

American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:

:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Taking the longer view, these things do not matter. By the longer view I am talking of reincarnation over many many lives. According to the spirit teachers I have studied. Everything will ultimately work itself out for the ultimate good. Earthy suffering is temporary but the spirit is eternal. It goes on rising out of the ashes like the phoenix. The bagavad gita tells a story of civil war in which family members are set against each other, but Krishna explains it does not matter in the greater scheme of things, as each soul will rise again and again until they are made perfect.
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:

:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

As the plethora of commandments show, people were doing bad things even when God gave his law to people. Don't have to forbid murder if no one's murdering. So I've always felt that God knew this is all happening, forbade it, but in not waving his magic wand to make it stop, gave us the option to choose obediance or disobediance.

If an all-powerful God forbids murder, and intervenes every time someone tries to murder, there's not much point in having the commandment against it. Or of a government and governmental laws. People just expect God to take care of everything. As a result, civilization stagnates as no one does anything leaving it all in God's hands. By giving us the choice of being good or evil, we have to do things for ourselves.

Just as a parent eventually trusts their children with more and more independence and autonomy eventually culminating in the child becomming an adult, if the parent taught them well they'll do fine. If the parent intervenes every time a child steps out of line and follows them around the result is a child who never became an adult. Might be adult-aged, but will have the mentality of a child.
The spirit world teaches that one of the main reasons we reincarnate is to get a fresh start without being able to remember past lives, I heard a spirit teacher say that if we could remember past lives and what we have done wrong it might drive us mad. But we are guided into life experience that will help settle karma from past actions.
We may have a hard life without knowing why but it might just be to strengthen the soul, or to teach us to have compassion for others. In the end we will reach enlightenment and finish our cycle of incarnations and at that time we will recall all past lives, as the memories are stored in the immortal spirit body.
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:
Because mommy had to respond to that text

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:
Because we all want what we want right now, and dam anyone who tries to stop us from getting it.

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:
Because we refuse to punish those who are cruel, we try to rehabilitate them instead.
:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Perhaps we should hold judges who slaps a child molester on the wrist, lets him out, and then that child molester, kills a child, accountable, instead of blaming God. (Nah, that makes to much sense.)

Perhaps we should change the legal system, to incarcerate people involved in violent crimes for the absolute maximum penalty, with no chance of parole. (No then parole officers, and government, would not be able to make people pay their parole officer).

We put up with a lot of crap, and it's because we allow it to happen. Us, you and I and everyone else who lives in this country, and contries all over the world.
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:
Because mommy had to respond to that text

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:
Because we all want what we want right now, and dam anyone who tries to stop us from getting it.

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:
Because we refuse to punish those who are cruel, we try to rehabilitate them instead.
:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Perhaps we should hold judges who slaps a child molester on the wrist, lets him out, and then that child molester, kills a child, accountable, instead of blaming God. (Nah, that makes to much sense.)

Perhaps we should change the legal system, to incarcerate people involved in violent crimes for the absolute maximum penalty, with no chance of parole. (No then parole officers, and government, would not be able to make people pay their parole officer).

We put up with a lot of crap, and it's because we allow it to happen. Us, you and I and everyone else who lives in this country, and contries all over the world.
Interesting. Sounds like if there is no god we need to play god ourselves. And to the extent that we are playing god we are doing a very bad job of it. Apparently if we are going to come to grips that there is no god we need to rewrite a lot of laws around the world. (Unless of course there is a God. :eusa_think:)
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:
Because mommy had to respond to that text

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:
Because we all want what we want right now, and dam anyone who tries to stop us from getting it.

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:
Because we refuse to punish those who are cruel, we try to rehabilitate them instead.
:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Perhaps we should hold judges who slaps a child molester on the wrist, lets him out, and then that child molester, kills a child, accountable, instead of blaming God. (Nah, that makes to much sense.)

Perhaps we should change the legal system, to incarcerate people involved in violent crimes for the absolute maximum penalty, with no chance of parole. (No then parole officers, and government, would not be able to make people pay their parole officer).

We put up with a lot of crap, and it's because we allow it to happen. Us, you and I and everyone else who lives in this country, and contries all over the world.

Tell me more about this rehabilitation program.
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:
Because mommy had to respond to that text

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:
Because we all want what we want right now, and dam anyone who tries to stop us from getting it.

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:
Because we refuse to punish those who are cruel, we try to rehabilitate them instead.
:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Perhaps we should hold judges who slaps a child molester on the wrist, lets him out, and then that child molester, kills a child, accountable, instead of blaming God. (Nah, that makes to much sense.)

Perhaps we should change the legal system, to incarcerate people involved in violent crimes for the absolute maximum penalty, with no chance of parole. (No then parole officers, and government, would not be able to make people pay their parole officer).

We put up with a lot of crap, and it's because we allow it to happen. Us, you and I and everyone else who lives in this country, and contries all over the world.
Interesting. Sounds like if there is no god we need to play god ourselves. And to the extent that we are playing god we are doing a very bad job of it. Apparently if we are going to come to grips that there is no god we need to rewrite a lot of laws around the world. (Unless of course there is a God. :eusa_think:)

What on earth are you talking about? We (here in the US) live by secular laws, which are superior to Biblical laws, unless you want to go back to stoning people to death.
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:
Because mommy had to respond to that text

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:
Because we all want what we want right now, and dam anyone who tries to stop us from getting it.

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:
Because we refuse to punish those who are cruel, we try to rehabilitate them instead.
:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Perhaps we should hold judges who slaps a child molester on the wrist, lets him out, and then that child molester, kills a child, accountable, instead of blaming God. (Nah, that makes to much sense.)

Perhaps we should change the legal system, to incarcerate people involved in violent crimes for the absolute maximum penalty, with no chance of parole. (No then parole officers, and government, would not be able to make people pay their parole officer).

