends.

No fucktard bussiness moved overseas because greedy retards like you wanted to exploit Chinamen to get cheap shit .

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