Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

This is not a one-term mess nor is the entirety of it exclusively the fault of Obama. Neither is it entirely the fault of Bush. The housing disaster began decades ago, gradually becoming the snowball from hell with the passage of more and more poorly constructed changes and course corrections that only aggravated the situation. Obama simply exacerbated a multi-pronged package of disasters thru an obvious lack of knowledge and experience. He simply did not comprehend the scope of the situation and blindly forged ahead with his own agenda, tossing softballs at the financial problems and leaping headlong into the 1 1/2 yrs of healthcare debacle.

And it will take more than a new president. Even one with maturity, experience and strong leadership qualities. It always takes two to tango and if our Congress, ALL of them, continue to refuse to work together, it's going to be another long, hard slog...............

I pray we will end up with some adults in the room.

While no doubt Romney is a better choice than Papa Obama
the real changes we need- real entitlement reform, an overhaul of the tax code
and a decentralization of power from DC will be hard battles.
already the right is making excuses for Romneys anticipated failure.
But the left cannot blame Obama's failures on Bush at all.

Ohh this is just precious.

Not at all
if anything it is a realization that Romney will need at least 8 years to clean
up Papa Obama's mess (probably 16 but that is not allowed)

Precious is your false claims to be independent
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While no doubt Romney is a better choice than Papa Obama
the real changes we need- real entitlement reform, an overhaul of the tax code
and a decentralization of power from DC will be hard battles.

Those battles will not even take place during Romneys presidency should he win.

While no doubt Romney is a better choice than Papa Obama
the real changes we need- real entitlement reform, an overhaul of the tax code
and a decentralization of power from DC will be hard battles.

Those battles will not even take place during Romneys presidency should he win.


but chances are better under him then Papa Obama
already the right is making excuses for Romneys anticipated failure.
But the left cannot blame Obama's failures on Bush at all.

Ohh this is just precious.

Not at all
if anything it is a realization that Romney will need at least 8 years to clean
up Papa Obama's mess (probably 16 but that is not allowed)

Precious is your false claims to be independent

And the left says the same things about Obama cleaning up Bush's mess.

Ohh this is just too precious of a demonstration of partisan blinders.

this is exactly the game those in power want us to play.
Enjoy being used.
Anticipated failure?

Are you claiming that Romney has promised to cure all this country's ills in one term?

He can't be a failure unless he promises to do something and doesn't.

And if you are admitting Obama is actually responsible for his own failures; i.e. broken promises, why should he be blaming them on Bush?
already the right is making excuses for Romneys anticipated failure.
But the left cannot blame Obama's failures on Bush at all.

Ohh this is just precious.

Not at all
if anything it is a realization that Romney will need at least 8 years to clean
up Papa Obama's mess (probably 16 but that is not allowed)

Precious is your false claims to be independent

And the left says the same things about Obama cleaning up Bush's mess.

Ohh this is just too precious of a demonstration of partisan blinders.

this is exactly the game those in power want us to play.
Enjoy being used.

Of course they do

But if things really do improve under Romney, unlike Papa Obama,
then the argument is different

Again, your claims of being independent are rather hollow
just like Papa Obama
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The jobs numbers for this month were lower than expected by half, but yet, there were still jobs ADDED.

And............let's not forget, that under Obama we've seen a steady job GROWTH for quite a few months now.

Jobs have steadily increased in the private sector while dropping in the public sector.

I thought that's what the GOP wanted, smaller government and an increase in private sector jobs.
and the last few months were adjusted with less jobs as well

Fewer people in gov't jobs does not equate to smaller gov't

Obama is not working
we need to change Presidents
and the last few months were adjusted with less jobs as well

Fewer people in gov't jobs does not equate to smaller gov't

Obama is not working
we need to change Presidents

One month of poor job growth does not signal a trend.

Nice try at cherry picking though.
Papa Obama's lowest unemployment numbers still come
from the first day he took over from Bush
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neither is Papa Obama

But then anybody with any real experience
would probably have kept our bond rating from
getting lowered
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But you seem to be overlooking the small fact that when new jobs are not even sufficient in number to keep pace with an ever increasing population, that GROWTH is meaningless.

Real growth when dealing with high unemployment must be a number sufficient to cover newly added population plus putting a hunk of unemployed back to work.

That is not happening.

This continuous "growth" over the past many months that Obama claims is somehow relevant doesn't even begin to solve the problem.

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