We put up with a lot of crap, and it's because we allow it to happen. Us, you and I and everyone else who lives in this country, and contries all over the world.
Interesting. Sounds like if there is no god we need to play god ourselves. And to the extent that we are playing god we are doing a very bad job of it. Apparently if we are going to come to grips that there is no god we need to rewrite a lot of laws around the world. (Unless of course there is a God. :eusa_think:)

What on earth are you talking about? We (here in the US) live by secular laws, which are superior to Biblical laws, unless you want to go back to stoning people to death.
Obviously our laws are not working, probably because they were strongly influenced by Biblical laws. Maybe we should start stoning people. Throw rock first, ask questions later. Hey, maybe Islam and atheism are compatible.
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:
Because mommy had to respond to that text

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:
Because we all want what we want right now, and dam anyone who tries to stop us from getting it.

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:
Because we refuse to punish those who are cruel, we try to rehabilitate them instead.
:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Perhaps we should hold judges who slaps a child molester on the wrist, lets him out, and then that child molester, kills a child, accountable, instead of blaming God. (Nah, that makes to much sense.)

Perhaps we should change the legal system, to incarcerate people involved in violent crimes for the absolute maximum penalty, with no chance of parole. (No then parole officers, and government, would not be able to make people pay their parole officer).

We put up with a lot of crap, and it's because we allow it to happen. Us, you and I and everyone else who lives in this country, and contries all over the world.
Interesting. Sounds like if there is no god we need to play god ourselves. And to the extent that we are playing god we are doing a very bad job of it. Apparently if we are going to come to grips that there is no god we need to rewrite a lot of laws around the world. (Unless of course there is a God. :eusa_think:)

What on earth are you talking about? We (here in the US) live by secular laws, which are superior to Biblical laws, unless you want to go back to stoning people to death.
Obviously our laws are not working, probably because they were strongly influenced by Biblical laws. Maybe we should start stoning people. Throw rock first, ask questions later. Hey, maybe Islam and atheism are compatible.

Throw rock first, ask questions later? Are you having problems walking upright? Our laws are secular.

Putting people in prison/jail is a profit making industry. If you want to correct the problem, start there.
Why did that child have to die so horribly? :dunno:
Because mommy had to respond to that text

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy? :dunno:
Because we all want what we want right now, and dam anyone who tries to stop us from getting it.

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive? :dunno:
Because we refuse to punish those who are cruel, we try to rehabilitate them instead.
:eusa_eh: Should God be held accountable for the myriad of reasons to believe instead in raw, survival of the most fit Evolution on a dog-eat-dog world?

Perhaps we should hold judges who slaps a child molester on the wrist, lets him out, and then that child molester, kills a child, accountable, instead of blaming God. (Nah, that makes to much sense.)

Perhaps we should change the legal system, to incarcerate people involved in violent crimes for the absolute maximum penalty, with no chance of parole. (No then parole officers, and government, would not be able to make people pay their parole officer).

We put up with a lot of crap, and it's because we allow it to happen. Us, you and I and everyone else who lives in this country, and contries all over the world.
Interesting. Sounds like if there is no god we need to play god ourselves. And to the extent that we are playing god we are doing a very bad job of it. Apparently if we are going to come to grips that there is no god we need to rewrite a lot of laws around the world. (Unless of course there is a God. :eusa_think:)

What on earth are you talking about? We (here in the US) live by secular laws, which are superior to Biblical laws, unless you want to go back to stoning people to death.
Obviously our laws are not working, probably because they were strongly influenced by Biblical laws. Maybe we should start stoning people. Throw rock first, ask questions later. Hey, maybe Islam and atheism are compatible.

Throw rock first, ask questions later? Are you having problems walking upright? Our laws are secular.

Putting people in prison/jail is a profit making industry. If you want to correct the problem, start there.
Before there was Kings there was Judges. Samuel warned the people. Kings make laws and prisons.
So should we blame ourselves?

So the OP asked three questions:
Why did that child have to die so horribly?

Why must humanity be its own worst enemy?

Why is such cruelty allowed not only to exist, but to thrive?​

Let's skip the first one for brevity's sake. So humanity is its worst enemy. Then we must do something about that. Any suggestions? As far as allowing cruelty to exist, and thrive, it would seem drastic measures are needed.

If there is no god then we must look at the situation only in the here and now. In this sense it would seem sharia law makes sense. If someone is evil, kill them. Someone steals, cut off their hand. Without a god and without there being anything else but the here and now problems must be dealt with here and now.
So should we blame ourselves?

Who do you think we should blame if not ourselves?
If we say there is no god then we much figure out how us humans, and us humans alone, should structure our world for continued survival, because it would seem we are not achieving that currently.

I guess we should have thought of that a long time ago. Right now there's trash in the ocean the size of Texas. Gawd's not doing any clean up.

You've been waiting on Gawd? See how lazy religion makes people?

Elephants in the wild will be dead in 10 years because of poaching . I don't think we should wait for Gawd to take care of that.


100 000 Elephants Killed by Poachers in Just Three Years Landmark Analysis Finds
So should we blame ourselves?

Who do you think we should blame if not ourselves?
If we say there is no god then we much figure out how us humans, and us humans alone, should structure our world for continued survival, because it would seem we are not achieving that currently.

I guess we should have thought of that a long time ago. Right now there's trash in the ocean the size of Texas. Gawd's not doing any clean up.

You've been waiting on Gawd? See how lazy religion makes people?

Elephants in the wild will be dead in 10 years because of poaching . I don't think we should wait for Gawd to take care of that.


100 000 Elephants Killed by Poachers in Just Three Years Landmark Analysis Finds
One does not 'wait for god'. You go out and find him.

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