WikiLeaks Will Drop the Atom Bomb on November 5, 2016

Breitphart has infiltrated the NY offices of the FBI.

Not surprising that the disenfranchised white racist are trying to take the country back from the mud people. They are so pissed off after President Obama's two terms that the ends justify the means. They gladly align with a foreign government to achieve their goals.

Of course I can't verify this 100% but..........Ghouliani gave up the conspiracy two days before the penny dropped so to speak.
Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic but previous posting from whoever this person is has proven to pan out. They've called the WikiLeaks dumps from the beginning so I'm inclined to pay attention to this one as bizzare as it may seem.

This dump on the 5th is bone chilling and according to the author its authenticity will be verified by the FBI, CIA and NYPD. When you read this post its pretty fucking freaky and IF this dump happens its going to shake this country to its core.

Before signing off, I want to add they have been saying this was coming for some time and it hasn't. They do explain the delays, which make sense, but that still doesn't validate anything. As I said above I'm inclined not to outright dismiss it because of their track record, whether that holds up is yet to be seen. Remember remember the 5th of November

The post is in two parts, be sure to read both.

/pol/ - Over the next few days many new documents will be - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
I wonder if we all chip in, could they afford a Hydrogen bomb? Just asking?
This is the first time I've ever heard 4chan labeled as an 'alt-right' site. Holy crap. lol
Then you should read more.

It is an alt.right hang out site, not to say that is all who hang out there.

Redit gets a lot of their traffic too but Redit is not all alt.right either.

It's an alternative SOMETHING, but right wingers they are not. That's like saying Alex Jones has been a conservative for the last 8 years. lol
Folks this isn't 100% verified to be authentic
But you will put it up anyway because you enjoy being "Rick Rolled' LOL

Fox anchor Bret Baier on Clinton ‘indictment’ story: ‘It was a mistake, and for that I’m sorry’
Source: Washington Post

Bret Baier is still trying to steer people away from his original report that an indictment was likely to result from the FBI's investigation of Clinton Foundation interactions with the State Department.

"That just wasn’t inartful," he said Friday. "It was a mistake and for that I’m sorry. I should have said they will continue to build their case. 'Indictment,' obviously, is a very loaded word, Jon, especially in this atmosphere, and no one knows if there would or would not be an indictment, no matter how strong investigators feel their evidence is. It’s obviously a prosecutor who has to agree to take the case and make that case to the grand jury."

But a day after the Fox News anchor walked back his earlier report that the FBI probe “will continue to likely an indictment,” his original claim lives on in some conservative news outlets.

As of Friday morning, Sean Hannity's website still has a story on its home page about Baier's “bombshell report.” Hot Air's home page employs the same language: “Bombshell: FBI’s ‘far more expansive’ Clinton investigations leading to ‘likely indictment.’ "

Read more: Fox anchor Bret Baier on Clinton ‘indictment’ story: ‘It was a mistake, and for that I’m sorry’

Well, Bret, Donald Trump is enjoying spouting out your little "mistake" at every event he gives as if it's still gospel truth.

If there was any justice in the world, you wouldn't be fit to give traffic reports for the early morning news report in some second string market.

But you work for Fox News, so I'm sure your job security is just fine and dandy.
Story So Bogus Even Fox Had To Apologize

So Fox News had a weakly sourced dubious story. RCP and The Hill further distorted and added additional falsities. Now even Fox News ... yes, even Fox News has been forced to admit the story was a "mistake." Bret Baier says he's "sorry." This is not typical behavior for Fox. So I guess I give them some limited credit because stories being tendentious or fake or poorly sourced is usually okay at Fox. Maybe the post-Ailes Fox is slightly different.

This was BS from the word go. This is all part of the crop of the Giuliani/FBI/Trump/Fox News bullshit farm. Lies and agitprop, corruption of our basic governmental institutions. Truly a disgrace.

- Josh Marshall
Reading through this thread has lead me to the conclusion that a lot of lefties were triggered and are scared shitless of what may happen ONLY to Clinton. The panic is palpable and I don't understand it. Is all the Dems care about is how this is going to ruin her run? What about all the innocent kids that were violated?

Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?
Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?
I do not mean to upset you however it is Donald Trump who will be going to court for raping a minor child...its a Civil Court trial...pedo LOL

The website in the link looks like something a newb web designer made in 1997. A nine year old with a WYSIWYG web page creator could do better work in half an hour.

It's so stupid, if the evidence were real and there was 'video' and a bunch of other crap it could have been released a week ago with exactly the same effect. God the alt-right loves an empty conspiracy.

