WikiLeaks: U.S. Overthrow Of Syria Planned Before Arab Spring...

conspiracy theories stat!

Read Pnac which was penned by zionst jews and signed by lots of Zionist in and around Washington. This was all planned out before 911, why do you think we needed a 911 !!

I read Pnac-------it had nothing to do with a war with either Iraq or Syria. You needed 9-11-01 so your sluts could dance and eat maamoul, and ULULATE-----

Like you read it, how many pages was it? The Neoconservative Hit List: Iraq, Libya and now Syria? A Plan for Global US Military Supremacy | New Eastern Outlook

and you have the Clean Break document. All planed before 911.
I did I'm under no duress to prove it to you.

in fact the onus is on you to prove your claim.
in the last 14 years you asshats have epically failed to do so.

Your a Zionist , it doesn't matter what you say. Believe you me, O'Neil is dead, they made sure of that. They wont let it be proved, they made sure of that. If anyone really came out with proof they'd be stuck by a car and called an anti-Semite. See how that works. Israel has no problem with human sacrifices. They have killed their own to further their cause.

can you provide me with an example of a person struck by a car and then
called an "anti-Semite"?
Well then learn how to spell for God's sake. You post like an ignorant fuckwit. And again, WikiLeaks is all fact. You're the one doing all the lying.
oh no not the spell Nazi because I'm getting my ass handed to me again ploy.
not one thing I eve posted is a lie, you, if you were honest , could not say the same.

Seriously dunce, you suck. The more you post, the more you make a fool of yourself. Why don't you take a timeout. You're done. Bye.
your stand by ploy !
now you're getting desperate .

Come on, now you're just crackin us up. Go to timeout kid. A little friendly advice for ya.
who's us paulie?
since you have no friends on line or in real life, I can only conclude "we is an imaginary group of non sentient cardboard cut outs.

Aw, now your stalking becomes angry and bitter. So predictable. Seriously, go to timeout kid. Or go watch some Spongebob. Off ya go now.
oh no not the spell Nazi because I'm getting my ass handed to me again ploy.
not one thing I eve posted is a lie, you, if you were honest , could not say the same.

Seriously dunce, you suck. The more you post, the more you make a fool of yourself. Why don't you take a timeout. You're done. Bye.
your stand by ploy !
now you're getting desperate .

Come on, now you're just crackin us up. Go to timeout kid. A little friendly advice for ya.
who's us paulie?
since you have no friends on line or in real life, I can only conclude "we is an imaginary group of non sentient cardboard cut outs.

Aw, now your stalking becomes angry and bitter. So predictable. Seriously, go to timeout kid. Or go watch some Spongebob. Off ya go now.
thanks for proving me correct.
you are wrong as always .
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.
Seriously dunce, you suck. The more you post, the more you make a fool of yourself. Why don't you take a timeout. You're done. Bye.
your stand by ploy !
now you're getting desperate .

Come on, now you're just crackin us up. Go to timeout kid. A little friendly advice for ya.
who's us paulie?
since you have no friends on line or in real life, I can only conclude "we is an imaginary group of non sentient cardboard cut outs.

Aw, now your stalking becomes angry and bitter. So predictable. Seriously, go to timeout kid. Or go watch some Spongebob. Off ya go now.
thanks for proving me correct.
you are wrong as always .

WikiLeaks deals in facts. Only facts. It has the evidence to back everything it claims. But you on the other hand? You got nothing.
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

That one that I read. From the Ambassador basically laying out the game plan to use Sunni vs Shia is more than damning.

And God help me now that I am really starting to understand the divide, I am beginning to really understand why Iran wants a nuke to keep all the Sunni mother trucking crazies at bay.

Israel is a side dish. Johnny nada. Just a chest thumping moment like before the Rock enters an WCW ring and thumps his chest.

Now I know a lot of Persians. Many are friends. Once you understand the Sunni/Shia divide and that our governments are backing the lunatic homicidal wake up with a different point of view on life.
Wikilinks deals with the FACT that Syria has been a problem for more than 60 years-----a problem to Christians who fled that land in droves----starting more
than 60 years ago and then within a short time ----a genocidal program on
"palestnian refugees"------I do not know when the pig Assads made the Iran connection but they are all Baathist pigs----like Nasser and Saddam
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

ROFLMAO----"someone said ----'something is going to happen in Syria' ""
LOL things have been "happening" in Syria for decades
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

ROFLMAO----"someone said ----'something is going to happen in Syria' ""
LOL things have been "happening" in Syria for decades

thousands of years actually
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

I've taken a lot of heat but to me Assange and Snowden are heroes. Now they may be wrong on some points and cloudy on others that doesn't matter to me.

They cared enough to risk their freaking lives here. To tell us what is really going on.
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

ROFLMAO----"someone said ----'something is going to happen in Syria' ""
LOL things have been "happening" in Syria for decades

But this surge of CIA activity in the open working with SA/Qatar/Turkey in a blatant move to unseat a leader is wild. Just crazy wild.

They refuse to admit the whole bullshit Arab Spring has been a failure. And they can't admit why. You bet on the Muslim Brotherhood you are going down baby.

