Will America wake up when trump is found to be a foreign agent?

You may be tempted to think that the Trump supporters on this forum are extremists who are harmless and don't represent the feeling of the majority of Americans.

If so, it's time for you to take stock of your confidence in Americans coming to their senses in time to save all that is at risk.

Apparently they are about 35% of the Republican party.
He could start by expanding E Verify in Florida and fining Florida employers who hire illegals.
Another stupid comment. It shouldn’t be his job to deal with the illegals to begin with. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a choice
Desantis? He's already sabotaged his election. He's a spiteful bully. He could have been a rockstar until he sent those illegals out of state instead of solving the problem.
Be cautious of being over-confident. If Trump is eliminated, there will be a huge groundswell of support for DeSantis to take Trump's place.
Remember how I told you people how it's different than it was with Hitler, had July 20th. succeeded. It would have been over. Not so in America.
You defend democrats
Why do DNC cultists always claim to be libertarians. A fucking libertarian wouldn't support Jo Biden or defend him
Awww, in other threads I blame Biden, Pelosi and Schumer for their failure on immigration but hey if you are that retarded to think I like any of you, well you keep on shinning that retardation!
Another stupid comment. It shouldn’t be his job to deal with the illegals to begin with. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a choice

Desantis can contribute to the problem as he is doing now.... Or he can invest his 8 million dollars in fining employers.
He could start by expanding E Verify in Florida and fining Florida employers who hire illegals.
The Federal Government and those like you will come down on him if he does anything against illegals.

So tell the board when will Biden, Pelosi and Schumer do their job?
Desantis can contribute to the problem as he is doing now.... Or he can invest his 8 million dollars in fining employers.
Please tell us how he’s contributing to the problem? You mean he should keep the illegals that the LEFT LIBERALS threw out???😃😃
I notice you do not find ANY fault with the Federal Government. Typical of the Hypocrisy of the Left.
The Federal Government and those like you will come down on him if he does anything against illegals.

So tell the board when will Biden, Pelosi and Schumer do their job?
You are NOT going to get a response.
Awww, in other threads I blame Biden, Pelosi and Schumer for their failure on immigration but hey if you are that retarded to think I like any of you, well you keep on shinning that retardation!
Sure you do lol

There are some startling revelations in this article. When the truth about trump finally does come out...it may be too late. Our democracy could be gone.

He and his cult in the MAGA repub party have degraded faith in our electoral system.
"Shvets told the story — from his own knowledge — of how Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987 and were essentially recruited or seduced by the KGB, a trip corroborated by Luke Harding in his book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win."

Trump the usefull idiot.
You remind me of SimpleJack from Tropic Thunder, tbh.
Never go full retard.
And yet you remind me of someone in the backwoods of ArKansas that has a straight line for a family tree but enough about your ancestry and the fact is you love Trump so much and yet he is a closet Democrat!
Apparently they are about 35% of the Republican party.
Without Trump, and regardless of how he's stopped, the support for the Republican party's chosen leader could be increased to huge numbers overnight.

Hitler captured close to complete support of the German people and those who resisted vocally were assassinated.

You and so many other Americans need to start taking the situation more seriously.
Doesn't the momentum of this thread speak loudly already?
And yet you remind me of someone in the backwoods of ArKansas that has a straight line for a family tree but enough about your ancestry and the fact is you love Trump so much and yet he is a closet Democrat!
Nice run-on sentence and comma usage, fool.
Also, "Arkansas" has only one capital letter in it, you illiterate imbecile.
Without Trump, and regardless of how he's stopped, the support for the Republican party's chosen leader could be increased to huge numbers overnight.

Hitler captured close to complete support of the German people and those who resisted vocally were assassinated.

You and so many other Americans need to start taking the situation more seriously.
Doesn't the momentum of this thread speak loudly already?

Yep. In 1933 Hitler purged the German government of socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats.

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