WikiLeaks Will Drop the Atom Bomb on November 5, 2016

Why do you always put such HUGE text in your posts? If we want to read it, we will. You don't have to scream. :)

No that you have commented on the font what do you say about this

and this

Guiliani admits he got intel from FBI: That means FBI broke law. Guiliani has no privilege.

If you would just write normal rather than like either a 6 year old, or a 90 year old, I would comment and give opinions on your posts/threads.
You are very hard to take seriously with all the screaming you do.

If Rudy got the info illegally, then guess he has to pay the consequences. If not..then oh well..
Reading through this thread has lead me to the conclusion that a lot of lefties were triggered and are scared shitless of what may happen ONLY to Clinton. The panic is palpable and I don't understand it. Is all the Dems care about is how this is going to ruin her run? What about all the innocent kids that were violated?

Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?
nice hiding behind children, helen lovejoy.

the fuck is wrong with you? <--on topic
hit a nerve I see.
Come on man, just because a bunch of fanatics, which is what a great deal of what Trump supporters are, show up rallies doesn't signal how many votes he is going to get. Hillary is going to crush the woman and minority votes. It isn't even going to be close.
Lately some polls are showing Trump with the same female support Romney got, but blacks are not ar same levels for Hillary and Trump is way up on men, especially white men.

If you think that Hillarys criminal activities have no impact on female and minority votes, that is fairly racist of you.

How is it racist of me? Why would Latinos and Blacks vote for Trump? The guy that called Latinos in murders and rapist, and has a history of being discriminatory to Blacks? Really? Are you going to play this game? The KKK isn't endorsing Trump because of his idea to raise Tariffs.

When did Trump say latinos and blacks are racists? There are a certain number of racists in both those ethnic groups just like there are a certain number of whites who are racists, but it doesn't mean they're all racists.

What are you talking about? Where in my post did I say that?
Come on man, just because a bunch of fanatics, which is what a great deal of what Trump supporters are, show up rallies doesn't signal how many votes he is going to get. Hillary is going to crush the woman and minority votes. It isn't even going to be close.
Lately some polls are showing Trump with the same female support Romney got, but blacks are not ar same levels for Hillary and Trump is way up on men, especially white men.

If you think that Hillarys criminal activities have no impact on female and minority votes, that is fairly racist of you.

How is it racist of me? Why would Latinos and Blacks vote for Trump? The guy that called Latinos in murders and rapist, and has a history of being discriminatory to Blacks? Really? Are you going to play this game? The KKK isn't endorsing Trump because of his idea to raise Tariffs.

What are you talking about? Where in my post did I say that?

And I deleted it too. My mistake
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?
To save America from that psycho candidate that will sell the oval office to the highest bidder. Lets take bets on who the wining bid is and gets to dictate American policy!? I think its gonna be Saudi Arabia!

You're describing both of them again
To you who is fine with a neocon Bush/McCain/Romney clone.

By which you mean a decent human being and not a ny liberal, yes even McCain with his flaws at least has a sense of honor.

You rinos are going to regret your vote
"Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic"; so why post it?

What is your agenda C-K?
To save America from that psycho candidate that will sell the oval office to the highest bidder. Lets take bets on who the wining bid is and gets to dictate American policy!? I think its gonna be Saudi Arabia!

You're describing both of them again
To you who is fine with a neocon Bush/McCain/Romney clone.

By which you mean a decent human being and not a ny liberal, yes even McCain with his flaws at least has a sense of honor.

You rinos are going to regret your vote
Neo Cons are NOT decent people they are nothing short of Imperialists and Terrorists. You continue your whine because even if Trump "loses" your kind of cuntservatism is DEAD.
Meanwhile, Trump is actually going on trial in December for sex with a 13-year old with an EYEWITNESS testimony, something almost unheard of in these types of cases.

