Wide open southern border...

The federal government should not get any tax money from any Earned income foreign or domestic.
Illegal aliens cost country billions of dollars every year, we obviously have no border security in this country, you have a wide-open southern border, without a border we have no country

You are the one who says we have open borders. There is no evidence of anything you say. This is typical dumbass comments from a supporter of Trump who is the stupidest President we have ever had.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, and the southern border is far from secure…

Americans in red states cost this country billions thanks to Republican economic policies and the border is far from open.
Not near as much as blue states.

Red states generally get more than they pay in federal taxes. Blue states tend to get less than they pay in taxes. The red states mooch off of blue states.
That’s what I’ve been saying all along socialism is a failure, history is the proof.
Did you even read the article you linked to. It says that Trump is focussing on the wall and ignoring the families who are getting sick, who are being illegal detained in camps.

There is a REFUGEE crisis at the border - a genuine humanitarian crisis, and Donald Trump and his administration are reacting to this humanitarian crisis, as an invasion of terrorists forces.

These people should be allowed in, met with food, medical attention, and have their nutritional needs met immediately, their medical assessments done as soon as they are fed and showered, and asylum claims processed as quickly as possible.

And the USA should get serious about dealing with narco terrorism in Central America instead of spending money on a useless wall.

This refugee bullshit is played the fuck out.
They are all disgusting wetbacks looking for free shit...plain and fucking simple. Two in ten meet our qualifications for asylum. The Central and South American cockroaches passed through Mexico without requesting asylum because Mexico doesn’t offer free shit...are you fucking stupid?

Your racist bullshit is played out.

You are a disgusting racist. A large number do meet the asylum requirements. That is why Trump is trying to redefine asylum. Mexico has drug cartels as well. You are fucking stupid.
Diseased illegal aliens have no place in this country

You have no place in this country.

Your master.
This refugee bullshit is played the fuck out.
They are all disgusting wetbacks looking for free shit...plain and fucking simple. Two in ten meet our qualifications for asylum. The Central and South American cockroaches passed through Mexico without requesting asylum because Mexico doesn’t offer free shit...are you fucking stupid?

Your racist bullshit is played out.

You are a disgusting racist. A large number do meet the asylum requirements. That is why Trump is trying to redefine asylum. Mexico has drug cartels as well. You are fucking stupid.
Diseased illegal aliens have no place in this country

You have no place in this country.

Your master.

Of the 12 million (more or less) illegals here how many would you guess would like to become legal Americans, would be hard working and honest? How many are men living in the cheapest manor possible, to save every penny posibble to send back the money to
You stupid motherfucker. What part of they passed through the entire country of Mexico and refused refuge and help because they are determined to break into the USA illegally and plant themselves on the government tit don’t ewe fucking get?

You are aware of the fact that there are drug cartels in Mexico. You are the stupid motherfucking asshole.

Yes, and those drug cartels are bringing in TONS of drugs everyday thru the ports of entry. That's where we need increased security, not some stupid wall in the desert.
Oh really? Then what are those huge block packs the mules are carrying on their backs across the southern border? Stupid dumbass!

If drugs are being carried across the border then why is the Coast Guard doing drug interdiction. It is hard to get a ship on the southern border.
Answer idiot is they get them here any way they can including packing them in on their goddamn backs! God but you are stupid!

God you are stupid! There is not a bit of evidence that happens in large numbers. If Americans didn't want drugs, we wouldn't have to worry.
The federal government should not get any tax money from any Earned income foreign or domestic.
Illegal aliens cost country billions of dollars every year, we obviously have no border security in this country, you have a wide-open southern border, without a border we have no country

You are the one who says we have open borders. There is no evidence of anything you say. This is typical dumbass comments from a supporter of Trump who is the stupidest President we have ever had.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, and the southern border is far from secure…

Americans in red states cost this country billions thanks to Republican economic policies and the border is far from open.
Not near as much as blue states.

Red states generally get more than they pay in federal taxes. Blue states tend to get less than they pay in taxes. The red states mooch off of blue states.
Bullshit. Dollars.
All you have in response in insults and lies. You don't know shit about what goes on in the US, outside of the talking points you're given to work with.

I'm not wrong, Trump is lying about these people and making up a LOT of bullshit to get a useless and expensive wall built. He originally promised Mexico would pay for it and they're not. The new Canada/US/Mexico trade deal contains no provisions to make Mexico pay for the wall, and Trump is flat out lying saying that Mexico will pay for it through NAFTA2.

When I sell goods to American customers, NAFTA allows me to sell across the border without tariffs. When customers pay me, I give no money to the US government. I pay taxes in Canada on the money I earn. NAFTA2 provides no vehicle under which the US government gets money from me.. The same applies to Mexican businesses.

Walls don't work. Never have, never will. Even the Great Wall of China failed to keep out invading armies, and it was manned along its length. The Palestinians have famously tunnelled under the Isreali wall built to keep them out. Thousands escaped East Germany despite a wall manned with guards carrying machine guns who shot to kill.

