
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Figure this......she's a psychologist and professor of statistics, widely published in her field, designs statistical models, etc...….she's not stupid by any means.

Yet one day she see's Kavanaugh in the news to be appointed to the supreme court and says to herself, 'Hey, I went to school with that guy and I think he may have touched me at a party once but I can't remember for sure. I think I'd better say something'

Yeah, I don't see it either. She's too smart for that and wouldn't be so evasive about the details even if she was drunk off her butt.

but I do find this quite interesting...

Christine Blasey Ford - Wikipedia

Ford lives in Palo Alto, California, with her husband Russell Ford, whom she married in 2002, and two sons.[8][9][14] She is the aunt of actress and singer Bridgit Mendler.[40] Ford is a registered Democrat.[10][11][44] In 2017 she participated in a local Women's March protesting Trump[11] and attended a March For Science in San Francisco to protest Trump administration cuts to research.[8] According to the Federal Election Commission, she has made campaign contributions totaling $80.50, which included donations to the Democratic National Committee and Friends of Bernie Sanders.[45] Ford considered moving to places such as New Zealand if Kavanaugh becomes a Supreme Court Justice.[46]
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
Quick! Name the last two appointees to the federal court of appeals in Washington! No googling!
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.
There's a few flaws in this excuse and incidences where hiding the event is for self protection in another angle.
1)you forgot some don't report it because it would impliment them in a crime like when drugs are involved, underage drinking, or prostituting themselves.
2)not reporting it is a selfish decision, whereby their image is more important then others safety and thus allow possible future victims by not coming forth. Imagine not reporting a murder or a persistant drunk driver and they kill someone later, would you excuse the fear excuse or self preservation aspect?
There's always more ways and gray areas and Concerned Parents usually know everything, recognize problems and get involved, it was a valid statement by the President that got blown out of proportion, as anyone who has to speak constantly will have a lot to pick at given the numbers game and selective recognition and media spins doesn't help either.
Also the way you view the statement is biased by who you believe. If Kavanaugh supporters are right, then the president's statement is not as concerning as the media wants you to believe it is, and the medias politicizing this has once again twisted innocence till proven guilty by accusing another reputable Judge before hearing both sides thus making the opposite justice by declaring guilty before innocence is proven thus tarnishing innocent people just to revenge embarrasment by the Clinton fiasco. That should be your true concern, the underlining psychology of these witch hunts as deflecting pain onto opponent parties.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.
And some were just ho’s.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

This is common knowledge. At this point hearsay also.

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As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
Aren’t we destroying TWO people here? Look at your last sentence...you have already judged and convicted her.

Something tells me that you wouldn’t be so rational, if someone was making allegations about you to all your friends and family, as well as anyone else that would listen? And when nothing is proven, because there is no possible way to do that, who is the victim then? Where are all the other victims that come out in droves when a horrible man like this is outed. You can’t possibly believe it was a one and done. Look at all the liberals that are making public statements not only in support of someone they don’t know, but trashing someone they don’t know. And any senate or congress members that are making statements with no more knowledge than we have, are bottom feeders. They just have a chance to cheap shot someone, and gratify their egos by appearing on media. You won’t hear a word about this when it gets thrown out. And unfortunately for the libs, it’s just going to solidify the Republican Party more. You won’t have to get them registered, or give them a ride to the polls. Because they are conservatives, with jobs, values, and schedules that include time to vote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

If you don’t report a rape or attempted rape, then you are putting more girls at risk from the rapist.

You certainly don’t get to wait over 35 years and expect people to believe you without any evidence. In this case no witnesses have corroborated her story, in fact they have only refuted it.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?

So it must not have been a big deal.....whatever it was.
Why do you always answer my questions with your own questions? That is rude.

Answer mine and I ll answer yours. In your gut do you think she is being truthful?
Huh? Is your name Lucy?

Lucy do you have a doppelgänger!

You did the same thing in the Israel thread. And you just did it again. Unbelievable and rude!
Dude...I was talking to Lucy when you jumped right in. I was responding to HER not YOU. Learn the difference please.

My bad. Would you still answer me please. Do you think she is being truthful in your gut?
I simply don’t know. My feeling is that it could well have occurred, Holton Arms has a reputation. Lots of partying. Lots of underage drinking. All were teens. But they were minors, and there is no evidence that anything like this occurred in his adult life. They should investigate, here her, hear witnesses under oath, then go forward. But they are trying to rush this nomination through and won’t even give her the same they give Anita Hill.

There are no witnesses.
And why didnt DIFI bring this shit up two months ago when she first got the story?
This is an obvious hit job and you'd have to be an utter moron to believe it.
I would love to see those three witnesses under oath telling the hearing how there was no such party. It never happened. Especially the woman who says she was never at any party where Kavanaugh was.

Just tear Ford a whole new asshole. Rip her apart.
Didn’t she pass a lie detector test?

So she says...
But polygraphs can be spoofed anyway and they aren't admissible in a court of law.
Besides,the statute of limitations has long run out.
Dumbasses still think Nikki Haley paid for the $50k curtains even though the NYT admitted the story was BS. Kavanaugh is forever ruined. This lady if she is lying should be ashamed.

If she's lying they need to frog march her happy crappy ass off to prison.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.
Because I forgot till Feinstein reminded me.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?

Did she? I am not sure how she can't remember. Admittedly I have not followed this too much.
I wasn’t until I saw some of the really horrible threads about her :(

Some men are rotten and will rape and assault women, and they deserve to have their rapes and assaults reported on.

Some women are rotten and will invent rapes and assaults on men for all kinds of nefarious reasons. They deserve to be exposed.

Both are true. Both are rotten.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

All her witnesses say it didn't happen

You've been duped
Ford has named three witnesses. Eye witnesses. Two men and one woman. All say it never happened. There was no party. The woman said she was never at a party where Kavanaugh was present.

Ford isn't treated in nearly the way she should be treated
When this circus is over, the American people want Ballsinmouth-Ford in Leavenworth Federal Prison in Kansas.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I have no idea who is or isn’t telling the truth because she claims it happened but didn’t remember it until she was in therapy 30 years later. Kavanaugh and two others she said was at the party don’t even remember the party.

Both could be telling the truth if she is having a false memory she received while being in therapy. It would explain her story and his story but I have no idea, this is a tough situation for both. Usually by now other women have spoken out and said the perp tried something similar with them, however we have nothing. Again, I don’t think she is lying, but I’m not sure she is remembering accurately.

Until there is solid evidence provided, I have to say innocent until proven guilty.
What kills me is these idiotic actresses. They have her back but not Juanita Broadericks. Hypocrisy of the Left strikes again.
Hypocrisy exists on both sides. After all they give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt but not Clinton.

I think she and Kavanaugh both deserve to be assumed truthful and innocent until proven otherwise. Too much public opining.

How many women said Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them? TONS.

How many women have said that Brett Kavanaugh has sexually assaulted them? ONE Christine Ford and she cannot find ONE person to back her accusations. Everyone else at this party or whatever cannot even remember SEEING Brett Kavanaugh AT the party, and that's just one of the extensive problems with what Christine Ford is saying.

She said a Judge was an alleged accomplice, but the GOP has not subpoenaed him. He is a pal of Kavanaugh.
They took a pac , whatever happens at Georgetown, stays at Georgetown. He will be like Thomas, he will get away with it. Two sexual stains on the GOP side of the SC.

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