Will a 3rd Party every be relevant in the US?

All the third party shit sounds good in theory.

Put any of it into action and it dissolves. Mostly for the reasons I gave. The major parties are not immune from compromise nor are they forbidden from stealing or adopting any of the same resolutions from a would be 3rd. Party.
Sure, if the two "major" parties were sane, this wouldn't be an issue.

They are not, and they're getting worse by the day.

I think we would all like to see a list of at least 5 specific ways that a 3rd party would do better with than what we have.

Lets start with

1. National Security
2. The Economy
3. Crime
4. Social Issues
5. Foreign Policies
There isn't a platform, so there is no answer to your question.

An intelligent third party would take ideas from both ends, and it would come up with new ideas.

The tribes have their talking points set in stone, and that's the problem.

Like I said.

Sounds good in theory. . .

Try getting into specifics without it falling apart.
No reason to try. You won't like anything.

You'll obediently vote with your tribe, and that's fine.

I'm not trying to change your mind on anything.

Why are you thinking this is about me and what I like?
We need an ideological cleansing in this country. Liberals and Conservatives have found a way to exploit our thinking through social media, and 24-7 news and I think we are too far gone. You should not get excited when something terrible happens, if that means proving your point politically. I do not know how to change that...
Trumps men will destroy the insane greed of all the democrat leaders and the rino republicans

Men will ask themselves will they let the nation fall or stop the women's vote who vote in their worst enemy the Muslims

How do wise men protect women and children??

Maybe by stopping their voting in harm

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