Wikileaks Bombshell: Clinton Camp Discussed Deleting Emails Despite Knowing It Was Against The Law

While Texas succeeds and other conservative states follow suite...
No real need for bloodshed,unless pushed.

I am archiving this post.

If there is no secession or major political violence several months into a Clinton presidency, I'll be rehashing this.
google the Exclusionary rule some time for example

What about it?

The exclusionary rule is why the evidence is inadmissible.

google it sometime idiot

i just got done telling you that

evidence unlawfully obtained from the defendant by a private person is admissible

In Burdeau, however, and in the case at bar, the evidence was not seized in violation of the Federal Constitution because neither the Fourth nor Fourteenth Amendment proscribes private as opposed to governmental activity. Therefore, since the evidence in this case was seized without the participation or knowledge of any governmental official, it is admissible in a criminal prosecution. (People v. Kowalczyk, 20 N.Y.2d 835; People v. Torres, 49 Misc.2d 39; People v. Trimarco, 41 Misc.2d 775; People v. Randazzo, 220 Cal.App.2d 768, cert. den. 377 U.S. 1000 [1963]; Commonwealth v. Tanchyn, 200 Pa.Super. 148 [1963], cert. den. 375 U.S. 866; State v. Robinson, 86 N.J.Super. 308 [1965]; State v. Fields, 74 N.M. 559[1964]; State v. Kemp, 251 La. 592 [1967]; Stone v. Commonwealth, 418 S.W.2d 646 [Ky., 1967]; United States v. Goldberg,330 F.2d 30 [3d Cir., 1964].)

Accordingly, the judgment of conviction should be affirmed.

Judgment affirmed.

22 N.Y.2d 378 (1968) | PEOPLE v. HORMAN |
You all obtained the information ILLEGALLY, through the hacking of private, personal, information and are distributing this information illegally and are in coordination with Roger Stone, the right hand hit man of Trump....with wiki leaks on the timing of the release of these STOLEN emails and with the help of the Russians doing the hacking.

Stone and Trump, may actually be the ones that are LOCKED UP

I have always admitted that I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier and sometimes things go a wee bit over my head so forgive me if I ask what may be a silly question: Assuming that the information was obtained illegally, should we disregard it? The information reveals Hillary to be a corrupt lying, conniving, narcissistic megalomaniac. Should we ignore the evidence?

I, for one, am damn glad that the information that Hilary and her cohorts were desperately trying to hide was finally revealed. I suggest you reserve your outrage for what Clinton and her backers have done rather than rent your wrath against those who have exposed her dangerous agenda.
When the Republicans had the Cubans and others break in to the Psychiatrist's office and the DNC, to obtain information on the Democratic Party that they could use or release in the upcoming election to get the upper hand in the election...

It was illegal, the DNC files and documents stolen, were kept from the public, if memory serves? But a lot of other leaks from watergate did make it in to the Public....

What is going on here, is THE SAME THING that went on with Watergate, only the Russians are the thieves, not the Cubans etc.

The Republicans in majority in the congress are not even having hearings on this...but they had 8 Benghazi hearings and email hearings and Comey hearings, and repeat Comey hearings, and on and on and on...but not one peep on the Russians trying to affect our elections and possibly working with Wikileaks and Donald Trump and his Right hand man Roger Stone, to do this....

Don't you find it STRANGE that the RNC is not even investigating on who is trying to affect the results of this election and what Nation is doing this? If NOT the Russians, then maybe it is Donald Trump or the RNC, they are the ONLY ones that get an advantage to this crime...?

sorry, the emails show no such thing as a crime, :lol: from the ones I have read so shows the workings behind the scenes of a campaign.... it is interesting to see how it seems even the most minutia of things are discussed, but it shows a thoroughness of the well oiled wheels moving, in a campaign machine....a campaign filled with lots of different people, lots of different ideas and views, not all good not all simply is, what it is....

There would be no fewer surprises if the RNC were robbed and their emails and documents released, or Preibus email file released, or the Trump campaign and their emails and files and documents were released....

I feel like I should be reading them in the dark with a flashlight, under the covers when my parents were asleep, like it was a steamy romance Novel, like a peeping tom of sorts when reading the emails but to me, as a business person who was part of marketing and product development and with an interest in politics, I found the chit chat and inner workings interesting....
Get this. Podesta didn’t change his email and p/w after it dropped on wiki. He was hacked today. They downloaded his recent stuff.

Mike Cernovich on Twitter

Can you answer the question though?
normie is asking this question, are you kidding me? in the current year?

I ask questions all the time... from intelligent people. From people who have something worth saying.

That does not include you.
Get this. Podesta didn’t change his email and p/w after it dropped on wiki. He was hacked today. They downloaded his recent stuff.

Mike Cernovich on Twitter

Can you answer the question though?
normie is asking this question, are you kidding me? in the current year?

I ask questions all the time... from intelligent people. From people who have something worth saying.

That does not include you.
you're asking about a screencap from fullchan of a screencap from halfchan. but, you know all about it.

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