Will A Fascist Save The Republican Party & America??

I promise you all, no matter how abominable you think the next Democrat leader is, you do not want to entertain fascism as a pathway to victory for the right. It is a virus that will not stop at the Democrats, or immigrants, or socialist lefties, or the globalists you so fear, and it will as historical fact take over and burn this country to the ground.

Nothing will bring the United States to an end more quickly than entertaining fascism. I promise you.
In case you've been under a rock for the last few years, first we'll have a quick history lesson.
The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (Nazi's for short), had men that began trashing and breaking into businesses of not only Jews, but anyone that didn't support them. The uniforms they initially created for their followers, were called the "brown-shirts." Mussolini's "Fascist" movement did the same thing, although they were called the "black-shirts."
Fast forward to the last few years, leftists (Antifa, Marxists and those supporting their ideology, wore black-shirts, black-pants, black-sneakers, black-stocking caps, red bandanas and/or red shirts. THESE are the true Fascists. They rioted, committed arson, beat/murdered people and looted. The same tactics as the actual Italian Fascists and German Nazis.
The vast majority of the people on the right only stood on sidewalks and waved at people and also waved our National Flag.
Fascism was about "BIG GOVERNMENT" and control over peoples lives.
Republicans are about "SMALLER GOVERNMENT" and less control over our lives. Less interference and allowing people to make their own way in life.
Just because some woman spread her legs and spit you out, doesn't mandate that the government is supposed to be responsible for you. YOU are solely responsible for you, not your government.
I promise you all, no matter how abominable you think the next Democrat leader is, you do not want to entertain fascism as a pathway to victory for the right. It is a virus that will not stop at the Democrats, or immigrants, or socialist lefties, or the globalists you so fear, and it will as historical fact take over and burn this country to the ground.

Nothing will bring the United States to an end more quickly than entertaining fascism. I promise you.
In case you've been under a rock for the last few years, first we'll have a quick history lesson.
The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (Nazi's for short), had men that began trashing and breaking into businesses of not only Jews, but anyone that didn't support them. The uniforms they initially created for their followers, were called the "brown-shirts." Mussolini's "Fascist" movement did the same thing, although they were called the "black-shirts."
Fast forward to the last few years, leftists (Antifa, Marxists and those supporting their ideology, wore black-shirts, black-pants, black-sneakers, black-stocking caps, red bandanas and/or red shirts. THESE are the true Fascists. They rioted, committed arson, beat/murdered people and looted. The same tactics as the actual Italian Fascists and German Nazis.
The vast majority of the people on the right only stood on sidewalks and waved at people and also waved our National Flag.
Fascism was about "BIG GOVERNMENT" and control over peoples lives.
Republicans are about "SMALLER GOVERNMENT" and less control over our lives. Less interference and allowing people to make their own way in life.
Just because some woman spread her legs and spit you out, doesn't mandate that the government is supposed to be responsible for you. YOU are solely responsible for you, not your government.
Hyperbole is fun when reality and the actual facts don't back up your delusions...
I promise you all, no matter how abominable you think the next Democrat leader is, you do not want to entertain fascism as a pathway to victory for the right. It is a virus that will not stop at the Democrats, or immigrants, or socialist lefties, or the globalists you so fear, and it will as historical fact take over and burn this country to the ground.

Nothing will bring the United States to an end more quickly than entertaining fascism. I promise you.
In case you've been under a rock for the last few years, first we'll have a quick history lesson.
The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (Nazi's for short), had men that began trashing and breaking into businesses of not only Jews, but anyone that didn't support them. The uniforms they initially created for their followers, were called the "brown-shirts." Mussolini's "Fascist" movement did the same thing, although they were called the "black-shirts."
Fast forward to the last few years, leftists (Antifa, Marxists and those supporting their ideology, wore black-shirts, black-pants, black-sneakers, black-stocking caps, red bandanas and/or red shirts. THESE are the true Fascists. They rioted, committed arson, beat/murdered people and looted. The same tactics as the actual Italian Fascists and German Nazis.
The vast majority of the people on the right only stood on sidewalks and waved at people and also waved our National Flag.
Fascism was about "BIG GOVERNMENT" and control over peoples lives.
Republicans are about "SMALLER GOVERNMENT" and less control over our lives. Less interference and allowing people to make their own way in life.
Just because some woman spread her legs and spit you out, doesn't mandate that the government is supposed to be responsible for you. YOU are solely responsible for you, not your government.
Hyperbole is fun when reality and the actual facts don't back up your delusions...

What did he say that was wrong?
I promise you all, no matter how abominable you think the next Democrat leader is, you do not want to entertain fascism as a pathway to victory for the right. It is a virus that will not stop at the Democrats, or immigrants, or socialist lefties, or the globalists you so fear, and it will as historical fact take over and burn this country to the ground.

Nothing will bring the United States to an end more quickly than entertaining fascism. I promise you.
In case you've been under a rock for the last few years, first we'll have a quick history lesson.
The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (Nazi's for short), had men that began trashing and breaking into businesses of not only Jews, but anyone that didn't support them. The uniforms they initially created for their followers, were called the "brown-shirts." Mussolini's "Fascist" movement did the same thing, although they were called the "black-shirts."
Fast forward to the last few years, leftists (Antifa, Marxists and those supporting their ideology, wore black-shirts, black-pants, black-sneakers, black-stocking caps, red bandanas and/or red shirts. THESE are the true Fascists. They rioted, committed arson, beat/murdered people and looted. The same tactics as the actual Italian Fascists and German Nazis.
The vast majority of the people on the right only stood on sidewalks and waved at people and also waved our National Flag.
Fascism was about "BIG GOVERNMENT" and control over peoples lives.
Republicans are about "SMALLER GOVERNMENT" and less control over our lives. Less interference and allowing people to make their own way in life.
Just because some woman spread her legs and spit you out, doesn't mandate that the government is supposed to be responsible for you. YOU are solely responsible for you, not your government.
Hyperbole is fun when reality and the actual facts don't back up your delusions...