Heh. There's a reason why the owner of 4chan can't pay their own server costs and is looking to sell the site.
4chan has been sold to 2chan a site it was designed after.

That article is from last year.

The Worst Site On The Internet Is Going Broke. And This Guy Wants to Buy It.

LOL Thanks. It's just another alt-right steaming pile of nothing that they pass around each other's hands and no one can find the soap.

I tell myself whenever I see a post like this to just drive on by it's really bad mental projection from desperate people, but now and then it's wise to stop and ask what the homeless are all gathered together talking about.

And as usual I find it was a waste of time, thanks for the heads-up.

This is the first time I've ever heard 4chan labeled as an 'alt-right' site. Holy crap. lol

The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies that reject mainstream conservatism in the United States. It is largely Internet-based and found on websites, aka the crazy right winger members on the idiot fringe;

4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images, anonymously which allows those with a limited education and to participate without having a need to know proper English.
Here is though a real Bomb shell not from "wikileak"


Giuliani Brags: ‘You’re Darn Right I Heard’... ‘There’s A Revolution Going On Inside The FBI’...

Guiliani admits he got intel from FBI: That means FBI broke law. Guiliani has no privilege.
Guiliani admitted today that the FBI ("sources" probably retired) told him in advance of their activities v HRC. That is Guiliani telling the world that an agent or agents of the FBI broke the law.

The term "sources" is for reporters. A reporter gets to say "source" and that's generally understood to mean that they don't have to reveal names. But Rudy is not a reporter. He also doesn't seem to have other obvious ways to prevent disclosure of his "source." He isn't likely married to the agent. He doesn't have a lawyer/client relationship with the agent. That means he could be legally compelled to reveal who leaked it.

By the way, if you think the FBI leaking isn't a big deal--it is. Federal crime. Very bad. Even fox knows this.

Unless Rudy pleads the Fifth, he has to reveal his source. And honestly I don't see how a judge would allow him to invoke the Fifth. Hearing leaked info ain't illegal, and therefore there is no real possibility that testifying against the leaker would tend to incriminate him.
"allows those with a limited education to participate"

That is what Faux News does. Who dares step on Faux News' lawn!? The alt-right runs frantically in conspiracy theories like a crazed cat runs through every room in the house. Chasing nothing.
Reading through this thread has lead me to the conclusion that a lot of lefties were triggered and are scared shitless of what may happen ONLY to Clinton. The panic is palpable and I don't understand it. Is all the Dems care about is how this is going to ruin her run? What about all the innocent kids that were violated?

Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?

Please identify the "long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking" and please do name the high elected officials implicated and said organization's management team?

It seems you know much more that I do on this subject, of course I've been retired since "05 but for years before that I ran my agencies domestic violence unit, and supervised deputies working with other law enforcement agencies operating in the rescue of juveniles forced into prostitution under funding by the DOJ, Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act.

What is you background on this serious issue?
Reading through this thread has lead me to the conclusion that a lot of lefties were triggered and are scared shitless of what may happen ONLY to Clinton. The panic is palpable and I don't understand it. Is all the Dems care about is how this is going to ruin her run? What about all the innocent kids that were violated?

Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?

Is that what passes for truth in the alt-wing-media these days? Who have thunk it?

Reading through this thread has lead me to the conclusion that a lot of lefties were triggered and are scared shitless of what may happen ONLY to Clinton. The panic is palpable and I don't understand it. Is all the Dems care about is how this is going to ruin her run? What about all the innocent kids that were violated?

Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?
The democrats fear stinks to high hell now.....
Meanwhile, Trump is actually going on trial in December for sex with a 13-year old with an EYEWITNESS testimony, something almost unheard of in these types of cases.

Even if Trump wins, he's still totally fucked -- Bill Cosby style.
almost unheard of? I agree. Its also unheard of that trump would threaten her familys life if she didn't jerk him off. Get real, dumbfuck
Here is though a real Bomb shell not from "wikileak"


Giuliani Brags: ‘You’re Darn Right I Heard’... ‘There’s A Revolution Going On Inside The FBI’...

Guiliani admits he got intel from FBI: That means FBI broke law. Guiliani has no privilege.
Guiliani admitted today that the FBI ("sources" probably retired) told him in advance of their activities v HRC. That is Guiliani telling the world that an agent or agents of the FBI broke the law.

The term "sources" is for reporters. A reporter gets to say "source" and that's generally understood to mean that they don't have to reveal names. But Rudy is not a reporter. He also doesn't seem to have other obvious ways to prevent disclosure of his "source." He isn't likely married to the agent. He doesn't have a lawyer/client relationship with the agent. That means he could be legally compelled to reveal who leaked it.