This is what has happened. I don't even know where to rock on this but our leaders bet on Sunnis? The MB?

Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

ROFLMAO----"someone said ----'something is going to happen in Syria' ""
LOL things have been "happening" in Syria for decades

This shit is very specific. And all the major world players have been involved. Everyone is tainted.
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

That one that I read. From the Ambassador basically laying out the game plan to use Sunni vs Shia is more than damning.

And God help me now that I am really starting to understand the divide, I am beginning to really understand why Iran wants a nuke to keep all the Sunni mother trucking crazies at bay.

Israel is a side dish. Johnny nada. Just a chest thumping moment like before the Rock enters an WCW ring and thumps his chest.

Now I know a lot of Persians. Many are friends. Once you understand the Sunni/Shia divide and that our governments are backing the lunatic homicidal wake up with a different point of view on life.

If you are just waking up to the sunni/shia divide------I am almost 50 years ahead of you. I was not yet quite 20-----MANY MANY years ago when I encountered both sunnis and Shiites-------newly arrived in the USA ------in one place. I was a delight to young docs from south east asia ---and Iran and arab countries-----I AM SHORT-------the big giant Germanic and Scandanavian types in that part of the USA FRIGHTENED THEM -------sunnis (Pakistani muslims mostly sunni }
HATE Iranians---(virtually all of them were Shiite) It took about a year before I
got it pieced together Pakistani sunnis even hate Pakistani Shiites. The good
news was everyone was EAGER to tell me about their GLORIOUS HISTORY-----
I listened and I learned. It was not at all long before my FIRST inclination was
to -------consider the Shiites the "underdog"----so they had my sympathy----but in
time I did learn more. -------Shiite hatred is just as MALIGNANT as is sunni
hatred and----IRANIANS are technologically LIGHT years ahead of the overwhelming majority of sunnis who are so backward that they are illiterate.---
things have improved over time-----but even now it is probably true that the majority
of sunnis of the world are illiterate. The downside for Shiites is that they are
in the minority. For the record------the real malignant hatred is IRANIANS HATE
ARABS ---------Iranian humor consists of idiot things arabs do. -----your anti-sunni bias is illconceived but I do understand how you got it.. Everytime an Iranian politician claims "we feel a responsibility to the 'palestinians' " ------I laugh-----
Iranians I encountered would not sit at the same cafeteria table with an arab.
Keep in mind------My early experience pre dates 1979. Iran is dangerous----
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

That one that I read. From the Ambassador basically laying out the game plan to use Sunni vs Shia is more than damning.

And God help me now that I am really starting to understand the divide, I am beginning to really understand why Iran wants a nuke to keep all the Sunni mother trucking crazies at bay.

Israel is a side dish. Johnny nada. Just a chest thumping moment like before the Rock enters an WCW ring and thumps his chest.

Now I know a lot of Persians. Many are friends. Once you understand the Sunni/Shia divide and that our governments are backing the lunatic homicidal wake up with a different point of view on life.

I agree we are on the wrong side of the coin.
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

ROFLMAO----"someone said ----'something is going to happen in Syria' ""
LOL things have been "happening" in Syria for decades

But this surge of CIA activity in the open working with SA/Qatar/Turkey in a blatant move to unseat a leader is wild. Just crazy wild.

They refuse to admit the whole bullshit Arab Spring has been a failure. And they can't admit why. You bet on the Muslim Brotherhood you are going down baby.

This is what has happened. I don't even know where to rock on this but our leaders bet on Sunnis? The MB?


no----our leaders bet on the concept that everyone wants to have a democratic government. The arab spring is a sunni muslim movement consistent with
your stand by ploy !
now you're getting desperate .

Come on, now you're just crackin us up. Go to timeout kid. A little friendly advice for ya.
who's us paulie?
since you have no friends on line or in real life, I can only conclude "we is an imaginary group of non sentient cardboard cut outs.

Aw, now your stalking becomes angry and bitter. So predictable. Seriously, go to timeout kid. Or go watch some Spongebob. Off ya go now.
thanks for proving me correct.
you are wrong as always .

WikiLeaks deals in facts. Only facts. It has the evidence to back everything it claims. But you on the other hand? You got nothing.
Was reading the interview at RT. Assange just confirms what we know.

It's not Alex Jones. It's not George or Art Bell shit although I'm a fan and they have been proven right more often than wrong.

It's real.

Right, WikiLeaks is only about fact. It has the evidence to back up all of its claims.

That one that I read. From the Ambassador basically laying out the game plan to use Sunni vs Shia is more than damning.

And God help me now that I am really starting to understand the divide, I am beginning to really understand why Iran wants a nuke to keep all the Sunni mother trucking crazies at bay.

Israel is a side dish. Johnny nada. Just a chest thumping moment like before the Rock enters an WCW ring and thumps his chest.

Now I know a lot of Persians. Many are friends. Once you understand the Sunni/Shia divide and that our governments are backing the lunatic homicidal wake up with a different point of view on life.

I agree we are on the wrong side of the coin.

you are not even willing to admit what "the coin" is

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