If walls didn't work BEFORE the invention of airplanes, they sure as hell won't work now. Congress has repeatedly requested that the Administration provide the detailed cost analysis and plans to build the wall. The Trump Administration, like it's leader, has failed to provide any such details, or any rationale for building the wall, other than Trump promised he would do it.

That's not the way the government works. Not in a democracy. The President is NOT a dictator. He can't just decide he wants to do a thing, and the rest of the government has to jump up and do it. A President is an EMPLOYEE of the voters, not their boss. He's a public servant. He serves the will of the American people, not the other way around. If Trump wants to build a wall, he has to PROVE to the people, that it is feasible, cost effective and that the project will work to achieve its stated goals. Trump can't be bothered, with the process.

If Trump followed the process, and proved the need for the wall, he MIGHT get it. But without the process, without Trump providing compelling evidence his wall can be built, and that it will work if he does it, he will NEVER get a wall, nor should he. Trump is making this all about him. In reality, it's about wasting $50 billion on a useless boondoggle of a wall, that will cost further billions to man and maintain, when there are so many infrastructure projects going wanting, when $50 billion dollars spent on the public good would be a much better investment than a vanity project for a man who just wants to put his name on the Trump Wall.
The federal government should not get any tax money from any Earned income foreign or domestic.
Illegal aliens cost country billions of dollars every year, we obviously have no border security in this country, you have a wide-open southern border, without a border we have no country

You are the one who says we have open borders. There is no evidence of anything you say. This is typical dumbass comments from a supporter of Trump who is the stupidest President we have ever had.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, and the southern border is far from secure…

Americans in red states cost this country billions thanks to Republican economic policies and the border is far from open.
Na, not really

Ya, yes really.
Killing democracy in nearly every Central and South American country as well as our hunger for drugs has made this situation. Acting as if we can just lock all that responsibility out on the other side of a wall is stupid.
Those fuckups down there are not our responsibility... They have made their own bed and then motherfuckers can burn in hell

They are our responsibility. America's appetite for drugs has fueled these drug cartels. Trump wants to throw tear gas at women and children. Take on the drug cartels or is he too cowardly.
The well-being of any of those fuckers in of those countries down there are not the responsibility of the United States… Natural law is for gullible pieces of shit

You are the gullible piece of shit. It is the responsibility of the US when our dollars fuel drug cartels.
We need to secure our southern border

Our southern border is largely secured.
That is why we should make it clear to these assholes they are not welcome…

After years of Trump's dire warnings, a 'crisis' has hit border but generates little urgency

Did you even read the article you linked to. It says that Trump is focussing on the wall and ignoring the families who are getting sick, who are being illegal detained in camps.

There is a REFUGEE crisis at the border - a genuine humanitarian crisis, and Donald Trump and his administration are reacting to this humanitarian crisis, as an invasion of terrorists forces.

These people should be allowed in, met with food, medical attention, and have their nutritional needs met immediately, their medical assessments done as soon as they are fed and showered, and asylum claims processed as quickly as possible.

And the USA should get serious about dealing with narco terrorism in Central America instead of spending money on a useless wall.
While our veterans die and starve. You want to take care of illegals instead. No we need to deport them and tell them not to come back. Build the wall and take care of our own needy.
She does not want to take care of illegals, she wants you to do it and she doesn’t give two shits about American vets. She’s a big mouthed Canadian.

You are a big mouthed white supremacist. You are too stupid to know what you are talking about.
Lol, one of your presidential candidates.
View attachment 238693

Not one of mine.
Those fuckups down there are not our responsibility... They have made their own bed and then motherfuckers can burn in hell

They are our responsibility. America's appetite for drugs has fueled these drug cartels. Trump wants to throw tear gas at women and children. Take on the drug cartels or is he too cowardly.
The well-being of any of those fuckers in of those countries down there are not the responsibility of the United States… Natural law is for gullible pieces of shit

You are the gullible piece of shit. It is the responsibility of the US when our dollars fuel drug cartels.
We need to secure our southern border

Our southern border is largely secured.
Not even close... This is the extent of our so-called secure border. A fucking joke
You are the one who says we have open borders. There is no evidence of anything you say. This is typical dumbass comments from a supporter of Trump who is the stupidest President we have ever had.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, and the southern border is far from secure…

Americans in red states cost this country billions thanks to Republican economic policies and the border is far from open.
Not near as much as blue states.

These are the top ten states in terms of percentage of population that receive the EITC.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Alabama
4. Arkansas
5. South Carolina
6. Georgia
7. New Mexico
8. Texas
9. Tennessee
10. North Carolina

9 of the 10 states are run by Republicans. The 10th is a state under split control.
You Can blame socialism

Socialism in red states?
Those fuckups down there are not our responsibility... They have made their own bed and then motherfuckers can burn in hell

They are our responsibility. America's appetite for drugs has fueled these drug cartels. Trump wants to throw tear gas at women and children. Take on the drug cartels or is he too cowardly.
The well-being of any of those fuckers in of those countries down there are not the responsibility of the United States… Natural law is for gullible pieces of shit

You are the gullible piece of shit. It is the responsibility of the US when our dollars fuel drug cartels.
We need to secure our southern border

Our southern border is largely secured.
Your racist bullshit is played out.

