Will an Obama loss turn to rioting?

Who the fuck do you think obama supporters are, a bunch of thugs and hoodlums who want an excuse to riot so we can steal a bunch of televisions and nikes? FY.

Yes! Remember when Bush won the the classless liberals egged his motorcade!!!

How quick you people forget that liberals are so intolerate they can't accept defeat!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAp6YAPtC2c]George W. Bush Inauguration (2001) - YouTube[/ame]

And this one will be worse Bush's win. Since:
(1) Obama has lead the country by dividing the country! He leads the DESTRUCTIVE message of class warfare, to which the taker-side feels unjustifiably cheated!

(2) Call it prejuidice if you want (because that is the mental midgets ONLY comeback), but it's reality. Obama is the first African American president. The African American community as a whole errupts into chaos and rioting when big POLITICAL issues don't go their way. WATTS, Detriot and of course LA!!! Don't expect any different when he loses. ESPECIALLY, when all this race hustling President does is flame the myth that the White Rich MAN puts them down.

(3) The economy is shit now and is heading in the wrong direction! That is a receipt for disaster no matter WHO wins!!!

(4) Obama is running the most NEGATIVE, NASTY and UNTRUTHFUL campaign in US history!!! He is trying to win by enraging people's RAW EMOTIONS on propaganda and lies! That's a dangerous game and will explode one way or another!!!
Is it also racist to point out South Africa is the rape, AIDS, car-jacking and baby rape capital of the world.

Well yes, when you have to lie about a country in order to try to make a race claim that makes you....racist.

Are there any white folks in South Africa, GHook?

I Luv SA: Child rape capital of the world
It's a fact and yes there are white people in SA (even though it's a RAPIDLY shrinking demographic), but read the stats (THE ACTUAL STATS DICKHEAD) and see who is making SA the baby rape capital of the world!
Well yes, when you have to lie about a country in order to try to make a race claim that makes you....racist. South Africa doesn't have the highest rate of rape in the world. It does not have the highest rate of HIV or AIDS.

Need I go on? I assume you are aware that white people live in SA, right?

LOL, SA Police estimate a woman is raped every 36 seconds...yes I'd say you are an idiot...and apparently one that can't read.

So you don't have any evidence that the whites and blacks in SA lead the world in rape or AIDS?

OK then. Just keep defending your point with unrelated facts and calling me an idiot. It's working so well for ya.

Will you riot if Obama wins?

Child rape epidemic below. The other showed you the rape epidemic
South Africa’s child-rape epidemic | Photographers Blog

SA has the most case per capitia of AIDS in the world!!!
SA the 'HIV capital of the world' | News24
The African American community as a whole errupts into chaos and rioting when big POLITICAL issues don't go their way. WATTS, Detriot and of course LA!!!
The white folk just blow up buildings and shoot up churches.

Them white folks is scary!

And those WHITE folk were wrong and I hope they are paying for their sins in the afterlife. But since those white folk were monsters, it excuses the horrendous acts of Black folks?

This thread was about are there going to be riots when Obama loses and you call it RACIST to point out that the black community will be in enraged!
obama might not have to lose. Democrat operatives are ready to start now.

State senator and protesters tangle during Paul Ryan soapbox | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs

“They were getting out of control and pushing these gentlemen around and yelling so people couldn’t listen to our vice presidential candidate,” Ernst said. “One of them grabbed my daughter and was jostling her around.”

Her husband ended up with blood on his sleeve – not his own, but likely from a papercut one protester sustained trying to rip her husband’s Romney campaign sign out of his hands, Ernst said.

“When you’ve got people manhandling elderly people and children, it’s ridiculous,” she said.
A neg rep from the biggest racist idiot on the board with a "go FUCK YOURSELF" in the comment section....

Is that the equivalent of a Pos rep?

Yes...It's like the KKK frowning at you and saying "We disapprove".

I'm a KKK member! Laughable! Funny how pointing to stats makes you a racist! Pointing out a likely consequence of when Obama loses is racist!

I honestly don't care about the PCness, if that makes me a racist so be it!
And those WHITE folk were wrong and I hope they are paying for their sins in the afterlife. But since those white folk were monsters, it excuses the horrendous acts of Black folks?

No, there are "monsters" in both races.

But in the case of whites, you never hear any so-called conservatarians talking in general terms about negative behaviors. That only happens with black people.

Just read a few threads here. It's obvious. White crazies are mental, they are unbalanced, they have something wrong, lone wolfs....black crazies? Well, they're just black people behavin' like black people.

Ditto, Muslims. and anyone else defined as "those people".
The African American community as a whole errupts into chaos and rioting when big POLITICAL issues don't go their way. WATTS, Detriot and of course LA!!!
The white folk just blow up buildings and shoot up churches.

Them white folks is scary!

And those WHITE folk were wrong and I hope they are paying for their sins in the afterlife. But since those white folk were monsters, it excuses the horrendous acts of Black folks?

This thread was about are there going to be riots when Obama loses and you call it RACIST to point out that the black community will be in enraged!

They will? How do you know they will be enraged?
A neg rep from the biggest racist idiot on the board with a "go FUCK YOURSELF" in the comment section....

Is that the equivalent of a Pos rep?

Yes...It's like the KKK frowning at you and saying "We disapprove".

I'm a KKK member! Laughable! Funny how pointing to stats makes you a racist! Pointing out a likely consequence of when Obama loses is racist!

I honestly don't care about the PCness, if that makes me a racist so be it!

Reading comprehension...may I suggest you take a class?
Who the fuck do you think obama supporters are, a bunch of thugs and hoodlums who want an excuse to riot so we can steal a bunch of televisions and nikes? FY.

Obama supporters are several different factions. The thugs and hoodlums are one faction. The Crips, Bloods, Eric Holder and the New Black Panthers, these are all down for the One. But you also have the unions and the public employees.
Who cares if there is rioting. The police should take a hard line and not hesitate to shoot. We could eliminate a large portion of the inner city criminal element.

During the LA Riots, the police stood back and watched. Koreans on their stores with rifles were the ones keeping a semblance of order.

I work at Florence and Telegraph. Normandy is down the road a couple of miles, but it was still close enough.
"highest percentage of AIDS in the world per capita".

Quoted again for posterity's sake. You should probably avoid attempting to use stats.

South Africa was a civilized and modern country. Prosperous and technologically advanced.

Now it isn't.

What changed?

Prosperous and civilized? This is a joke...right? amiright?

Is it any wonder blacks don't vote Republican.


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