
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?

Because the SC of the US make and determine laws and amendments, and is a lifetime job.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Welcome back to the dark ages of misogyny ,social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification (def) , and then copy/paste it onto any political target

Then tell me how any <sane> woman can support Trump


How in the hell is Ford being mistreated?

You mean the Republicans have called for members of the GOP toi harass her in public whenever they see her like Waters did?

Or do you mean that Rerpublicans, who are bending over backwards to kiss this womans ass, are being mean because they dont immediately believe her when she provides ZERO facts for verification?
Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?

Because the SC of the US make and determine laws and amendments, and is a lifetime job.

So you tacitly admit that this isnt really about what Kavanaugh allegedly did to her, it is 100% about keeping him off SCOTUS.

Thank you for that rare moment of lucid honesty, Penny.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

If you were the victim of sexual assault or rape how long would you wait to take action

And would they feel responsible for the victims following?
Abraham Lincoln
That reminds me of this:

"South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman opened a campaign event by telling a joke about Ginsburg’s age and referencing the sexual assault allegations made against Brett Kavanaugh.

“Did y’all hear this latest late-breaking news on the Kavanaugh hearings?” Norman asked, “Ruth Bader Ginsburg came out that she was groped by Abraham Lincoln.”"
GOP Congressman Jokes Ruth Bader Ginsburg Groped by Abraham Lincoln
That joke is funny! LOL
What kills me is these idiotic actresses. They have her back but not Juanita Broadericks. Hypocrisy of the Left strikes again.
Hypocrisy exists on both sides. After all they give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt but not Clinton.

I think she and Kavanaugh both deserve to be assumed truthful and innocent until proven otherwise. Too much public opining.

How many women said Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them? TONS.

How many women have said that Brett Kavanaugh has sexually assaulted them? ONE Christine Ford and she cannot find ONE person to back her accusations. Everyone else at this party or whatever cannot even remember SEEING Brett Kavanaugh AT the party, and that's just one of the extensive problems with what Christine Ford is saying.

She said a Judge was an alleged accomplice, but the GOP has not subpoenaed him. He is a pal of Kavanaugh.
They took a pac , whatever happens at Georgetown, stays at Georgetown. He will be like Thomas, he will get away with it. Two sexual stains on the GOP side of the SC.

They formed a political action committee?
Seems kinda weird but okay.
This is not going away, this is a crime that has no statue of limitation. Also her reputation is not on the radar here, his is, NO means NO.
She has forever tarnished the man. If he is guilty he deserves it but if he is not this is an unforgivable offense.

He has tarnished himself, since he didn't call for an investigation. I hope she does a civil lawsuit.

Whats to investigate?

Well we'll never know , will we?

We already know.
She doesnt remember where it was,when it was and all four of her witnesses say she's full of shit.
Now what?
She has forever tarnished the man. If he is guilty he deserves it but if he is not this is an unforgivable offense.

He has tarnished himself, since he didn't call for an investigation. I hope she does a civil lawsuit.

Whats to investigate?

Well we'll never know , will we?

We already know.
She doesnt remember where it was,when it was and all four of her witnesses say she's full of shit.
Now what?
For them, its keep the accusation alive. No matter what, sow the seeds of doubt.
Keep it negative, keep it alive, resist.
She has forever tarnished the man. If he is guilty he deserves it but if he is not this is an unforgivable offense.

He has tarnished himself, since he didn't call for an investigation. I hope she does a civil lawsuit.

I don’t find fault with the way Kavanaugh has handled this, he has denied the allegations and that is all he can do. The Senate needs to call for an investigation, not Kavanaugh, he is in a very tough spot. I also think Ford is handling herself appropriately, she is letting her lawyers handle things. The media, the Senate, Democrats, Feinstien, Republicans and the President are the ones mishandling this whole situation.

The media is sensationalizing every myopic detail to fan the flames and increase their brand, the Senate should have asked the FBI to look into the allegations and report back everyday for updates and setting a reasonable timelines so as to not delay the hearings beyond a reasonable time frame. The Democrats are using Ford to gain a political edge. Feinstien should have taken the accusation of Ford to the committee and no one else so the committee could have decided how best to handle the accusation without putting Ford in the media. Republicans took the accusation seriously and asked the Senate to look at the matter seriously. Trump has no business demonizing Ford, for any reason.

In this process, neither Ford nor Kavanaugh have acted inappropriately.
If she's lying they need to frog march her happy crappy ass off to prison.

It probably wouldn't be possible to prove that she's lying, sufficiently to support a criminal conviction. Too bad. Those who falsely accuse others of crimes ought to be prosecuted and serve a sentence at least comparable to what the victim of such an accusation might face, if convicted of the crime of which he was falsely accused.
This is not going away, this is a crime that has no statue of limitation. Also her reputation is not on the radar here, his is, NO means NO.

This has been posted at least three times that I'm aware of.

Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library
Now we see why statutes of limitations were created, it was because of bullcrap just like this. This woman should have been turned right back around at the door, and then told on her way out to go try her bullcrap in Canada maybe, because it don't work like this here in America. You Mrs.Ford should have figured us as being way smarter than this. When Mrs.Ford left the building, then it would be time to see if her lawyer violated any statutes, and if so move to disbarr her from using her charge to stir up political bullcrap instead of truly practicing law as it should be practiced.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.

Bull fucking shit.

Do you know any federal judges on the West Coast????

Who was the last federal judge to be put on the bench? You are going to look it up because unless you live out there, you don't know,

Quit being such an asshole & realize that your buddy Kavanaugh actually did it.

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