Even if Trump wins, he's still totally fucked -- Bill Cosby style.
almost unheard of? I agree. Its also unheard of that trump would threaten her familys life if she didn't jerk him off. Get real, dumbfuck

Threatened her and her family if she TOLD anyone, dumbfuck. I know, it's hard to keep track of Trump's threats.
Meanwhile, Trump is actually going on trial in December for sex with a 13-year old with an EYEWITNESS testimony, something almost unheard of in these types of cases.

Even if Trump wins, he's still totally fucked -- Bill Cosby style.
almost unheard of? I agree. Its also unheard of that trump would threaten her familys life if she didn't jerk him off. Get real, dumbfuck

Threatened her and her family if she TOLD anyone, dumbfuck. I know, it's hard to keep track of Trump's threats.
I don't remember that specific part. But lets be real, ok?
Meanwhile, Trump is actually going on trial in December for sex with a 13-year old with an EYEWITNESS testimony, something almost unheard of in these types of cases.

Even if Trump wins, he's still totally fucked -- Bill Cosby style.
almost unheard of? I agree. Its also unheard of that trump would threaten her familys life if she didn't jerk him off. Get real, dumbfuck

Threatened her and her family if she TOLD anyone, dumbfuck. I know, it's hard to keep track of Trump's threats.
I don't remember that specific part. But lets be real, ok?

Agreed, let's be real. You might want to read this entire article, written by her attorney.

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored | Huffington Post
Meanwhile, Trump is actually going on trial in December for sex with a 13-year old with an EYEWITNESS testimony, something almost unheard of in these types of cases.

Even if Trump wins, he's still totally fucked -- Bill Cosby style.
almost unheard of? I agree. Its also unheard of that trump would threaten her familys life if she didn't jerk him off. Get real, dumbfuck

Threatened her and her family if she TOLD anyone, dumbfuck. I know, it's hard to keep track of Trump's threats.
I don't remember that specific part. But lets be real, ok?

Agreed, let's be real. You might want to read this entire article, written by her attorney.

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored | Huffington Post
and Clinton has a black son. Hillary also sent 1.8B dollars to a foreign bank so she could run from the FBI.
There is nothing I know that will make me vote for an Orange clown.
wikileaks atom bomb with Assange fuse and Guccifer plastic explosives
Exclusive: The Democratic National Committee Has Told the FBI It Found Evidence Its HQ Was Bugged
Back to Watergate?
Nov. 4, 2016 4:48 PM
Exclusive: The Democratic National Committee has told the FBI it found evidence its HQ was bugged



In an episode reminiscent of Watergate, the Democratic Party recently informed the FBI that it had collected evidence suggesting its Washington headquarters had been bugged, according to two Democratic National Committee officials who asked not to be named.
Meanwhile, Trump is actually going on trial in December for sex with a 13-year old with an EYEWITNESS testimony, something almost unheard of in these types of cases.

Even if Trump wins, he's still totally fucked -- Bill Cosby style.
almost unheard of? I agree. Its also unheard of that trump would threaten her familys life if she didn't jerk him off. Get real, dumbfuck

Threatened her and her family if she TOLD anyone, dumbfuck. I know, it's hard to keep track of Trump's threats.
I don't remember that specific part. But lets be real, ok?

Agreed, let's be real. You might want to read this entire article, written by her attorney.

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored | Huffington Post
and Clinton has a black son. Hillary also sent 1.8B dollars to a foreign bank so she could run from the FBI.
makes sense, don't it? Idiot
almost unheard of? I agree. Its also unheard of that trump would threaten her familys life if she didn't jerk him off. Get real, dumbfuck

Threatened her and her family if she TOLD anyone, dumbfuck. I know, it's hard to keep track of Trump's threats.
I don't remember that specific part. But lets be real, ok?

Agreed, let's be real. You might want to read this entire article, written by her attorney.

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored | Huffington Post
and Clinton has a black son. Hillary also sent 1.8B dollars to a foreign bank so she could run from the FBI.
makes sense, don't it? Idiot

No, it doesn't.

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