What did he say that was wrong?
Republicans are not for smaller government...government expanded under Bush astronomically and Republicans didn't say a word....

And as much as we throw the words "brown shirts" and "Nazis" around....when it comes to REAL NEO-NAZIS...when it came to choosing a party they felt most aligned with them......it damn sure wasn't Democrats.....they are consistently choosing republican....which is why you keep having record numbers of white nationalists and neo-nazis running as Republican....why do they feel their chances are better with that party??

When Republicans talk about small government; what they mean is austerity on the middle and poorer classes while they lavish all of the excesses of government power on the wealthy......
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And it's funny how Trumpers could cheer along with Trump when he told them the "economic system" was rigged against them...but never told you how......

According to you "conservatives" -- there is no way a system could be rigged against you....if you feel you are not succeeding politically, economically or socially...it is your fault...right?

Not some nefarious kabaal or Deep State conspiring against you...controlling all of the departments of government.....which is basically what you morons claim........
I promise you all, no matter how abominable you think the next Democrat leader is, you do not want to entertain fascism as a pathway to victory for the right. It is a virus that will not stop at the Democrats, or immigrants, or socialist lefties, or the globalists you so fear, and it will as historical fact take over and burn this country to the ground.

Nothing will bring the United States to an end more quickly than entertaining fascism. I promise you.
In case you've been under a rock for the last few years, first we'll have a quick history lesson.
The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party (Nazi's for short), had men that began trashing and breaking into businesses of not only Jews, but anyone that didn't support them. The uniforms they initially created for their followers, were called the "brown-shirts." Mussolini's "Fascist" movement did the same thing, although they were called the "black-shirts."
Fast forward to the last few years, leftists (Antifa, Marxists and those supporting their ideology, wore black-shirts, black-pants, black-sneakers, black-stocking caps, red bandanas and/or red shirts. THESE are the true Fascists. They rioted, committed arson, beat/murdered people and looted. The same tactics as the actual Italian Fascists and German Nazis.
The vast majority of the people on the right only stood on sidewalks and waved at people and also waved our National Flag.
Fascism was about "BIG GOVERNMENT" and control over peoples lives.
Republicans are about "SMALLER GOVERNMENT" and less control over our lives. Less interference and allowing people to make their own way in life.
Just because some woman spread her legs and spit you out, doesn't mandate that the government is supposed to be responsible for you. YOU are solely responsible for you, not your government.
Hey there. I don't know you personally, of course, but based on this post, you don't seem to know political theory, international politics, or history. I promise you this isn't partisan; this is just background. I'll make it as short as I can.

Nazis were not socialists. They called themselves "National Socialists" because a) socialism was popular among the working-class people they wanted to recruit, and b) it was their way of saying that where socialism seeks to distribute products equally among everyone, "national socialism" seeks to distribute products equally among "pure" Aryan Germans only.

Fascist does not just mean violent, although a lot of people use it that way these days. Fascism adapts itself to the culture, and Nazis were a German fascist movement; they also had strict social classes and private ownership of industry, both of which socialists famously reject. Nazis and Mussolini's (big F) Fascists were violent, absolutely, but that's not what defines a group as (little f) fascist; lots of groups are violent.

Some (but not all) of the people who got violent last year were indeed from Black Lives Matter, Antifa, or other left-wing groups, but neither their violence nor their choice of clothing means they were fascist. They were protesting because they felt they were being denied their Constitutional rights to equal protection under the law—even if you think they weren't, that's how they felt—and some got angry and violent, as people get when they think their rights are being denied. This is the exact opposite of fascism. which pushes to tear down democratic ideals, not try to get them.

Branding everyone who isn't into small government as the same is extremely simplistic. Fascists are for a big, nationalist, authoritarian government that has private but heavily influenced industry, hates labor unions, rejects democracy, squashes human rights, and places its ruling class on top of an aristocracy. Liberals are for a big, socialism-friendly government that wants public ownership of industries such as health care, loves labor unions, can be a democracy, pushes for social justice, and thinks everyone should be treated equally regardless of who they are (or, for that matter, how much they have contributed).

It's easiest to think of who's who in terms of the left and the right, and democracy vs. authoritarianism. Liberals and Communists are both on the left (Everyone is equal!), but liberalism works in democracies while Communism runs on dictatorship; that's why you see people with hammer-and-sickle flags protesting (and recruiting) at BLM rallies. Just the same, conservatives and fascists are both inherently right-wing (some people deserve more), but fascists replace conservative beliefs (people who work hard deserve more) with nationalist ones (people from a special demographic deserve more).

Liberals and conservatives can both function in a democracy such as ours, but fascists and Communists are both authoritarians with radically opposite views on how to run things. Fascism and Communism both want to destroy democracies, smash dissension, shut down the press, control industry, and strip their people of every human right that they might have. They are both death sentences for our American system, but these days fascism is having a lot more success taking root.

I didn't do very well keeping it short. Sorry about that, but there you are.

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