Will 3 years of Doug Jones be enough for ALABAMA?

Will Jones win again in 2020?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 10 90.9%

  • Total voters
This was a special election, so Jones WILL NOT serve 6 years.

Sessions won the election in 2014. The next election for that seat will be in 2020.

3 years of Jones.....do you think he will win again in 2020?
Jones's future entirely depends on who the Democrats hack up for President in 2020.

2020 will be all about trying to unseat Trump. If there is a big enough rising tide for the Democratic Presidential candidate, then Jones's boat will be lifted along with it.
While Dems should OBVIOUSLY be happy about the Jones win in a VERY red state, that seat will go back to red in 2020.

Moore was a garbage candidate.

The Dem strategy worked.

Take some shit from 40 years ago and pull it out of your ass a few weeks prior to the election, but DEFINITELY after the primaries.

This is calculated politics at its finest.

PUBS should take note of how the Dems do their business, and then fight fire with fire.
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This was a special election, so Jones WILL NOT serve 6 years.

Sessions won the election in 2014. The next election for that seat will be in 2020.

3 years of Jones.....do you think he will win again in 2020?
Doug who?

We saw Roy Moore everywhere, but where were Doug Moore interviews? Who knows what he stands for? They played Moore speeches. But I never saw a Jones speech.

The media tried to give us a "Mini Trump". It's time they were held accountable.

Who the fuck is Doug Moore?
Franken's seat is also up in 2020.

That seat is not in danger at all for the Dems.

Minnesota is so liberal they are the ONLY state that voted for WALTER FUCKING MONDALE.

Mondale lost 525 - 13......10 of the 13 was MINNESOTA, the other 3 were from Washington DC.

Jones will lose the seat to a Republican in 2020. Minnesota will stay Democrat in Franken's seat in 2020.
Minnesota is less liberal than California.

Trump almost won Minnesota.
The Republicans will find a better candidate from Alabama, and win the seat back in 2020.

If they do NOT accomplish that, they should all resign and work as carnies.

Pubs need to start digging up dirt from 40 years ago on these Dem candidates.

Republicans bring bananas to gunfights. Time to stop being pussies.
Today, on the news, they were talking about Jones beating Moore and one very interesting little fact came up.

Seems that approx 1.5 percent of the vote was write in candidates, because many people in AL didn't want to vote for Moore (and yes, the write in candidates were mainly cast by GOP voters).

Moore lost to Jones by approx 1.5 percent.

Think that if Moore had spent the last weekend campaigning instead of going and spending it at the Army Navy game, he could have won? I do, especially when you consider the amount of write in votes.
This was a special election, so Jones WILL NOT serve 6 years.

Sessions won the election in 2014. The next election for that seat will be in 2020.

3 years of Jones.....do you think he will win again in 2020?

Jones is a lame duck 1 day after his election. While Alabama polls are screwy, I was told the odds were 55-45 Jones would win because of the Moore allegations, and the fact Alabama really wasn't all that excited about him to start with.

In the meantime, Jones will vote with Shumer for sure, but here is the caveat---------------->now Moore has time if he so chooses to clear his name. If these allegations are true, he will just slink away. If they are not true, watch what happens, lol. Remember, only Moore can keep himself in the spotlight, and only will if he can clear his name; the media has moved on because they succeeded. So if he was railroaded, just watch what will happen if down the way a piece, it is proven it was a conspiracy.

Then again, if he is guilty, he deserved to LOSE! Time will tell, but I am telling you to watch the news between now and February. The Democrats are in for a very rough ride-)
Today, on the news, they were talking about Jones beating Moore and one very interesting little fact came up.

Seems that approx 1.5 percent of the vote was write in candidates, because many people in AL didn't want to vote for Moore (and yes, the write in candidates were mainly cast by GOP voters).

Moore lost to Jones by approx 1.5 percent.

Think that if Moore had spent the last weekend campaigning instead of going and spending it at the Army Navy game, he could have won? I do, especially when you consider the amount of write in votes.

This way well be the case, just as if Hillary would dragged her pilled up and drunken ass through "THE BLUE WALL" one last time, she would have one.

Hell, one of those states she NEVER VISITED, because she thought she had it won....I think maybe Michigan?

Candidates usually have no one but themselves to blame for losing.
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