You are a disgusting racist. A large number do meet the asylum requirements. That is why Trump is trying to redefine asylum. Mexico has drug cartels as well. You are fucking stupid.
Diseased illegal aliens have no place in this country

You have no place in this country.

Your master.


Too little government can get people killed.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, and the southern border is far from secure…

Americans in red states cost this country billions thanks to Republican economic policies and the border is far from open.
Not near as much as blue states.

These are the top ten states in terms of percentage of population that receive the EITC.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Alabama
4. Arkansas
5. South Carolina
6. Georgia
7. New Mexico
8. Texas
9. Tennessee
10. North Carolina

9 of the 10 states are run by Republicans. The 10th is a state under split control.
You Can blame socialism

Socialism in red states?
We have far too much socialism in this country that is why it’s failing...
That is why we should make it clear to these assholes they are not welcome…

After years of Trump's dire warnings, a 'crisis' has hit border but generates little urgency

Did you even read the article you linked to. It says that Trump is focussing on the wall and ignoring the families who are getting sick, who are being illegal detained in camps.

There is a REFUGEE crisis at the border - a genuine humanitarian crisis, and Donald Trump and his administration are reacting to this humanitarian crisis, as an invasion of terrorists forces.

These people should be allowed in, met with food, medical attention, and have their nutritional needs met immediately, their medical assessments done as soon as they are fed and showered, and asylum claims processed as quickly as possible.

And the USA should get serious about dealing with narco terrorism in Central America instead of spending money on a useless wall.

This refugee bullshit is played the fuck out.
They are all disgusting wetbacks looking for free shit...plain and fucking simple. Two in ten meet our qualifications for asylum. The Central and South American cockroaches passed through Mexico without requesting asylum because Mexico doesn’t offer free shit...are you fucking stupid?

Your racist bullshit is played out.

You are a disgusting racist. A large number do meet the asylum requirements. That is why Trump is trying to redefine asylum. Mexico has drug cartels as well. You are fucking stupid.

Look Beaner, if I lived in an area infested with wetback gangs such as East Los Angeles I don’t move to another country and request asylum...I move a few cities over...end of fucking story. Your lowlife cockroaches are looking for free shit...PERIOD

You are a lowlife cockroach.
There is no reason for building a wall. The United States has traditionally been a haven for people in fear of their lives. We do not need to militarize the border. Your ass needs to be kicked out.
Better them in fear of their lives than us in fear of ours.

You have no clue what you are talking about.
You have no clue what you are talking about:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Just a political stunt. How about a memorial for victims of Americans. That would be infinitely larger,
Hey dingus. I'm not denying that we have our own problems. So why do you fucksticks want to add to it with criminal illegals?
Hey fuckstick. Illegals are no more criminal than Americans. Maybe even less.
Feed there family's. how many are drug dealers, criminals and useless human beings? what are the mathematical odds? PS My computer jumped, this was the 2nd half of post 164.
That is why we should make it clear to these assholes they are not welcome…

After years of Trump's dire warnings, a 'crisis' has hit border but generates little urgency

That is maybe a good reason why we should build the wall or fence or barrier or whatever the fuck you want to call it. Along with drones and cameras and more border agents, because it sends a clear and unmistakable message to everybody that getting in here illegally is going to be very difficult and dangerous. If built right it will seriously reduce the numbers of illegals coming across that border, as it already has in Yuma and San Diego, but it also discourages many would bes from making the trip in the 1st place.

There is no reason for building a wall. The United States has traditionally been a haven for people in fear of their lives. We do not need to militarize the border. Your ass needs to be kicked out.
Don’t want fucking deadbeats in this country, diseased illegal aliens are not a good thing

Well then the solution is simple:

1. Stop making the refugees wait in squalid encampments with poor sanitary conditions where disease will flourish;

2. Stop blocking "ports of entry" forcing refugees to undertake a dangerous desert crossing, endangering both their health and safety;

3. Have intake stations for refugees with medical staff and equipment to examine the physical health and condition of those entering the country. Those with communicable diseases can be quartantined;

4. There is no evidence that these refugees are deadbeats, and much evidence that refugees are very motivated to succeed. The amount of resourcefulness and determination that it takes to travel to the border, mostly on foot, carrying your wordly possessions on your back, to an uncertain future is indicative of EXACTLY the kind of people you want in your country: people who are prepared to do ANYTHING to give their families the best opportunity for a safe and secure future.

Canada admitted 10,000 Syrian refugees when the US refused to take any. The stories of the new lives of these people in Canada is just amazing. Everywhere they've settled, these people are opening businesses, contributing to their communities, and making a successful and productive transition to becoming Canadian citizens. Their heartfelt stories of gratitude are amazing.

Newly arrived in Canada when the Ft. McMurray fire wiped out then town and with little money or resources, the Syrian refugee community in Alberta lead a drive to provide personal care packs - toothbrushes, toothpaste, bath soap and shampoo, and other intimate personal care items to the shelters and community centres housing the survivors, because in the refugee camps as people fleeing for their lives, these items were in short supply. They saw people in need as they had been, and wanted to help them in any way they could.

These are the kinds of people you are turning away.

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