Wife had baby

Lesson people:

Never think you can share happy news about anything at USMB. It isn't allowed. Assholes are always sniffing for a reason to pull their pants down and shit on that happy news.
Lesson people:

Never think you can share happy news about anything at USMB. It isn't allowed. Assholes are always sniffing for a reason to pull their pants down and shit on that happy news.

so do not share shit

no problem

you have to go gardening?

go...i ain't stopping you :)
Oh, and it's pretty sad that someone can't announce the birth of their child and a few shit all over the waiting room floor.
People reap what they sow...get over it.
I would say the same thing about anyone sharing news of a new child. ANYONE. Odium is not my favorite poster. Personally, I don't much like him. BUT....there is a time and place for everything. Bash the fuck out of his racist ass in a thread where he is OP and being a racist ass. This thread was announcing the birth of his daughter. That's it. YOU guys started the shit flinging after squatting on the floor.
Y'all should be ashamed.
Oh, and it's pretty sad that someone can't announce the birth of their child and a few shit all over the waiting room floor.

Yeah well he's the one talking about pro white crap in this thread. Seems to me he shit on this thread.
He didn't say a damn thing until someone else did.

Right he just had to stand up for his racist beliefs in a thread about his newborn child. Hello, does that not seem wrong to you in any way?????
Oh, and it's pretty sad that someone can't announce the birth of their child and a few shit all over the waiting room floor.

Yeah well he's the one talking about pro white crap in this thread. Seems to me he shit on this thread.
He didn't say a damn thing until someone else did.

Right he just had to stand up for his racist beliefs in a thread about his newborn child. Hello, does that not seem wrong to you in any way?????
Read the thread again. He never said a word about his racist beliefs UNTIL drunk skye and a few others let their bowels loose. Then he retaliated.
I calls it as I sees it. Deal with it.

Lamb and Lynx Gaede, whose band Prussian Blue was popular back in 2005 among those inclined to like such things, ascribed their unsavory past to having been "home schooled country bumpkins" heavily influenced by their domineering white supremacist mother, reports Neurobonkers.

"I'm not a white nationalist anymore," Lamb told The Daily in the twins' first interview in five years, reports Aaron Gell. "My sister and I are pretty liberal now."

"Personally, I love diversity," Lynx said. "I'm stoked that we have so many different cultures. I think it's amazing and it makes me proud of humanity every day that we have so many different places and people. We just want to come from a place of love and light."

Both daughters now openly question their mother, April's fixation with the fate of the white race, as well as her encouragement of their bizarre Nazi-inflected musical career.

"I'm glad we were in the band, but I think we should have been pushed toward something a little more mainstream and easier for us to handle than being frontmen for a belief system that we didn't even completely understand at the time," Lynx said. "We were little kids."

Proof that children don't necessarily have to be the idiot's their parents are...
I now highly doubt this guy's wife had a baby tonight. If she actually did he's even sicker than we all thought.
Oh, and it's pretty sad that someone can't announce the birth of their child and a few shit all over the waiting room floor.

Yeah well he's the one talking about pro white crap in this thread. Seems to me he shit on this thread.
He didn't say a damn thing until someone else did.

Right he just had to stand up for his racist beliefs in a thread about his newborn child. Hello, does that not seem wrong to you in any way?????
Read the thread again. He never said a word about his racist beliefs UNTIL drunk skye and a few others let their bowels loose. Then he retaliated.
I calls it as I sees it. Deal with it.

Look at his sig Edith, are you ChrisL
Oh, and it's pretty sad that someone can't announce the birth of their child and a few shit all over the waiting room floor.

Yeah well he's the one talking about pro white crap in this thread. Seems to me he shit on this thread.
He didn't say a damn thing until someone else did.

Right he just had to stand up for his racist beliefs in a thread about his newborn child. Hello, does that not seem wrong to you in any way?????
Read the thread again. He never said a word about his racist beliefs UNTIL drunk skye and a few others let their bowels loose. Then he retaliated.
I calls it as I sees it. Deal with it.

Look at his sig Edith, are you ChrisL

LOL yep

absolutely true!

thank you for that! :)
Yeah well he's the one talking about pro white crap in this thread. Seems to me he shit on this thread.
He didn't say a damn thing until someone else did.

Right he just had to stand up for his racist beliefs in a thread about his newborn child. Hello, does that not seem wrong to you in any way?????
Read the thread again. He never said a word about his racist beliefs UNTIL drunk skye and a few others let their bowels loose. Then he retaliated.
I calls it as I sees it. Deal with it.

Look at his sig Edith, are you ChrisL

LOL yep

absolutely true!

thank you for that! :)

You are welcome.This was nothing but a hit and run.
By racist you mean pro white and yes she will be raised as such.I doubt many people could match my hatred though its a gift and a curse...

I wonder why anyone would want to and furthermore, why anyone would raise their kids to be hateful fools. That's like ... child abuse.
Lesson people:

Never think you can share happy news about anything at USMB. It isn't allowed. Assholes are always sniffing for a reason to pull their pants down and shit on that happy news.

No one shit on the happy news ... they shit on the :ahole-1: messenger.

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