By the way, if you think the FBI leaking isn't a big deal--it is. Federal crime. Very bad. Even fox knows this.

Unless Rudy pleads the Fifth, he has to reveal his source. And honestly I don't see how a judge would allow him to invoke the Fifth. Hearing leaked info ain't illegal, and therefore there is no real possibility that testifying against the leaker would tend to incriminate him.

Why do you always put such HUGE text in your posts? If we want to read it, we will. You don't have to scream. :)
Reading through this thread has lead me to the conclusion that a lot of lefties were triggered and are scared shitless of what may happen ONLY to Clinton. The panic is palpable and I don't understand it. Is all the Dems care about is how this is going to ruin her run? What about all the innocent kids that were violated?

Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?

Please identify the "long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking" and please do name the high elected officials implicated and said organization's management team?

It seems you know much more that I do on this subject, of course I've been retired since "05 but for years before that I ran my agencies domestic violence unit, and supervised deputies working with other law enforcement agencies operating in the rescue of juveniles forced into prostitution under funding by the DOJ, Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act.

What is you background on this serious issue?
Is your attention span longer than a few hours or did you not read the OP? Don't ask me these questions.
Here is though a real Bomb shell not from "wikileak"


Giuliani Brags: ‘You’re Darn Right I Heard’... ‘There’s A Revolution Going On Inside The FBI’...

Guiliani admits he got intel from FBI: That means FBI broke law. Guiliani has no privilege.
Guiliani admitted today that the FBI ("sources" probably retired) told him in advance of their activities v HRC. That is Guiliani telling the world that an agent or agents of the FBI broke the law.

The term "sources" is for reporters. A reporter gets to say "source" and that's generally understood to mean that they don't have to reveal names. But Rudy is not a reporter. He also doesn't seem to have other obvious ways to prevent disclosure of his "source." He isn't likely married to the agent. He doesn't have a lawyer/client relationship with the agent. That means he could be legally compelled to reveal who leaked it.

By the way, if you think the FBI leaking isn't a big deal--it is. Federal crime. Very bad. Even fox knows this.

Unless Rudy pleads the Fifth, he has to reveal his source. And honestly I don't see how a judge would allow him to invoke the Fifth. Hearing leaked info ain't illegal, and therefore there is no real possibility that testifying against the leaker would tend to incriminate him.

Why do you always put such HUGE text in your posts? If we want to read it, we will. You don't have to scream. :)

I believe he does so because he has something on an issue worth reporting, and you have nothing of substance to write and need attention.
Heh. There's a reason why the owner of 4chan can't pay their own server costs and is looking to sell the site.
4chan has been sold to 2chan a site it was designed after.

That article is from last year.

The Worst Site On The Internet Is Going Broke. And This Guy Wants to Buy It.

LOL Thanks. It's just another alt-right steaming pile of nothing that they pass around each other's hands and no one can find the soap.

I tell myself whenever I see a post like this to just drive on by it's really bad mental projection from desperate people, but now and then it's wise to stop and ask what the homeless are all gathered together talking about.

And as usual I find it was a waste of time, thanks for the heads-up.

This is the first time I've ever heard 4chan labeled as an 'alt-right' site. Holy crap. lol

The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies that reject mainstream conservatism in the United States. It is largely Internet-based and found on websites, aka the crazy right winger members on the idiot fringe;

4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images, anonymously which allows those with a limited education and to participate without having a need to know proper English.

Really though, 'alt-right' just sounds like the latest in a long history of made-up catchphrases and punchlines designed to make partisan sheeple feel like they're 'hip,' and 'with it,' as they dutifully bicker back-and-forth from the cattle corral over which tu(R)(D) is shinier this year.

Over the last 8 years, I've seen Libs defend police departments receiving MRAPs and other weapons of war, and they even defended the President's decision to assassinate an American citizen, because things are (D)ifferent now.

Conversely, I've seen Cons take to actually listening to the dumb shit Alex Jones has to say, because things aren't differ(R)ent anymore.
Reading through this thread has lead me to the conclusion that a lot of lefties were triggered and are scared shitless of what may happen ONLY to Clinton. The panic is palpable and I don't understand it. Is all the Dems care about is how this is going to ruin her run? What about all the innocent kids that were violated?

Dem's don't you care about a long standing and well established pedo ring that involves human trafficking with some of our highest elected officials implicated in all of it? All you care about is HRC's run? The fuck is wrong with you?
nice hiding behind children, helen lovejoy.

the fuck is wrong with you? <--on topic

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